ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<n8_> anyone know how I can get keyboard input into dmenu? I can get it to show up as follows:
<n8_> dmenu_path | dmenu | xargs riverctl spawn --
<n8_> but i cannot type into dmenu
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<user181308142001> n8_: There is an issue open on this at the moment `https://github.com/riverwm/river/issues/455` Maybe try using a wayland native program such as bemenu
<leon-p> can't remember who implemented urgency using xdg-activation, but thanks! My current job is "wait half an hour for emails" and it is nice that I can do other things during that time instead of having to stare at my mail client all day
<novakane> :D
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<doaN[m]> is possible to save/restore layout on predefined monitor and tag ?
<doaN[m]> how would I proceed ?
<doaN[m]> I want to open a program with multiple window in a specific monitor tag with a specific layout.
<doaN[m]> s/layout/layouts/
<doaN[m]> * is possible to save/restore layouts on predefined monitor and tag ?
<doaN[m]> I want to open a program with multiple window in a specific monitor tag with a specific layout.
<doaN[m]> how would I proceed ? Do I need a specific layout since I assume it is handled by it.
<doaN[m]> * is possible to save/restore layouts on predefined monitor and tag ?
<doaN[m]> I want to open a program with multiple window in a specific monitor tag with a specific layout.
<doaN[m]> how would I proceed ? Do I need a specific layout generator since I assume it is handled by it.
<doaN[m]> * is possible to save/restore layouts on predefined monitor and tag ?
<doaN[m]> I want to open a program with multiple window in a specific monitor and tag with a specific layout.
<doaN[m]> how would I proceed ? Do I need a specific layout generator since I assume it is handled by it.
<leon-p> doaN[m]: hey, here on IRC it appears like you are sending multiple messages, so please don't edit what you wrote. We won't judge spelling mistakes :)
<doaN[m]> oh yeah bad "modern" habits. I'll check more carefully before sending any msg.
<leon-p> as for your question, yes, this is something the layout generator must do. All known layout generators are already deterministic and at this current time don't have a way to distinguish between different windows.
<leon-p> a layout generator could save its configuration for a specific tag in a file and restore it later, but implementing that is up to the layout generator developer
<doaN[m]> so it's up to the layout generator to implement those features ?
<leon-p> yes
<doaN[m]> gotcha
<leon-p> we think this kind of logic is better implemented by clients, so that river can be less opinionated and suite more use cases
<doaN[m]> I'm using a matrix client. are reactions messy with an IRC client aswell ?
<leon-p> probably :D but I don't mind an experiement
<doaN[m]> just reacted to your last message
<leon-p> it's not messy, it just does not exist. So I'll just assume it was a nice reaction and say thanks
<doaN[m]> gotcha and replies work ?
<leon-p> btw, if you plan on creating a layout generator, you can also ask any questions related to that here. I even wrote an article on that some time ago, if you need it
<doaN[m]> leon-p: this is a reply to your almost last message :)
<leon-p> doaN[m]: I don't think I am missing any of your messages, so replies seem to work
<leon-p> ah, yes I see your reply
<doaN[m]> but do you see as a reply or just another message ?
<novakane> just another message
<leon-p> just another message. Replies are not a concept IRC has to my knowledge, so they just get converted to regular old messages
<doaN[m]> copy. I'll take into account for the future
<doaN[m]> leon-p: I'm not planning to but I'd like to read your article anyway. please send me the link
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<snakedye> doaN[m]: there's two elements in your question. Can you open a window in a specific tag/monitor? Yes if you focus the tag and monitor previously. Can you save layouts for specific tags? Yes, my layout generator does it. I don't know if other implement per tag layouts. There's also the option making your own.
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<mhwombat> How do I use yambar or waybar with river? "riverctl spawn yambar"? "exec yambar"? Just "yambar"? I've tried various options, but the most I can get is yambar tiled as an ordinary window, not at the top.
<novakane> `riverctl spawn "yambar"` should works
<mhwombat> riverctl spawn yambar seems to work, but only if it's near the top of the init file.
<mhwombat> novakane Cheers
<ifreund> it shouldn't matter how/when you run yambar/waybar
<novakane> unless you have `exec` somewhere
<mhwombat> I'll experiment a bit more, maybe I was doing something else wrong before.
<ifreund> exec isn't related to yambar's behavior, but rather to the behavior of your shell
<mhwombat> ifreund thank you for making river available. I really like the way the init file is just an ordinary script.
<ifreund> glad river is useful to you!
<mhwombat> Unfortunately, yambar is still just tiled as an ordinary window, not at the top.
<novakane> ifreund: oops I said 'exec' because in my head yambar was not starting but that's not the problem so yeah it's irrelevant
<ifreund> mhwombat: maybe a screenshot would help show what you mean? I don't think yambar *can* run as an ordinary window
<mhwombat> I'll try to get a screen shot.
<ifreund> the grim tool might help
<mhwombat> OK, got the screenshots to show what I mean: https://gist.github.com/mhwombat/55100e295c8d0e0d34e5908326ff1a6d
<ifreund> mhwombat: perhaps you've somehow built yambar without wayland support and it's running through Xwayland?
<ifreund> not sure what else could be going on...
<mhwombat> That could be. Let me check.
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<mhwombat> ifreund I switched to waybar, and it is displaying properly, so I suspect your diagnosis is correct.
<mhwombat> ifreund I had installed yambar through NixOS, so I'm not sure how it was built.
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<waleee> wayland is disabled unless you configure it
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<mhwombat> I modified the default.nix for yambar in NixOS to use wayland support, rebuilt everything, and it works as as it should now.
<mhwombat> I will create a PR on nixpkgs to set this, if there isn't already one.
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