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<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> Hi
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> I recently got my hands on a Rock 5b and successfully booted Armbian (Armbian 22.11 Jammy CLI) from an SD card.
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> I then wanted to install the OS into a sata3 ssd connected using an USB3.1 enclosure, but, so far, I haven't been successful.
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> This is what I've done:
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> * boot from sd-card
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> * install into the ssd using armbian-config
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> * install the bootloader into the SPI
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> After this, I shut it down, removed the sd card, but when I powered it up again, the green light turn on, but shortly after the blue light turns on and then nothing really happens. No image, no network activity, nothing...
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> I also tried these instructions to install the bootloader into the SPI, but the problem still ocurs:
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> Am I doing something wrong?
<Armbian-Discord> <S​pace267> Thank you