peterm6881 has joined #Speedsaver
<peterm6881> mpv 0.32.0 in Lubuntu 20.04 LTS
<peterm6881> I found a superior feature in mpv, compared to mplayer
<peterm6881> volume boost, it allows you to go up to 130%
<peterm6881> mplayer is only 100%, and they arent the same
<peterm6881> yeah mpv definitely louder. Thats important for us
<Xogium> yes and no, louder = possible risk of distorted audio
<peterm6881> oh yes, but if the speaker is overrated for the power of the amplifier, which is more likely, it wont distort, and it will be louder
<peterm6881> since the amp is only 1.5 Watts
<peterm6881> im going to send you a speaker in an enclosure thats 3 Watts rated
<peterm6881> the distortion will only happen if you use a 1 or a 1.5 Watt speaker, which will be pretty crap anyway
<peterm6881> and even then, you can just back it off
<Xogium> well… that answers our question, kind of
<peterm6881> yeah they pointed out the flaw in my argument, thats the kernel doesnt allow it
<Xogium> should be the same for buildroot then, given they enforce the DCO
<peterm6881> If Buildroot confirm this, is it possible for sc6502 to submit the patches as his own, without acknowledgement. Its not fair to you, obviously, but how would you feel about that
<peterm6881> We'd have to go court to force a policy change on kernel development. I dont think its realistic
<peterm6881> nobody cares that much about Buildroot except the people who invented it
<Xogium> problem with this is what should he do, if I'm not there one day and there's a major issue
<Xogium> he will loses all credibility for submitting things in my name, if its things he never worked on
<peterm6881> Now, there is nothing stopping them from setting their own policy, which could differ from the DCO on this narrow point
<Xogium> or rather
<Xogium> submitting things in his own name, when he wasn't the one who got them to work
<peterm6881> what normally happens if a maintainer vanishes
<peterm6881> that must happen on a daily basis
<Xogium> depends, if you find another maintainer willing to submit work, it will be requiring a tweak in the developers file to reflect them
<Xogium> and possibly announcing on the mailing list that this maintainer took over
<Xogium> if the structure the previous maintainer worked on stays abandoned and unmaintained and probably broken for too long with noone willing to take over, then it will be removed
<peterm6881> but either way, whoever is submitting new changes doesnt have the right to privacy
<peterm6881> what does DCO stand for ;)
<Xogium> developer's certificate of origin
<peterm6881> :)
<peterm6881> mpc runs fine on the NEC, same wifi, same version
<peterm6881> mpv
<peterm6881> i meant
<Xogium> same wifi… nop not really
<Xogium> don't forget on orange pi its xr819
<peterm6881> different NIC obviously
<peterm6881> yeah, i meanst same signal
<peterm6881> meant
<peterm6881> The legacy option syntax ('-playlist value') is deprecated and dangerous.
<peterm6881> Please use '--playlist=value'.
<Xogium> hmm
<Xogium> I wonder why it is considered dangerous
<peterm6881> yeah i was scared
<peterm6881> so i guess peterm6881 has to get with the programme on syntax
<peterm6881> ;)
<peterm6881> ive updated my notes
<peterm6881> mpv --playlist=playlist.txt
<peterm6881> [playlist] Reading plaintext playlist.
<Xogium> there you go
<peterm6881> yeah its interesting a legacy command from mplayer still worked in mpv
<Xogium> well yes and no, its still a fork
<peterm6881> just with a frankly terrifying warning
<Xogium> you know what's terrifying ?
<peterm6881> wait im not ready
<Xogium> its when you have to pass a flag to a program that is modifying low level parameters of a hard drive like how long it waits before going to sleep
<Xogium> --please-destroy-my-drive
<peterm6881> ok go now, im behind the chaise longue
<peterm6881> yikes
<Xogium> it generally doesn't do that, but its risky to the point where you have to pass that to show you're serious about it
<peterm6881> :)
<peterm6881> did you find out how big mpv is in Buildroot?
