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<LyreCalliope[m]> Has anyone looked into AI tooling? I'm curious if it'd be possible to package any of it into Sandstorm.
<LyreCalliope[m]> It's occurring to me that Sandstorm and Ocaps could be a partial answer to many of the questions around ethical and consent based AI.
<isd> Do you have anything particular in mind? I've yet to find anything that I would mentally categorize as "AI tooling" that I think is at the level of actually being useful.
<isd> ...but maybe I don't understand what you mean.
<LyreCalliope[m]> Not sure. I was watching the Nvidia announcements and how theyve developed a full stack from silicon to front end web apps to for corporations to own the entire AI ecosystem at every level and I'm wondering how much control can be put back into the hands of individuals.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> isd: Jupyter Notebooks are the closest that would came to my mind
<ocdtrekkie> The biggest issue in AI is that people don't care who owns the source material, it isn't an access control issue so much as a misuse of consent.
<isd> We already have jupyter packaged 😋
<ocdtrekkie> It probably could use a refresh, mind you. But it isn't a complicated package to build from my understanding.
<isd> my mind went to stuff like ChatGPT, which still feels worse than useless to me.
<LyreCalliope[m]> Hm. It would be interesting to create an adaptor or whatever it's called for grains to be able to feed their data into a model that can be revoked at any time.
<LyreCalliope[m]> A bunch of people could then feed into a shared system and then the grains could build off of it.
<LyreCalliope[m]> And not rely on corporate owned shit.
<LyreCalliope[m]> We haven't really had a strong demo of sharing grains with other apps yet I don't think.
<isd> part of the trouble with stuff like GPT 3 is just that the hardware requirements alone would put self hosting out of the hands of us little people; not much sandstorm can do about that.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> I believe there were models that took another approach, though.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> I remember having listened to something along those lines for image recognition in Python
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