ChanServ changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor || || channel logs:
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<CelestialCrafter> hiyaa! i was considering using river and wanted to know, how does river compare to things like hyprland or miraclewm in **stability**?
<CelestialCrafter> and also features too. coming from hyprland i think im pretty spoiled in features, so how much would i be gaining/losing by switching to river?
<CelestialCrafter> and how does nvidia play with river aswell, if its bad is there any way to swap over to my igpu?
<LarstiQ> CelestialCrafter: I don't know those others so can't compare. Stability both in uptime and breaking changes are imo good.
<LarstiQ> Don't think river is in any way special with video cards? It's based on wlroots
<CelestialCrafter> (sorry for spellin, i have gloves on) i saw on the readme thwre were sokme breaking changes planned, but i couldnt find a plan anywhere, coiuld yoiu tell me smoe?
<CelestialCrafter> and for video cards, alot of other wms ive seen have to put in alot of extra work for nvidia cards specifically (example, hyprlsand)
<LarstiQ> CelestialCrafter: see `Future Plans` in and channel logs for the wm protocol
<CelestialCrafter> ty
<CelestialCrafter> sounds like river needds more work on nvidia, fine tho since i have an igpu and amd gpu
<LarstiQ> sounds from what? I didn't notice any issues on my previous nvidia laptop
<CelestialCrafter> from the channel logfsa
<CelestialCrafter> logs*
<CelestialCrafter> might be fine tho
<CelestialCrafter> guess ill have to try it for myself and see]
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<ifreund> I'm on vacation this week so dont expect to hear from me until the 12th or so (bouldering in Fontainebleau)
<LarstiQ> ifreund: oh that looks like a cool place, have fun!
<leon-p> have fun!
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<vess> hello!! is there a way to make it split the currently focused view? i can't really find anything in the wiki and manpages and i can't find some community layout that does that
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<ThatGuestAgain> I realized... With the new, more traditional 'overlap order' river could just be used as a floating WM by just not using a layout. Right? Anyone doing that? Would that come with annoyances I'm not aware of yet?
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<LarstiQ> vess: I'm inclined to say no. River does dynamic tiling and layout generators only get the number of windows, no ids or the like. So you'd need to have a cooperating layout generator that tries to store some state outside of the protocol and then a keybinding to store-and-split or something
<LarstiQ> but that mode of working is more sway like with manual tiling
<vess> i see, thanks, im trying to replicate the way bspwm does tiling
<vess> i know hyprland can do it, but i prefer river a lot more in every other aspect
<ThatGuestAgain> vess yeah manual tiling (bspwm, sway, etc) and tags in place of workspaces can't be trivially combined.
<ThatGuestAgain> Imagine manually building complex layouts on two tags, where some windows are shared among them but most are not.
<ThatGuestAgain> Now you combine those to tags to show at the same time. How do you combine the manually built layouts?
<ThatGuestAgain> Show them side by side? Then how do you handle the shared windows?
<ThatGuestAgain> Presumably possible to handle all those combinations and edgecases in a well defined manner, but as I said, not trivial (nor intuitive for the user).
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<vess> i understand, thanks
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<leon-p> vess: river will gain a WM protocol sometime this year, which will allow anyone to implement a wide variety of windowing behaviours, both tiling and floating
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<FireFly> hmm, I quite often keep my lappy docked with two external monitors, and I noticed recently the other day that fullscreening windows seems to have broken, but only on the two external monitors (maximizing a window still works as expected on the primary/integrated monitor).. not entirely sure if it's related to the river update, I could try the previous version tomorrow perhaps and compare
<FireFly> the behaviour being that it seems the output on that display freezes, until I hit the keycombo to toggle maximized again and it goes back to rendering.. and it also seemed to toggle when an application requests fullscreen (judging by trying to fullscreen a video in firefox on an external monitor)
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