<peterm6881> mpv is definitely stable on the NEC, so the XR819 nic thats at fault, even though mplayer is absolutely fine with it. Bizarre
<peterm6881> mplayer was running for about 4 days after I moved the antenna outside the box
<peterm6881> mpv wont run for 10 minutes on that box, ever
<peterm6881> buy yeah it appears to be the infamous xr819. I wonder what mplayer did better.....meh, whatever
<peterm6881> its irrelevant, we have a lovely nic
<peterm6881> but *
<peterm6881> sudo nano ~/.asoundrc
<peterm6881> slave.pcm "cards.pcm.default"
<peterm6881> type route
<peterm6881> ttable.0.1 1
<peterm6881> pcm.swapped {
<peterm6881> ttable.1.0 1
<peterm6881> }
<peterm6881> pcm.default pcm.swapped
<peterm6881> Xogium, do you recall you said their is a better way to do this?
<peterm6881> there *
<peterm6881> it keeps defaulting back to wrong way round
<peterm6881> and the cable is too short to simply swap the speakers
<Xogium> I'd try putting that file in /etc, with asound.conf as name
<Xogium> but I'm no alsa expert
<peterm6881> actually maybe i never deployed it in the NEC....
<peterm6881> how would I restart alsa without logging out or rebooting?
<Xogium> not sure
<Xogium> I don't really use pure alsa
<Xogium> and your NEC uses pulseaudio, so that's why you never deplyed that
<Xogium> and if you had it wouldn't have any effects
<peterm6881> any joy on the image?
<Xogium> yeah working on it
<peterm6881> dont think im using pulse
<Xogium> I removed chrony, gpsd, navit
<Xogium> yes you are
<Xogium> most gui programs enforce pulse these days
<peterm6881> would it not have been easier to start from scratch?
<Xogium> well I'd have to redo all my work again, the fix for spi nand and dfu and all that
<peterm6881> good point lol, carry on
<peterm6881> nightmare
<peterm6881> certainly pulseaudio is installed, so... I guess I am
<peterm6881> cool, we can set the volume at startup
<peterm6881> mpv --playlist=playlist.txt --volume=50
<Xogium> ok mpv added, iwd added, now need to tweak the kernel config to enable the required crypto for iwd
<peterm6881> sheesh
<peterm6881> how big was mpv?
<Xogium> not sure yet haven't built
<peterm6881> ah ok
<peterm6881> mpv has quiet and really quiet modes :)
<peterm6881> just commenting, we dont need them. But if you ever played a stream what spammed, you can kill the messages
<peterm6881> that *
<Xogium> yeah
<Xogium> ok building
<peterm6881> superbe
<peterm6881> --quiet is usefull, it suppresses the pointless timer
<peterm6881> and the cache status
<Xogium> ah, so it does
<Xogium> ffmpeg is giving me trouble
<peterm6881> ohh
<Xogium> looks like it doesn't like armv5 too much
<peterm6881> not good
<Xogium> nop, will try and work around that
<peterm6881> think its a show stopper?
<Xogium> not sure yet
<peterm6881> Yeah im slightly relieved we're switching to something a bit less niche
<peterm6881> for the main Speedsaver project
<Xogium> we've had very little trouble, all things considered. I was expecting a lot more struggle
<Xogium> for armv5, that is
<peterm6881> thats down to you
<peterm6881> i know what you mean, you expected more problems
<Xogium> yeah, a lot lot more problems, given that deibna-arm is complaining more and more how its a pain to keep maintaining armv5
<peterm6881> but the problems you encounter, you nailed. But yeah, none of them were really armV5 specific as i recall
<Xogium> but then, debian is a full dstiro, whereas buildroot can't be considered as one, its more like a firmware maker
<peterm6881> it is bizarre MangoPi settled on the F1C200s, given those issues were predictable. Maybe thats why they kinda moved on to other things
<Xogium> its probably because they use very outdated softwares
<peterm6881> This could be more trouble than its worth, given there may be limited demand for an armv5 device. So I appreciate the effort, a lot. Its useful knowledge we could use elsewhere
<peterm6881> the ingredients for a demo real world application that isnt Speedsaver
<Xogium> okay I worked around the problem
<peterm6881> unreal...
