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<_whitenotifier-8> [YoWASP/yosys] whitequark pushed 1 commit to develop [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/YoWASP/yosys/compare/e382f0571ae2...5c7150b3ff57
<_whitenotifier-8> [YoWASP/yosys] whitequark 5c7150b - Update dependencies.
<_whitenotifier-8> [YoWASP/nextpnr] whitequark pushed 1 commit to develop [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/YoWASP/nextpnr/compare/d85b771edb7c...0608f3a479b4
<_whitenotifier-8> [YoWASP/nextpnr] whitequark 0608f3a - Update dependencies.
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<galibert[m]> Ah damn annoying, it feels like what I'm trying to do can't work
<FL4SHK> I am very happy with the progress I made on my interface objects
<Psentee> FYI I wrapped my Nix overlay with bleeding edge Yosys toolchain and Amaranth into a reusable flake in case somebody finds it useful: https://gitlab.com/psentee/yoverlay
<whitequark> oh nice!
<tpw_rules> why clang stdenv?
<tpw_rules> nixpkgs also has some infra built in for automatic updating but i'm not really sure how it works Psentee
<Psentee> There's some plumbing for automatic updates, but if you want to update to bleeding edge you generally need a separate -unstable package
<Psentee> And my experience with updates is that if a package is not actively used by maintainer, approval takes longer than the update frequency I'd be happy with
<tpw_rules> sure, but maybe that's a good way to run your script instead of just have a bash thing there
<tpw_rules> i didn't mean including it in nixpkgs, just using that framework
<Psentee> Ah, here it would be hard because my repo just adds overrides to packages defined elsewhere
<Psentee> and bash script is only for gowin-data tarball, rest is updated as flake inputs
<tpw_rules> ah ok
<Psentee> that tarball is messy and I haven't had a better idea how to handle that
<tpw_rules> why can we not rebuild that tarball?
<Psentee> it uses gowin's proprietary toolchain and I didn't feel like messing with non-free licenses required for build
<Psentee> or infra necessary to cache the result (to avoid rerunning the build all the time)
<tpw_rules> oh, funky. does that still technically make the data it uses non-free?
<tpw_rules> how big is the tarball
<Psentee> must be some funny edge case, as a user I trust yosys devs and use tarball they publish
<Psentee> 5.7M or so
<tpw_rules> that's not horrid
<Psentee> I _think_ the data is not generated by proprietary toolchain, but it's made by fuzzing the toolchain and looking at output - still, building it would require thinking about licenses. Using a prebuilt tarball is simpler
<Psentee> Maybe I'll find a smarter way to handle that, I didn't want to delay publishing the entire repo because of this one thing
<Psentee> Re clang: no good reason, it's just because I like clang/llvm and updating everything means rebuilding everything anyway
<Psentee> (before nixos I was using FreeBSD for years and I got used to clang)
<Psentee> (also to check how hard would it be to override toolchain for just selected packages - that repo's extracted from my personal playground)
<whitequark> no I think it's actually pilfered from gowin directly
<whitequark> only the things done by claire, wanda, myrtle, and andrew zonenberg follow proper black box RE practices, everyone else violates vendor licenses
<whitequark> mistral is a particularly egregious example since it's a big western company that can come after us, gowin i'm not worried about
<galibert[m]> copyrightability of what's in the mistral data files is very, very iffy
<whitequark> or you could just fuzz the toolchain? it's not difficult, I went from "never done it before" to "100% coverage of one device" in like three weeks
<whitequark> I think the legal argument is unconvincing when the technical barrier there is so low
<galibert[m]> I have... big doubts about the blackboxilbility, but you're way more expirimented in that than I am
<whitequark> my gut feeling here is "wanda can do this with vivado, therefore it's extraordinarily unlikely quartus will be an issue"
<whitequark> obviously without having actually done it i cannot confidently say it's possible
<galibert[m]> does vivavo have the xdl format like webpack had?
<whitequark> xdl?
<galibert[m]> low-level description of the bitstream without the bits but with all the connections, configs, etc
<galibert[m]> that you can play with. I REd the spartan 2 from it without really needing to go into the tools
<galibert[m]> didn't find an equivalent in quartus
<galibert[m]> so you have to go through synth and fit every time you change something unless you manage to reverse the db files too
<galibert[m]> which is why I went the less-obviously-legal way
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> yeah sure you just kind of deal with it? for my CPLD reverse engineering project I ran the fitter something like 150k times for a complete run
<whitequark> that was done one element at a time though
<galibert[m]> you may have managed to find a way of course :-)
<whitequark> for a big device like Xilinx you compress what you need to RE into a logarithmic number of runs
<whitequark> e.g. you can find out every LUT bit (provided there is a 1:1 mapping between LUTs in source netlist and the bitstream) in log2(Nlut)
<galibert[m]> LUTs are the easy part tbh
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> I'm using them as an example because we're talking about it on IRC
<whitequark> so routing RE depends on the specific architecture and my CPLD-specific knowledge is less useful here
<whitequark> and Wanda (@mwk4?) would be far better qualified to chime in considering her experience with Xilinx devices
<galibert[m]> the interesting part is that you'd end up (if all goes well) with the same data that's in data/*
<whitequark> yes
<galibert[m]> so we end up with the copyrightability of a bunch of facts
<whitequark> will you, personally, want to take Intel to court if they threaten you?
<galibert[m]> which is both interesting, country-dependant, and a pain in the ass
<whitequark> or are you going to just give up and fold?
<whitequark> thats the real question here, not the abstract legal stuff
<whitequark> it's not a question of legality, it is a question of power
<galibert[m]> I would give up and fold even if I had done 100% clean black-box RE
<galibert[m]> let's be realistic there :-)
<whitequark> personally I would probably not give up until I'm broke and homeless, but I also do have "live by the sword, die by the sword" in my bio
<galibert[m]> yeah, I don't
<galibert[m]> If one day intel really doesn't want they devices supported by open source... I'll buy a Xilinx fpga
<galibert[m]> I'm kinda convinced they don't give a shit, especially for the quartus-lite supported ones
<d1b2> <duskwuff> re. xdl format: the what now? I don't recall encountering that in my spelunking
<d1b2> <duskwuff> or is that a vivado thing
<galibert[m]> it's a xilinx webpack thing, dunno if they kept it
<d1b2> <duskwuff> ISE or Vivado?
<galibert[m]> ISE
<galibert[m]> example of what it looked like at the spartan 2 time
<d1b2> <duskwuff> oh my goodness, this is interesting. it's not present as data files but you can run xdl to get outputs like https://gist.github.com/duskwuff/0f160687e277017aa14c46a7daa77d65
<d1b2> <duskwuff> and you can also use xdl -ncd2xdl to "decompile" NCD files to a description of the configured hardware that looks a lot like your sample. it doesn't quite line up with the bitstream but it's a substantial step in that direction