<Speedsaver`> master @ Speedsaver/ArduiPi_OLED: sc6502 pushed 1 commit (https://git.io/Jcj6M):
<Speedsaver`> master @ Speedsaver/ArduiPi_OLED: sc6502 df55a2: Summary of changes (https://git.io/Jcj6D)
<sc6502> Introducing oled_echo and now compiles without warnings.
<Xogium> hm we need a way to get rid of this hash file for arduipi
<Xogium> yay ! Compiling without warning is fun
<sc6502> Oh and re-burning the SD cards fixed that "corrupted" xml thing.
<sc6502> No idea what was going on there, navit barfed on it, but awk and sha1sum both saw valid data.
<Xogium> I reckon navit itself was corrupted
<sc6502> That could be - I'd been pushing updated copies over the serial line. I do perform a sha1sum check on it after the transfer, but I recently changed my upload procedure. I wonder if the checking is broken and a bad file got deployed?
<Xogium> possibly ?
peterm6881 has joined #Speedsaver
<peterm6881> good morning good people
<Xogium> hi Peter
<peterm6881> I'm hedging my bets on circuit design, I've given my circuit designer guy in Pakistan a design brief this morning. He did the HAT, the issues with it are entirely my poor specification. He's done plaenty of work wit bga packages and mpu / mcu's
<peterm6881> hey Xogium
<peterm6881> he's keen. I mentioned the project before and hes been pestering me ever since
<Xogium> hehe
<Xogium> wel lto be fair with arrow here, they don't only have us to take care of
<Xogium> they have probably thousands of other customers
<peterm6881> I think Arrow will be fine, its just a precaution against Arrow turning out to be not viable, just in case
<peterm6881> yes ts an interesting question how much circuit design they project manage
<peterm6881> we know they outsource to a third party design group in India
<peterm6881> Im thinking of offering a royalty component, to offset Arslans cost, 1 dollar per device. Would you agree with that?
<peterm6881> if he can pull it off, ifhe proves worthy, it will keep him on board in the long term, while reducing our up front costs
<peterm6881> if he
<peterm6881> would you guys be ok with that
<peterm6881> I haven't mentioned it to Arslan yet
<peterm6881> i await approval from my board of directors :)
<Xogium> I don't quite understand what this implies so
<peterm6881> it means we pay him per device sold
<peterm6881> its an incentive for him to stay involved
<Xogium> hm
peterm6881 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]