<Xogium> now time to, er, port that autologin thingy
<peterm6881> :)
<peterm6881> exciting times
<peterm6881> fingers crossed
<peterm6881> SASL appears to be set up exactly the same for Libera and OFTC for autologin
<peterm6881> I copied the settings. But #buildroot forces me to IDENTIFY every time. Oh well
<Xogium> ah shit yes
<peterm6881> is there a way around it?
<Xogium> oftc doesn't support sasl
<peterm6881> fair enough
<peterm6881> it doesnt affect you because you never disconnect ;)
<peterm6881> its fine, im glad there was a reason and I wasnt being dumb
<sc6502> Afternoon room :)
<peterm6881> hey sc6502
<Xogium> heya Steve
<Xogium> how's life going for you, nice sunday ?
<peterm6881> Xogium, do you wanna clear up how you want upstreaming to go, now we've established your patches are likely to be accepted
<peterm6881> its your call
<peterm6881> its your work
<sc6502> Not too bad here.
<sc6502> Reading a bit out mpv etc
<peterm6881> streaming hd audio changed my life
<sc6502> Is it the URL (of the station) or the Artist/track title?
<peterm6881> to be clear, in a good way ;)
<Xogium> honestly, I think the easiest way would be that I produce patch sc6502 can apply to his own git tree with git apply. That wouldn't make a commit, only apply my work, and he'd be free to submit with his own name and everything. I don't care enough about my presence to be known or not known, what matters to me is that it ultimately gets upstreamed
<peterm6881> URL
<sc6502> How often does the URL change?
<peterm6881> only icy streams give the artists and title anyway
<peterm6881> it never changes unless the user gets bored and switches to a different station
<sc6502> Which would involve quitting and restarting the player?
<Xogium> speaking of which, won't this risk burning out the oled
<peterm6881> no
<Xogium> say the user is absolute fanatic of one station and only listens to that one
<Xogium> oops oled burned 4 months later
<peterm6881> no not if its scrolling
<peterm6881> Xogium, no because its scrolling
<Xogium> always scrolling ?
<peterm6881> we're using ssd1306 controller, it supports it
<peterm6881> yes while its playing
<Xogium> ah, fair enough
<sc6502> Unless your station name is say "=================" ;)
<Xogium> I thought just a display and scrolling once then nothing else
<peterm6881> mpv --playlist=playlist.txt --quiet --volume=50
<peterm6881> q quit
<peterm6881> 9 vol down
<peterm6881> < > scroll
<peterm6881> 0 vol up
<peterm6881> p pause
<peterm6881> [] speed
<peterm6881> m mute
<Xogium> ouch, that would be mean
<peterm6881> sc6502, user attaches keyboard and scrolls through their playlist
<Xogium> the statin named ===
<Xogium> station
<peterm6881> playlist is a plain text file in their home directory. Super simple
<sc6502> So a simple shell wrapper with two lines, one to launch the oled display tool with the URL string, and the other to drop into mpv
<Xogium> hmm
<peterm6881> all that stuff he just said
<peterm6881> unless corrected
<Xogium> would that work ? I thought you needed to build mpv or whatever against the oled library
<Xogium> or… how would you know what url mpv is playing and pass it ?
<sc6502> Well you would if you wanted to leverage all the 'OSD' stuff that mpv can do.
<peterm6881> the url will change wehn they scroll through their personal playlist
<sc6502> But I doubt the display has the pixels, or the library has the capabilities that mpv expects.
<peterm6881> when*
<Xogium> aye so do I
<sc6502> peterm6881, oh...
