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<mattip> what time is the zoom call this Thurs? I have it down for 8-9UTC, is that correct?
<antocuni> I think I finally have some time for hpy today :)
<antocuni> I see in my email backlog that there were lots of PRs and discussions. Is there any particular PR and/or issue that you would me to look at?
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<vstinner> hi. there are some minor updates on the Python C API ;-)
<vstinner> The Python Steering Council granted a PEP 387 (backward compatibility) exception for my Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() incompatible C API changes in Python 3.11: "Py_SIZE(obj) = size;" must now be written "Py_SET_SIZE(obj, size);". Decision:
<vstinner> also, Erlend and me wrote a PEP to suggest replacing macros with static inline functions in the C API:
<vstinner> the intent is to avoid weird corner cases of macros, like unexpected return value
<antocuni> good news 👍
<vstinner> functions are a well defined API
<vstinner> have*
<vstinner> i hope that the PEP 670 will be considered as complete enough to summarize different opinions, so a decision can be taken on this PEP
<vstinner> i'm also working on to disallow using some macros as l-value, like PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE()
<fangerer> antocuni: great that you find some time for HPy. I would appreciate if you have a quick look at my PR #251 such that I can make progress on that. I also think you should further look at PRs #259, #260, and #264
<mattip> what time is the zoom call this Thurs? I have it down for 8-9UTC, is that correct?
<fangerer> mattip: sorry, forgot to answer: no, we are back to _normal time_. So, it's 9-10a UTC (i.e. 10-11a CET)
<mattip> +1
<antocuni> fangerer: I reviewed #251, but I am writing more thoughts in #122 (not finished yet)
<fangerer> 👍 thank you
<antocuni> ok, I wrote a poem in #122 :)
* antocuni off
<Hodgestar> vstinner: It's really encouraging that the Steer Council granted the exception. Woot.
<Hodgestar> vstinner: It feels like your macro replacement project is taking off a bit?
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