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<acresearch> BtbN: how can i find these values from the camera? I have an Insta360 X3 camera, and i can't find these values in the internet nor its manual. where/how can i find them? or derive them from the images it takes?
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<acresearch> BtbN: how can i find the hFOV and vFOV values from the camera? I have an Insta360 X3 camera, and i can't find these values in the internet nor its manual. where/how can i find them? or calculate them from the images it takes?
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<CounterPillow> Is there a way to use ffprobe in order to calculate the container overhead? I thought about -show_streams but it can't figure out the bitrate of the video stream inside this MPEG-TS fragment.
<JEEB> -show_packets
<JEEB> and some math :)
<CounterPillow> ty
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<acresearch> how can i find the hFOV and vFOV values from the camera? I have an Insta360 X3 camera, and i can't find these values in the internet nor its manual. where/how can i find them? or calculate them from the images it takes? i found out that the focal length is 6.7 and the sensor is 1/2" (what ever that means) can i use these values to calcularte the hFOV & vFOV?
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<noobaroo> Is there a way to concat two files that have a different FPS (29.97 and 30) without re-encoding?
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<acresearch> how can i find the hFOV and vFOV values from the camera? I have an Insta360 X3 camera, and i can't find these values in the internet nor its manual. where/how can i find them? or calculate them from the images it takes? i found out that the focal length is 6.7 and the sensor is 1/2" (what ever that means) can i use these values to calcularte the hFOV & vFOV?
<noobaroo> What is hFOV & vFOV?
<acresearch> noobaroo: horizantal field of view, vertical field of view
<BtbN> Does the manufacturer not document that?
<acresearch> BtbN: no, i am have been talking to their support for 2 days now, and whom ever they have as support seems not to understand what i am talking about
<BtbN> well, they you're out of luck and will have to trial&error it
<acresearch> they keep copy/pasting text from the internet, text i have already searched and read
<acresearch> BtbN: i tried, but i am reading online that ffmpeg cannot do it. i see people attempting to correctly "stitch" dual fish eye images and videos and they say, the best possible with ffmpeg is images with the an panorama picture, but you the stitch sesion not done correctly:
<acresearch> you can see from this results, that it doesn't work
<BtbN> That trial&error does not work?
<acresearch> BtbN: yeh, i am current; generating 8,000 images for vFOV and hFOV between 180 and 250 each
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<acresearch> but it seems it gets REALLLLY close but then not spot on
<BtbN> Are you sure the camera even generated images in the format you think it does?
<acresearch> BtbN: yes, their software does it perfectly but they have a problem
<BtbN> Of course the proprietary software knows how to handle it
<BtbN> but that doesn't mean anything
<acresearch> they only allow you to generate one image at a time, if we take 2000 images that takes a whole day to export manuall clickling each image
<acresearch> BtbN: so what does it mean?
<BtbN> Nothing really. Of course they have an algorithm that deals with their stuff perfectly
<BtbN> but obviously it's not quite what v360 is made to deal with
<BtbN> Without further details from the manufacturer, there's not much you can do, outside of straight up reverse engineering their tool
<acresearch> BtbN: what is v360 made to deal with?
<acresearch> what further information is required? if they don't know their own vFOV hFOV, how can i calculate it from the info in the images? or what type of info can i use to calcualte it?
<BtbN> You can't calculate it
<acresearch> and is there other values requires to stitch a dual fish eye ?
<acresearch> BtbN: why?
<BtbN> It's a property of the device
<BtbN> You need to know it
<acresearch> but don't all images function within the rules of trigonometry?
<acresearch> heights and widths and focal points?
<BtbN> If you want to go into some research about it, I'm sure an algorithm could be derived somehow. But you're on your own with that.
<acresearch> i don't mind using their own propreitry software, but the problem is that its broken, they stopped maintaining it
<acresearch> insta360 is a famouse camera or is it a scammy china production?
<BtbN> Google finds v360=input=dfisheye:output=equirect:pitch=-22:roll=-20:ih_fov=193:iv_fov=193
<acresearch> BtbN: let me try it
<BtbN> The dude on SO also notes that "Please note that once you find the right FOV for your camera, it will remain the same for all your photos, but PICTH and ROLL will be different for each photo"
<acresearch> BtbN: ffmpeg -i fish.jpg v360=input=dfisheye:output=equirect:pitch=-22:roll=-20:ih_fov=193:iv_fov=193 out.jpg there must be an error i get : Unable to find a suitable output format
<BtbN> You at the very least forgot -vf
<acresearch> interesting it moved the position, but if pitch and roll are different for each photo it means they must be somehwere in the meta datta right?