<peterm6881> try it in a terminal
<peterm6881> create a playlist.txt files, use the URLs above
<peterm6881> file
<peterm6881> the commands are above
<peterm6881> you'll see what gets printed when you < and >
<peterm6881> sc6502, hope you have nice speakers ;)
<peterm6881> could we parse out the line Playing:
<peterm6881> that would be perfect
<peterm6881> by the way that one is real interesting, its the official Naim Audio stream for demonstrating their HiFi equipment
<peterm6881> ive hand picked all those URL's
<sc6502> Do you want all that stream and cache logging as well on the console? Or can it just be quiet until the user chooses another station?
<peterm6881> definitely quiet, its junk
<peterm6881> i would bother with anything on the oled except the url itself
<peterm6881> wouldn't, * obvs
<peterm6881> by the way im aware most of the Super Stereo Chile ones are down atm
<peterm6881> the rest have never failed
<peterm6881> the Super Stereo ones are are the ones that are just IP addresses
<peterm6881> my favourite is
<peterm6881> hence its first in the list and therefore plays first
<peterm6881> Xogium is gonna automate it
<peterm6881> and provide keyboard control. we're confident it will be reliable with our chosen Ralink WiFi nic
<peterm6881> mpv --playlist=playlist.txt --quiet --volume=50
<peterm6881> < > scroll
<peterm6881> 0 vol up
<peterm6881> q quit
<peterm6881> 9 vol down
<peterm6881> p pause
<peterm6881> [] speed
<peterm6881> m mute
<sc6502> Viber are updating their T&C's.
<sc6502> "It is important to us that you feel in control of your privacy"
<sc6502> Translation: You're not actually in control, but it's good for us for you to believe that you are.
<peterm6881> lol
<peterm6881> sc6502, v topical
<Xogium> I never understood why projects like the linux kernel couldn't keep the records private. Why does the whole world has to know who you are, rather than a few select members
<Xogium> why does it gets instantly public the second you submit something
<Speedsaver> Title: SCO–Linux disputes - Wikipedia (at
<peterm6881> that case is ongoing
<peterm6881> at least, the last event was SCO's administrators launched yet another appeal in 2016
<peterm6881> according to Wikipedia
<peterm6881> it was that case, involving Novells ownership of Unix, that led to DCO's for the Linux kernel
<Xogium> I mean, even facebook received tons and tons and tons of hate for forcing people to disclose their real name, and I'm not talking about google plus who did the same thing
<peterm6881> privacy wasn't considered, it was about accountability and copyright infringement. But I agree the world and the internet has moved on. We have serious trolls now, like the guy who murdered David Amess MP, he tracked him and other MP's online
<peterm6881> and decided Amess was the most accessible
<peterm6881> Xogium, the important thing is we have a workaround
<peterm6881> because in THIS case, both sides are right
<peterm6881> copyright v privacy
<peterm6881> the only outstanding order of business is for you two guys to agree the mechanics of it
<peterm6881> in an ideal world there would be a register, maintained by an independent 3rd party. Unfortunately we dont have that.
<Xogium> it still bothers the hell out of me
<Xogium> but oh well
<peterm6881> I can only refer the honourable Member to the reply I gave some moments ago :)
<peterm6881> Its your call if sc6502 names Xogium as contributor, if at all, and at what points
<peterm6881> certainly, he has permission. That question is moot. There are no grey areas
<peterm6881> no potential conflict
<peterm6881> thats something only you and sc6502 can agree
<peterm6881> when sc6502 is done enjoying these cool tunes
<peterm6881> ;)
<peterm6881> hehe
<peterm6881> peterm6881 --really-quiet
<sc6502> If Xogium emails me the patches, that would work.
<peterm6881> simplicity is a prerequisite for reliability
<peterm6881> can we try upstreaming a patch, to test the system?
<Xogium> huh sure… I just finish working on that playlist thingy, sec
<peterm6881> exciting times
<Xogium> sc6502: can you remind me your email ?
<sc6502> It's on Peter's most recent email to all of us
<peterm6881> Xogium, let me know if you cant find it
<peterm6881> I'll resend or dm it
<sc6502> Don't want it logged on this channel with whitelogger spying on us
<peterm6881> precisely
<peterm6881> haha its handy for me because I cant keep irc alive!
