jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: nodejs: 16.11.0 -> 16.11.1
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: protobuf: 3.18.0 -> 3.18.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: xscreensaver: 6.01 -> 6.02
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<jeremyc> Just booted ISO, font is tiny. Any way I can increase font size? I do not see /usr/share/consolefonts
<jeremyc> nm, found /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts... setfont ter-932b.psf.gz seems to be OK.
<braewoods> jeremyc: need the big font for your big resolution? :)
<jeremyc> 4k monitor.
<jeremyc> yeah ;-)
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<jeremyc> I think there is an error in the Handbook, prevents booting a newly installed system if you follow the directions. After compiling the kernel, the manual says "cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz". Next steps are to install your bootloader. I am using grub on efi. The install portion works, but the manual says "grub-mkconfig -o
<jeremyc> /boot/grub/grub.cfg" ... grub-mkconfig will not recognize any kernel. It is looking for /boot/vmlinuz-* but the manual says to cp bzImage /boot/vmlinuz which does not meet the criteria grub-mkconfig is looking for. The manual should state cp bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-x.y.z then grub-mkconfig works.
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<jeremyc> I notice in the manual about ports that all commands are prefixed by $ ... Is the intent to use ports as a standard user? Why /usr/ports if so?
<jeremyc> nm, it seems all commands are $ in the manual, just wasn't paying attention :-/
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: dconf-editor: added fail check for dconf-vala
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: bluez: 5.61 -> 5.62
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: diagnostic-languageserver: cleaned up footprint
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: gtk-layer-shell: added fail check for gtk3-wayland
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-backports_entry-points-selectable: added missing dependency: python3-setuptools-scm
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-pyqt-builder: 1.12.0 -> 1.12.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: shotgun: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: sip: 6.3.0 -> 6.3.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: sniffglue: fixed shell completion generation and footprint
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: typescript: 4.4.3 -> 4.4.4
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: wofi: added fail check for gtk3-wayland
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: gnupg: 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: git: 2.33.0 -> 2.33.1
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<jeremyc> What do you do about footprint mismatches? gnupg has one (for me at least):
<jeremyc> =======> ERROR: Footprint mismatch found:
<jeremyc> NEW -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/dirmngr
<jeremyc> NEW -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/dirmngr-client
<jeremyc> NEW -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/share/gnupg/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem
<jeremyc> =======> ERROR: Building '/usr/ports/opt/gnupg/gnupg#2.3.3-1.pkg.tar.gz' failed.
<stenur> put PKGMK_IGNORE_NEW="yes" in /etc/pkgmk.conf
<stenur> cool this issue is solved after ~four months btw!
<stenur> 'have to go (cycling ;)
<jeremyc> what issue?
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<jeremyc> thanks, btw, stenur, that did fix the install issue. A little concerned the footprint didn't match what the maintainer was thinking.
<SiFuh_> jeremyc: you should only be concerned if somethign is missing
<SiFuh_> NEW is usually when you have something on your system the build picked up on and added a new feature or what-not. Which is perfectly normal
<jeremyc> How do you know the NEW items isn't some malicious code that got injected into the package/build somehow?
<SiFuh_> HAHA
<jeremyc> I thought it was a legit question. I see the .signature, but if that isn't enough and one is checking .footprint, why shouldn't it match?
<SiFuh_> My ports are built on a core system. Because everyone uses a core system. Therefore only the neccessary dependencies are compiled against it.
<SiFuh_> This means if you have other non-neccessary dependencies on your system, the build process will usually find them and build new features.
<SiFuh_> I don't think anyone is sitting on your system waiting for you to compile and at that exact moment inject malicious code.
<SiFuh_> The .signature is used to make sure the port and the archive you it downloads is unchanged
<jeremyc> So, I have pkg A installed as a dependency to some other tool (say a library). Then when I compile gpg, configure sees that lib and it is now able to do something additional that was not part of the original maintainers system?
<SiFuh_> Yes
<SiFuh_> When you build audio/video ports you will come accross a lot of
<jeremyc> No, I didn't think anyone at my computer, but injection into the source repo, the Pkgfile, or something at the source. i.e. the reason for sha256sums.
<jeremyc> ok. thanks for the info
<SiFuh_> No if there was an injection into the source the signature wouldn't match
<jeremyc> right, everything has a .signature? I wrote my own package real quick to get some software installed and didn't make a .signature (didn't learn about it until later)
<SiFuh_> If you made it yourself and you don't plan on posting it, then no worries about the signature
<jeremyc> OK, so part of pushing to a contrib repo, for example, .signature would be required before being accepted.
