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<Greg40> Hey, so I'm using OpenOCD to connect to a Redbear Nano BLE v2 on Mac OS X Monterey, but it's just hanging with no feedback. Thinking it could be a lower level usb issue, any thoughts?  I'm using it as part of, debug eve info here
<PaulFertser> Greg40: hey
<Greg40> hey
<Greg40> PaulFertser hey
<PaulFertser> Greg40: can you also try building with --HEAD please?
<PaulFertser> Greg40: and let's troubleshoot from there.
<PaulFertser> Greg40: it's rather odd it hangs there, I can't remember why it can be happening.
<Greg40> Yeah really odd, must be something lower level?  Here's the pastebin for HEAD, same output.
<PaulFertser> Greg40: what's your debug adapter? Old regular CMSIS-DAP or newer v2 with bulk endpoints?
<PaulFertser> Greg40: btw, you shouldn't need that -s command, openocd binary knows where its scripts are.
<PaulFertser> Greg40: and one should be using scripts that came along with the binary.
<Greg40> (that command is generated by
<Krazubu> hi, it's working fine for me in monterey with CMSIS-DAP
<PaulFertser> Greg40: for troubleshooting please omit it and use plain upstream configs.
<Greg40> so just omit the -s flag and argument?
<PaulFertser> Greg40: yes
<PaulFertser> Greg40: can you try running openocd as root for this test please?
<PaulFertser> Krazubu: interesting datapoint, thanks.
<Greg40> running with sudo hangs at the same command
<PaulFertser> Greg40: with cmsis-dap it should be using hidapi library to talk to it.
<PaulFertser> Greg40: btw, is there something like strace for macOS?
<PaulFertser> Greg40: I wonder if it's an M1 mac or not.
<PaulFertser> Greg40: since you have everything handy there you might just try running openocd under gdb and C-c when it hangs to see the backtrace.
<Greg40> googling suggests dtruss may be equivalent to stroke, but not sure output from my naive run of it is sueful
<Greg40> Isn't an M1 Mac btw, is intel.
<Greg40> what command would I use to run under gdb?
<Greg40> thanks for the assistance btw
<Greg40> *strace, damn autocorrect
<PaulFertser> Greg40: gdb --args openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg
<PaulFertser> Then "r"
<mra90> PaulFertser, thanks, currently I am facing some issue with plain Lauterbach toolchain
<mra90> during startup script loading I get "debug port failure while reading from Reg:0x00..."
<PaulFertser> mra90: if you have a jtag adapter supported by OpenOCD you can give it a try.
<Greg40> aha, I recently updated to Monterey, is reporting no apple CLI tools, so no gdb... could be it?
<PaulFertser> Greg40: brew should have installed everything needed for openocd to work.
<PaulFertser> Greg40: probably you have old hidapi or need it recompiled? I do not know much about macOS tricks.
<Greg40> curious, it's not finding gdb in my path
<mra90> PaulFertser, ok but for now, do you have ssome experience with Lauterbach debugging?
<PaulFertser> mra90: I probably saw a config file for it once :)
<Greg40> wouldn't be the first time brew and OS X upgrades leave things in a broken state....will poke at that for a but. thanks.\
<mra90> ahh ok :)
<PaulFertser> mra90: what's your target device btw?
<mra90> ARC chip
<mra90> DesignWare ARC
<PaulFertser> OpenOCD actually has some support for ARC, directly from synopsys.
<PaulFertser> It might provide different results since it's likely a rather different code from the one in lauterbach.
<mra90> What do you mean by different results?
<mra90> The target device doesn't care who is talking to it
<mra90> at the end of the day its all about generating CPU debugging signals
<PaulFertser> mra90: but different code in OpenOCD might end up generating a different sequence of those debugging signals.
<Greg40> oh yay, gdb installs on brew get complicated by apple code signing / trust.. remember that pain:/  Maybe someone's just trying to tell me I should switch to Linux :)
<mra90> ok, make sense
<PaulFertser> Also, different code might be interpreting the results it's getting in another way and probably providing useful diagnostics.
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