<peterm6881> cant afford the lecky ;)
<peterm6881> plus it allowed me to invite kos_tom to make a policy statement on Buildroot privacy
<peterm6881> in our channel
<peterm6881> I didnt realise logging was almost unheard of
<peterm6881> open is a minefield...........
<Xogium> good point about the bot… I keep forgetting its in here
<Xogium> sc6502: it ends in, right ?
<sc6502> yes
<Xogium> alright
<Xogium> ok lets try something like this
<peterm6881> guys can you copy me in where possible
<peterm6881> i especially wanna know how Buildroot react to the patches
<Xogium> ok I sent you a patch via email
<Speedsaver> Title: The Buildroot user manual (at
<Xogium> might want to read their guideline :)
<peterm6881> sweet
<Xogium> best be on git master of buildroot
<Xogium> then you have to subscribe to the buildroot mailing list
<peterm6881> Xogium, did you copy me?
<sc6502> Yeah, looks like I have a long reading session ahead
<Xogium> peterm6881: no, it was just the email with the attached patch
<sc6502> So dragging licheepi zero into the 2020's then :)
<Xogium> aye
<Xogium> 2019.10 u-boot
<Xogium> that is needed because otherwise you cannot build this with gcc >= 10… Multiple definitions of yylock make the build explode
<peterm6881> hehe what fun
<peterm6881> sc6502, just to bring you up to speed, I've commissioned a set of Gerber and Pick and Place files and a Mouser BOM for a very slightly modified version the Lichee Zero
<peterm6881> we're doing a LOT more than bringing it up to date
<peterm6881> we're relaunching it, and making it the basis for our Speedsaver platform, Model 2
<peterm6881> thats why building support is mission critical
<peterm6881> and we needed to navigate a path around the real name policy
<peterm6881> Because otherwise we're doing our own thing over here, when we should be mainstream, upstream and mainline
<peterm6881> where humanly possible
<sc6502> Don't we want our own fruit name then?
<peterm6881> well, its funny you should say that
<peterm6881> because Sipeed dropped the pi part from ANYTHING official, including the silk screen mask on the board
<peterm6881> and im keen to move away from any reference to Pi
<peterm6881> simply because SBC's have moved on
<Xogium> is it legal though ? I mean, if our board is like a clone of lichee boards
<peterm6881> I havent decided on a name for the board yet, but just to give you an example, part of the plan is to try to sell MangoPi-RC3's on tinycomputers website, with my carrier board, and call it the MangoPi-R3c Tinker
<peterm6881> so we may do something simlar with the Lichee Zero
<peterm6881> similar
<peterm6881> yes I agree we should recognise its a clone
<peterm6881> but distinctly different
<peterm6881> we arent competing with anyone else in Europe, its barely a thing
<peterm6881> it DESERVES to be a thing, so we need to take it over
<peterm6881> we could sell the original in the same place, and customers will decide
<peterm6881> that will keep Sipeed happy
<peterm6881> although I think Zepan, or Cesar Wu as hes known as, has moved on from Sipeed
<peterm6881> my replies came from someone called Jayce
<peterm6881> Xogium, here is the most important thing:
<peterm6881> I asked Jayce, in a thread where Sipeed sent a link to a share for all their documentation, if Sipeed offer customisation for the Lichee Zero
<peterm6881> They didnt reply. Thats whats called due diligence
<Xogium> oww fudge. System is now 43 mb. Good thing its compressed
<peterm6881> I'd be happy to call our Model 1 the Lichee Zero Tinker
<Xogium> the thing is… how will people know the system has botted and then should go press the wps button on their router, because iwd is waiting for it ?
<Xogium> *booted, even
<peterm6881> just to reassure you guys, in a logged way. is just a tarding tool for the company, Speedsaver Ltd.
<peterm6881> trading *
<peterm6881> could we put PRESS WPS on the display?
<Xogium> huh… dunno how, maybe ?
<peterm6881> alternatively, just put it in the instructions
<peterm6881> how long do they have?
