whitequark[cis] changed the topic of #amaranth-lang to: Amaranth hardware definition language · weekly meetings: Amaranth each Mon 1700 UTC, Amaranth SoC each Fri 1700 UTC · play https://amaranth-lang.org/play/ · code https://github.com/amaranth-lang · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/amaranth-lang · Matrix #amaranth-lang:matrix.org
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<_whitenotifier-3> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±2] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io/compare/3a1cbe7cbe70...798fc696a490
<_whitenotifier-3> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 798fc69 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/playground@2ff1cc76747b59dc2159c2c10f6461f954742237 🚀
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<_whitenotifier-3> [amaranth] psychogenic opened issue #1470: Usability: better documentation required for Instance instantiation/interaction with platform resources - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/1470
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