lanefu changed the topic of #armbian-rockchip to: Armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Rockchip SoC | | This channel is relayed to the equivalent Discord channel | this channel is logged
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> But mac's just work, that's why they're so expensive and refuse to follow standards
<lanefu> Well accelerated video encoding and decoding just works
<lanefu> And usb-pd charging lol
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Has battery
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Will charge
<lanefu> Lol
<lanefu> A real piece of kit.
<Armbian-Discord> <N​icoD> Nice channel. Thank you, gives me something to binge. Festive cheers 😉
<lanefu> Hope you're doing well Nicod
<Armbian-Discord> <N​icoD> I'm ok, hope you are too. Still missing your presence. irc is for old people :p