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<riverdc> anyone know how to tell dune (which is using ocamlfind) to search additional directories for libraries, like gcc's -I / -L
<riverdc> nevermind, solved
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<neiluj> Hello! Trying to implement a cat program. I hesitate between using Stdio.In_channel high level functions, or just low-level open and write system calls.
<neiluj> Is Stdio comparable to fopen,fread and such, like in C?
<neiluj> The idea is to read the file by chunks, write them in a buffer
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> should be comparable
<d_bot> <darrenldl> (and easier to use)
<neiluj> working with in_channel is indeed, thanks :)
<neiluj> *easier
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<Armael> it looks like the list of accepted presentations for the ocaml workshop is online :)
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<d_bot> <Ulugbek> @companion_cube I was wondering whether you have compared `Iter` to janestreet's `Base.Sequence` (`Iter` repo compares it to stdlib and gen, but no Base.Sequence)
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<d_bot> <mbacarella> Just a quick reminder. The OCaml Cafe is in two days.
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<companion_cube> @ulugbek yes, a long time ago
<companion_cube> an old talk about Iter in 2014 btw (when it was called "sequence")
<companion_cube> neiluj: the stdlib also has in_channel
<companion_cube> Stdio is just the janestreet version
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<neiluj> companion_cube, right
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<d_bot> <tjammer> Doing a phd in CS sounds like a lot of fun
<companion_cube> it can be!
<d_bot> <tjammer> I got into coding late, when I was already doing physics. With a better CS teacher in school, I might have a CS degree now 😄
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<Anarchos> pour compiler dune j'ai besoin de lwt, pour installer lwt par opam j'ai besoin de dune....
<Anarchos> je tourne en rond dans le désert...
<companion_cube> dune doesn't need lwt.
<daimrod> my understanding is that it can't find the Cstubs module, but it's provided by ctypes (
<Anarchos> companion_cube otherlibs/dune-rpc-lwt ...
<companion_cube> everything is vendored
<companion_cube> you should not need lwt
<daimrod> ok found it, sorry for the noise. The proper dependency name is ctypes.stubs, but I was trying variations around ctypes.cstubs. I found it by looking at the .opam file:
<Anarchos> companion_cube i had to pin dune to my lcoal folder. i don't know how dune-rpc-lwt comes into play there
<companion_cube> you probably should try to ask the dune people
<companion_cube> or read the build instructions for building dune from source
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<Anarchos> companion_cube is there a #dune channel ?
<d_bot> <NULL> There is on Discord
<jsoo> hello ocamlers, i had a question about the ctypes library. I'm trying to define a bitwise enum like this:
<Anarchos> NULL thanks, but i am not sure to be able to use Discord on my OS
<jsoo> I would love to read the value of a constant as this _almost_ works
<d_bot> <NULL> Anarchos you can always use the webapp version (if your OS supports graphical web browsers)
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<Anarchos> null yes i can access to a browser based on webkit
<d_bot> <monk> i wonder if i can wrap around opal the useful error checking you see in the other parser libs, eg c-cube's CCParse
<d_bot> <monk> i presume that's just a bunch of monad juggling
<d_bot> <monk> don't really need it now but it would be extremely useful later for minor debugging
<d_bot> <monk> i really like how you approached error handling in it, @companion_cube
<d_bot> <monk> `<?>` is especially a nice touch
<d_bot> <monk> i used a similar combinator in Nom
<d_bot> <monk> to provide error info throughout the parse tree etc
<companion_cube> @monk there's a PR with significant changes to it btw
<companion_cube> if you're interested
<companion_cube> trying to make it closer to scanf in some ways (like simple parsers, with a lot of string splits)
<d_bot> <monk> 👀
<companion_cube> <?> is inspired from parsec btw
<d_bot> <monk> yeah realizing parsec really is the standard
<companion_cube> it's just what I knew from some years ago
<d_bot> <monk> i'm weird and got into parser combinators through Nom which didn't make any explicit refs to it directly (though I knew it existed)
<companion_cube> (had "real world haskell" as my intro to FP 😂)
<d_bot> <monk> lol
<d_bot> <monk> now i work with a C-based parser combinator library which is...... interesting!
<Corbin> Why does this program blow the stack when called with, say, 1_000_000 and 1_000_000 as arguments? I know that, as a matter of coding, it will take a long time (perhaps even a fraction of a second!) but it shouldn't overflow the stack right?
<Corbin> If I ask it for 100_000 and 100_000, it returns 200_000 instantly. I was rather hoping that this design would be iterative.