<BtbN> if the camera is kind enough. But I wouldn't bet on it
<BtbN> could also be proprietaty metadata or something
<acresearch> but i think after trying this command that pitch/roll might not be useful to me, at least for now, because i need it with 0 pitch roll
<acresearch> i think my only requirement is vFOV and hFOV. i am surprised it is not possible to calcualte them from triangulation.
<acresearch> after trial and error, i feel they are around the value of 202 degrees each
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<BtbN> What do you expect to calculate them from? All you got are a lot of pixels
<BtbN> They're inherent properties of the lenses and their layout
<acresearch> BtbN: from the meta data and some info about the camera, i know the that focul length is either 6.7mm or 1.24mm the sensor is 12.7mm diagonally and its aspect ratio is 2:1
<BtbN> I don't see how that's helpful for calculating the lense layout
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<acresearch> i know the the equirectangular image is 11968x5984 px
<acresearch> well there is a formula that says: hFOV = 2 arctan (x/2f) but when i used it, it didn't work
<frankplow> I have a YUV file with varying resolution. How can I use ffmpeg to convert this into a sequence of BMP files? I have available the resolution of each frame.
<another|> frankplow: one file with multiple frames with different resolutions?
<frankplow> another|: Yeah. It's a nasty file, it's crashed a few tools I've tried to use it with.
<BtbN> If it doesn't have any kind of container, and is just random pixels thrown together, you'll have to manually calculate offets, split it apart with dd/tail/head, and then feed the individual files to ffmpeg together with their format and res
<frankplow> I suppose I could write a simple script which calculates the byte offsets from the resolutions + bitdepth + subsampling format, then divide the YUV file into frames like that, but I was hoping there'd be something a little easier
<BtbN> using a proper container would have been easier :D
<frankplow> BtbN: No choice really, it's from the VVC reference software which will only output YUV
<BtbN> And it outputs random changing resolutions, just straight up as raw pixels?
<BtbN> That's messed up and near useless if so
<frankplow> Or it has Y4M output but it was a bit buggy for sequences without changing resolution so I don't really fancy testing that. I don't even think a resolution-changing Y4M is possible.
<frankplow> BtbN: Yeah it's annoying
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<noobaroo> acresearch Found this on reddit: ffmpeg.exe -i input.mp4 -vf "lenscorrection=k1=-0.227:k2=0.045" -acodec copy -crf 20 output.mp4
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<noobaroo> I find it hard to believe that h264 and h265 have bitstream filters to crop, but not av1? Is it not a thing, or it exists but just isn't implemented in ffmpeg?
<jkqxz> It's not a thing. AV1 has no cropping information - the coded size is the output size.
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<acresearch> noobaroo: interesting, but i am doing individual images, not videos
<acresearch> noobaroo: but it still works with images, what are the k1 and k2 values? and what are their range?
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<acresearch> BtbN: some progress on reverse engineering the algorithm:
<acresearch> the problem is i don't know where are these JS functions being called from, where are their scripts?
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<ppw> hello, what's a straightforward way of verifying the validity of a video file?
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<ppw> ffmpeg -v error -i your_video_file.mp4 -f null - ?
<BtbN> depends a bit on how you define validity
<BtbN> But generally, that should work to determine if what you got there is something ffmpeg can decode
<BtbN> though ffmpeg can decode A LOT of stuff, including text files as mp3
<furq> that won't check whether there are decoder errors etc
<furq> unless they're so severe that ffmpeg has to bail out completely
<ppw> it didn't show any errors. yet youtube's systems still didn't let the video through ("processing abandoned"). so I recoded to a different video and audio format and then it went through. weird.
<furq> does it show anything with -v warning
<ppw> no.
<furq> well that is weird then
<ppw> I think it might be because it's pcm_s16le embedded in an MP4 container
<furq> youtube generally doesn't care about stuff like that
<furq> but maybe
<BtbN> What's the ffprobe output for the "broken" file?
<furq> did you actually reencode the video or just the audio
<ppw> both
<furq> maybe try just reencoding the audio to alac
<BtbN> the video is definitely file
<BtbN> so yeah, seems like YT hates raw pcm
<furq> i would say the framerate but i'm sure i've uploaded 1fps video to youtube before and it didn't mind
<BtbN> I've uploaded 0.001 fps to YT before. It converted it up to 30 fps, but took it
<furq> i think 6 is as low as it will go without changing the fps
<furq> but it's probably better to just let it build a usable seek index
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<BtbN> the plan was to just upload a song with as small of a file as possible
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