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<enebo[m]> This gets award for weirdest snippet of the week:
<enebo[m]> public RubyArray split19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, boolean useBackref) {
<enebo[m]> return splitCommon(context, arg0, useBackref, flags, flags);
<enebo[m]> }
<enebo[m]> deprecated method which for some reason uses object flags as limit and index to perform a split
<enebo[m]> This must have had a local field flags at some past point and it was deleted
<enebo[m]> I would lay money no one calls this :)
<headius> Wow yeah that looks busted
<headius> zzak: I like to keep the channel active ⛹️
<enebo[m]> yeah we can be chatty at times 🤪
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