[Discord] <lanefu> (that's the model in his test logs)
[Discord] <lanefu> Is the early serial console giving the drive and controller the extra nanoseconds to init in time lol
[Discord] <igorpec> i would not be surprised in something like this
[Discord] <lanefu> Alright well I pointed the GitHub thread to forum and forum to GitHub thread. My paper trail diligence is complete
chewitt has quit [Quit: Zzz..]
[Discord] <rpardini> I sincerely can't believe that was merged, but, hey, it's life. Good thing someone caught it. I reverted it in my fork
[Discord] <lanefu> I need see if I can verify since I have same issue with an Evo 860 drive as well
[Discord] <tdpomeroy> So I have a question for anyone who has the answer I have a bpi-cm4 with an amlogic a311d I'm trying to use it in a btt pad5 or m8p carrier board most times and most os that I've tried the USB doesn't work
[Discord] <tdpomeroy> I've tried building armbian but it's the same the USB doesn't work but it does in Android and does in Ubuntu from banana pi wiki
[Discord] <tdpomeroy> Is there a driver that I need to build in the kernel
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> try this overlay ```
[Discord] <tdpomeroy> I also want to use it on a dsi display
[Discord] <tdpomeroy> I should probably get this part working before worrying about the display
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> The above overlay works on the waveshare boards, so worth a try.
[Discord] <tdpomeroy> So how can I add the over lay if I can't get the boot partition to load on my desktop card reader and I can't use the keyboard on the device
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> I don't have the carrier board or display you are using, so its tough for me to help you there. I actually haven't tested the DSI port at all as I don't have a display yet, but its on the list of things to get.
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> Looks very exciting, but a bit to expensive for me to make work once and than stick in a corner. Short of one falling out of the sky or someone donating the unit to Armbian, I don't believe I'll be messing with this. Does look nice though.
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> Would adding a `sleep` to PREBOOT achieve the same goal?
[Discord] <lanefu> Hopefully. Is that a build config setting or something I can pass from boot.scr
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> defconfig option
[Discord] <lanefu> Can't test tonight unfortunately. Must go back and confront the adjustment of my ebrake shoes