<Xogium> yeah right but… It might take up like 2 minutes to boot so how would they know it is time or not
<Xogium> they have 2 minutes to press on the button from when the iwd command runs
<peterm6881> yeah that long boot time is a pain without feedback
<peterm6881> PRESS WPS is the way to go, but it needs code
<sc6502> later peeps
<Xogium> sc6502: seeya
<peterm6881> so we're relying on sc6502's benevolence lol
<peterm6881> oh dear, something I said
<peterm6881> ;)
<peterm6881> enjoy your evening sc6502 :)
<Xogium> each time I hear that word I get reminded of tyrion struggling to say it too
<peterm6881> hehe
<peterm6881> i think i managed to spell it right
<Xogium> its lucky espeak has no trouble saying that
<peterm6881> espeak, thats what Navit uses
<Xogium> or well… should have used
<Xogium> it never worked for us
<peterm6881> I can time it, if you're able to let me know the exact boot time. That will do for now
<peterm6881> 2 minutes after boot is a healthy window to hit the button
<peterm6881> so ill build in a margin of error once i know the exact boot time
<Xogium> after boot, right. But the boot itself is very long so
<Xogium> lets see now
<peterm6881> yes I expect its gonna be 2 minutes 30 seconds all together, for example
<peterm6881> mpv is rock solid, its been playing all day on the NEC. I take it all back
<peterm6881> I think you'll like the speaker I picked for you
<peterm6881> basically im butchering a set of normal computer speakers, i'll terminate them in Dupont male 2.54mm
<peterm6881> it, I should say
<peterm6881> but the Tinker board will have screw terminals, so literally any loudspeaker could be connected
<Xogium> ah yes, male so it can fit in breadboard holes
<peterm6881> crap I mean to say female sorry, I dont actually have any female. I can order some if you prefer
<peterm6881> yeah you'll need that since you're doing everything on proper breadboard
<peterm6881> I should order the kit and crimp tool
<peterm6881> yeah, i'll do it now
<peterm6881> ive been meaning to
<peterm6881> christ, I meant I dont have any MALE
<peterm6881> ok good news, I've order a crimp tool and 500 male and 500 female crimps
<peterm6881> what fun, we're gonna make shit
<peterm6881> we need premises....
<peterm6881> ok it looks like the standard offerings for Bluehost and GoDaddy as regards corporate email is Microsoft 365 Email Essentials and Google Workspace
<peterm6881> any preference?
<Xogium> huh… I know neither
<Xogium> well… I guess, time to see if usb even works on this board
<Xogium> in lunux
<Xogium> er linux
<peterm6881> lol
<Xogium> because if it doesn't well
<Xogium> we'd kind of be wasting efforts
<peterm6881> do mean in terms of attaching devices?
<Xogium> yeah
<peterm6881> alright, at your end or mine?
<Xogium> mine for now
<peterm6881> okie dokie
<peterm6881> you know that issue you have powering on the otg socket, is it both boards?
<Xogium> yes
<peterm6881> must be related to your PSU or cable, because they cant both be broken
<Xogium> besides it doesn't really matter if its or not, since in this case you can't power the board via otg anyway, given its where you plug your device in
<peterm6881> dont forget, you'll need to power it up and hit rst
<peterm6881> because if you power it and try to connect, you just get rubbish printed
<peterm6881> hit the reset button, you'll get proper boot messages
<peterm6881> that might be why you think its not powered
<peterm6881> although that relates to the ttl port, so may not be relevant
<Xogium> well if I use the otg port to power, how would I know if it powered up through it, if the uart is attached
<peterm6881> theres no question the MangoPi-R3c can be powered from either socket, under normal circumstances
<Xogium> but either way this isn,t really useful here anyway
<peterm6881> yeah in your case you'll be powering from ttl anyway
<Xogium> because the wifi will be in the otg socket, so you cannot power it through there
<peterm6881> but are you physically able to plug anything into the OTG port?