<Corbin> I did ask for a backtrace, and it is dozens of: Called from Add.compose in file "", line 2, characters 22-27
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<companion_cube> compose is not tail call in `f`, I imagine
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<Corbin> Yeesh. Yeah, and how could it be? That's frustrating. I was really hoping that flambda would be able to fuse basic compositions like that, but I guess not.
<companion_cube> hmm flambda isn
<companion_cube> isn't optimizing the same way GHC does
<Corbin> Well, that's demoralizing. Would pointing the code help? Like, changing (compose apply succ) to (fun xy -> succ (apply xy))? Would my earlier plan of Malfunction or directly generating bytecode make sense, or would it have the same obstacles?
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<Corbin> Ooh, unboxing closures might be important. I'm rereading now.
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<companion_cube> yeah, this makes a difference
<Corbin> Oho, "manual control of inlining and specialisation" sounds good too. I've had to work with a toolkit that required that (RPython); it's not so bad.
<companion_cube> I put a lot of [@inline] in my code, not sure to what extend it helps
<companion_cube> I mean it does, but how much I'm not sure
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<Corbin> companion_cube: Oh, stupid question: In Haskell there's an extensional difference between `f x y = ...` and `f x = \y -> ...` which the inliner can see, even though they have the same type. Do I need to play the same sort of game here, perhaps?
<companion_cube> most likely
<companion_cube> ah wait
<companion_cube> there's a difference between `f x = (partial application)`
<companion_cube> and `f x y = (…) y`
<companion_cube> but `let f x y = …` and `let f x = fun y -> …` are the same (one is sugar for the other)
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<Corbin> Aha, and partial applications can't be fully specialized. Makes sense.
<companion_cube> there's also [@unroll] which can be super useful
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<neiluj> Is it worth learning Haskell once you're comfortable with OCaml?
<neiluj> I've been following the make your own lisp in Haskell, the syntax is a bit lighter.
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<d_bot> <Shon F> I just had a project that went from building fine to failing with `Fatal error: exception End_of_file` when I try to `dune build` and I have no idea what I've done.
<d_bot> <Shon F> Anyone hit this?
<d_bot> <Shon F> Here's the full error:
<d_bot> <Shon F> ``` ocamlopt lib/abt.cmxs (exit 2)
<d_bot> <Shon F> (cd _build/default && /home/sf/.opam/4.12.0/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w @1..3@5..28@30..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -shared -linkall -I lib -o lib/abt.cmxs lib/abt.cmxa)
<d_bot> <Shon F> Fatal error: exception End_of_file
<d_bot> <Shon F> ```
<neiluj> looks like you're trying reading past the end of a file, no?
<d_bot> <Shon F> This is maddening. I've tried a fresh reinstallation of my opam switch..
<d_bot> <Shon F> This is happening during compilation.
<d_bot> <Shon F> That is indeed the exception, but not because of code I'm executing. I'm just trying to build the project.
<neiluj> Arf..
<d_bot> <Shon F> oh wow...
<d_bot> <Shon F> Your question helped, neiluj.
<neiluj> did you solved it?
<d_bot> <Shon F> I removed a single commented out out line at the bottom of a module, and the failure went away.
<d_bot> <Shon F> So maybe a bug in ocamlopt?
<d_bot> <Shon F> Bah, now I have to try to debug the toolchain instead of working on my toy.
<d_bot> <Shon F> Yes, solved. Thanks!
<neiluj> congrats :) but it's really weird tho indeed
<d_bot> <Shon F> Omg, yeah, this is totally bizarre. I'm just tried to reproduce by adding a minimal example, and it seems the addition of a separate file in my project makes the problem go away...
<d_bot> <Shon F> Seems to be a heizenbug.
<neiluj> 🐞
<d_bot> <Shon F> So, from looking at a few issues, it seems to me this is what a segfault looks like from some the tooling?
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<neiluj> Maybe open an issue at
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<d_bot> <Et7f3> Does this happen with trunk ocaml ?
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<d_bot> <Shon F> I'll check it happens on trunk.
<d_bot> <Shon F> bah, anyone know off hand how to fix:
<d_bot> <Shon F> ```
<d_bot> <Shon F> [ERROR] Could not resolve set of base packages:
<d_bot> <Shon F> The following dependencies couldn't be met:
<d_bot> <Shon F> - ocaml-variants → ocaml-beta
<d_bot> <Shon F> unmet availability conditions: enable-ocaml-beta-repository
<d_bot> <Shon F> ```
<d_bot> <Shon F> When trying to install ocaml trunk? I've hit two dead ends on google already.
<d_bot> <Shon F> Tried, which is also not working.
<d_bot> <Shon F> I'll see about revisiting these toolchain errors later in the week. I'm afraid my times all sunk for now.
<d_bot> <Shon F> In case anyone is terribly curious, here's the commit where the error seems to be reproducible:
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