<peterm6881> they are very close together
<Xogium> I'll try
<peterm6881> the adafruit adapters are great, but may not besuitable here. But the short cables are commonplace
<peterm6881> be suitable *
<Xogium> lets try
<peterm6881> the bare contacts make me nervous too, that seems like a bad idea
<peterm6881> if something fell across them you'd fry your board, since they're live
<peterm6881> also, how on earth can you tell if your usb device is plugged in the right way round?
<peterm6881> Note: Plug into your USB device first, making sure the four contacts are facing in towards the contacts inside the USB connector! It's on you if you put it in the wrong way and things go FZZZZT! :D
<peterm6881> Warning: You should also never plug this into a USB-A receptacle 'female' port, only a USB plug 'male' style device. So don't go plugging the big end into your Pi 3's ports :-)
<peterm6881> A short cable adapter is always gonna be better, its fail safe
<peterm6881> I think you're gonna need help, dont take any chances
<peterm6881> i need to pop out
<Xogium> where did you see that thing about the contacts and things going zap
<Xogium> don't see it at all in the description on adafruit
<Speedsaver> Title: microUSB OTG Adapter Shim for Pi Zero - Pimoroni (at
<peterm6881> I think its the saem product, send me that link again
<Speedsaver> Title: Tiny OTG Adapter - USB Micro to USB : ID 2910 : $2.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits (at
<peterm6881> its the same product
<peterm6881> how confident are you its the right way around?
<Xogium> no idea, and adafruit should fucking warn about this
<peterm6881> it unquestionably provides a neater solution, but its not without risk.
<Xogium> if I knew this otg adapter was so tricky to use I wouldn't have bought
<peterm6881> I'm guessing you dont have any of the cables?
<Xogium> no that's why I bought these in the first place
<peterm6881> incidentally, neither do I. I have a stupid generic hub thing which ive never tested
<Xogium> I only got the really, really cap adapters that came with my 2 lichee nano. One stopped working the first day I used it, and the second is litterally falling apart
<peterm6881> it lights up
<Xogium> *crap
<peterm6881> i guess i can check it with a mouse or a keyboard, right?
<Xogium> check what ?
<peterm6881> that my hub works on the MangoPi-R3c
<Xogium> it probably won't react to it given I disabled most drivers
<peterm6881> ok
<Xogium> so yeah, the adapters they give you with the lichee nano ? ABSOLUTE trash
<peterm6881> i guess i gotta wait for your image!
<peterm6881> noted
<peterm6881> i think adapters put too much stress on the micro USB anyway, from a mechanical perspective, id be more comfortable with a short stubby cable
<peterm6881> the micro usb was never designed for the sheer physical size of USB A
<Xogium> dunno, but either way I don't even understand how to use that adapter lol
<Xogium> that is, how to even put some usb a device on it
<peterm6881> you'd need help to make sure the sliding contacts are mated together
<peterm6881> and not upside down
<Xogium> like… I don't even manage to slide the usb a device in there in the first place
<Xogium> wrong way around or not
<Xogium> I'm just trying to get it in there and can't even manage this lol
<peterm6881> the sliding contacts would insert to the centre of the USB A, away from the metal outer cover
<peterm6881> by the way what usb device are you trying to plug the adapter into?
<Xogium> oh just a random usb key
<Xogium> just to see how it should get there
<peterm6881> do you have any usb wifi dongles?
<peterm6881> is Simon there?
<Xogium> yeah but the one I got is used by the stm32 dev kit and it als realtek so requires out of tree kernel stuff
<peterm6881> share the image
<peterm6881> lets test this properly
<Xogium> its not yet ready
<peterm6881> ok
<Xogium> iwd doesn't even run properly yet lol
<peterm6881> no worries
<peterm6881> I need to shoot out
<peterm6881> I'll order some adapter cables
<peterm6881> and send you one , plus a Ralink dongle
<peterm6881> agreed?
<Xogium> yeah… hrm its annoying. Oh well
<Xogium> lets hope the cables won't be as bad quality as the adapters that came with the lichee nano lol
<peterm6881> where is Simon?
<Xogium> at judo practice
<peterm6881> it would be useful for you to know your otg socket works
<peterm6881> hmm...
<peterm6881> leave it for now
<peterm6881> its too risky
<peterm6881> oh I ordered them already lol
<Xogium> well like I said I'm not actually trying ot connect it to the mangopi yet
<Xogium> I'm just trying to even understand how to slide a usb device onto the type a end
<Xogium> and not even managing that lol
<peterm6881> 1046 sold, 4647 total transactions, 99.6% positive feedback, should be ok
<peterm6881> I ordered 4, they have been dispatched
<peterm6881> you'll get it
<peterm6881> ok you see how theres a smooth flat side?
<Xogium> yeah
<peterm6881> and on the usb A, theres a side that is just the metal outer cover
<peterm6881> feel the end of the usb A
<Xogium> and on one of the sides of the usb a side there's like, 4 or 5 small dots side by side
<peterm6881> half of it is full of plastic, the other half is void
<peterm6881> no thats misleading
<peterm6881> best way is to feel the END of the usb a
<peterm6881> can you feel that half of it is full of plastic
<peterm6881> and the other half is empty, all you can feel is like the sharp metal edge
<Xogium> I… think so
<peterm6881> you need to insert the adapter with its flat side against the sharp metal edge
<peterm6881> the flat side of the adapter slides tight up against metal cover
<peterm6881> of the usb a
<peterm6881> got it?
<Xogium> nah all I manage to do is slide the adapter over the device without it holding onto anything :D
<peterm6881> the adpater goes inside the USB A
<peterm6881> right inside it, with just the micro USB poking out
<Xogium> yeah there's like a small hole in the adapter
<Xogium> wonder why that is
<peterm6881> do you mean in the end of the micro usb plug part?
<Xogium> nah, the type a end
<peterm6881> it doesnt matter
<peterm6881> insert the adapter inside the pen drive
<peterm6881> with the wider side towards the outer part of the USB A
<Xogium> hmm oh, that way. I think I got it
<Xogium> but I'll wait for Simon of course
<peterm6881> is the wider part of the micro usb towards the metal cover of the usb a?
<Xogium> yeah
<peterm6881> the wider part of the micro usb is the part which has the 2 little locking horns sticking up
<peterm6881> then you're good to go
<Xogium> the first device I tried to plug in had a slot that was way too tight and the adapter couldn't fit in
<Xogium> why I struggled so much
<peterm6881> yeah the tolerances on some stuff is frankly shit
<Xogium> by the way the adapter seems to have a sense, and you can't seem to be able to plug it in wrong, it doesn't want to go all the way in
<peterm6881> the Ralink dongles are very tight
<peterm6881> as long as the wider, flat side of the micro usb is towards the metal outer cover of the usb a, its correct
<peterm6881> away from half of the usb a thats filled with plastic
<Xogium> right. I'll just ask Simon to be 100% sure
<peterm6881> that way, the sliding contacts on the top of the inner plastic part will mate with the sliding contacts on the bottom of the adapter
<peterm6881> and it wont fry hehe
<peterm6881> without the ttl connected to your computer, check if you're going to be able to connect the dongle beside the ttl
<peterm6881> i think there's no question its gonna be too wide
<peterm6881> fine for Pi Zero, useless for us
<Xogium> hmm. Oh well
<peterm6881> actually, the Raspberry Pi Zero has exactly the same problem
<peterm6881> so this adapter wouldnt be suitable for simultaneous debugging there either. Fine, if you just wanna connect a device and leave it. So still useful
<peterm6881> but you'd have to be powering the Zero through the pins
<peterm6881> so at the end of the day, pretty dumb
<peterm6881> I'll send you a cable and dongle
<peterm6881> meanwhile, I'll test
<peterm6881> I'll send you a cable, a dongle and a modified speaker in one go
<Xogium> sounds good
<Xogium> having a nice ralink dongle can't hurt either
<peterm6881> RT chipset 5390
<peterm6881> MediaTek are a bit of an enigma. Shit GPS, great WiFi
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