<SiFuh_> All repos yes
<jeremyc> thanks for talking me through this.
<jeremyc> gotta go to work. thanks!
<SiFuh_> By the way /etc/prt-get.conf do you have runscripts set to yes? Or are you manually going into each port and running the scripts?
<jeremyc> hm, lmc.
<jeremyc> runscripts no is commented out. Does it have a default?
<jeremyc> or is the comment stating "no" is the default.
<SiFuh_> Some ports have scripts that need to be run before or after. With that not enabled, it ignores the scripts
<SiFuh_> If you want it more automated then you can enable it
<jeremyc> thanks! gotta split.
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-yaml: -> 6.0
<stenur> Hammer OverlayFS CVE-2021-3847
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<stenur> Hmmm. Maybe not that bitter in real life, if i think about it a bit.
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<Belgacem1958> Why are the ports unreachables at this moment?
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<stenur> Which ports?
<stenur> Having said that -- i use git protocol driver.
<stenur> That works.
<Belgacem1958> Just after a fresh install, ports -u fails
<stenur> Right now that is.
<Belgacem1958> The same to crux.nu?
<stenur> git://crux.nu/ports/core.git for example, yes.
<Belgacem1958> But ping -c3 www.google.com for example is ok.
<stenur> Can try on command line, git ls-remote git://crux.nu/ports/core.git
<stenur> I do not know much about rsync
<Belgacem1958> How can i use git with ports -u since it's my first update of the fresh installed system?
<stenur> In /etc/ports there are files eg core.rsync, these are the port drivers; core.rsync.inactive is not used, core.rsync is
<stenur> The .git versions do not exist by default iirc; you need git installed also, of course.
<Belgacem1958> setnur : this is already done
<jeremyc> I *just* got done with a fresh install about 3 minutes ago. ports -u worked fine for me. *Just* finished.
<stenur> what is already done; removing .inactive file extension?
<jeremyc> I did not change anything in my configs at this point for ports, so whatever the default configs are for core, opt, xorg all worked.
<stenur> Maybe rsync is firewalled away somewhere where you sit
<SiFuh_> Belgacem1958: no error message? Just a stab in the dark, hows your clock? Is it the right time?
<stenur> Ah i hate those winter heavens with only myriads of jet trails drifting by
<stenur> New OpenBSD SiFuh_
<SiFuh_> stenur: yep, already spent half a day downloading it, just doing a verification before updating
<stenur> Heck that development speed, i could drown in OpenBSD VMs
<Belgacem1958> SiFuh : errors like "failed to connect to crux.nu ( : Connection timed out (110) " Or :"rsync error in socket IO (code 10)....“
<stenur> Thought that, last time you were ready before it came
<SiFuh_> I download everything amd64 first it is a habit
<SiFuh_> Belgacem1958: That's a network issue.
<Belgacem1958> My network?
<stenur> Beats head against firewall
<SiFuh_> Belgacem1958: Yours or your ISPs :-)
<Belgacem1958> Ok
<SiFuh_> Can access crux.nu and ping from here (Malaysia)
<jeremyc> Is there a way I can have pkgmk build the package, keep the built package but clean up all the other stuff downloaded/built? If I do -C it removes the build stuff, download, and built package. I'd like to keep the built packages for my laptop (building on my desktop now)
<SiFuh_> jeremyc: The built package already exists
<jeremyc> Yes, but it keeps the download stuff too. I'd like to clear that out.
<SiFuh_> It will be in the folder so for example if you build firefox. You can go to the firefox port folder and keep the *#* package
<SiFuh_> prt-get path firefox will point you to the port
<jeremyc> Yes, but how do I keep that file but clear out the other things, such as the downloaded .tar.gz file containing the firefox source?
<jeremyc> (automated), that is. for things like prt-get w/dependency building
<SiFuh_> jeremyc: I use a distfiles directory and a packages directory. So all downlaoded stuff is sent to /usr/ports/distfiles for example and all built ports are in /usr/ports/packages
<SiFuh_> You can do that by setting the variable in /etc/pkgmk.conf PKGMK_SOURCE_DIR= and PKGMK_PACKAGE_DIR=
<jeremyc> SiFuh_ thanks!
<SiFuh_> I use an external drive and I keep both systems the same. So I just build on the fastest machine and move the drive over to the other to update
<stenur> You can even do things like PKGMK_SOURCE_DIR="`d=/x/balls/\"\`basename ${PWD}\`\"; if [ -n "${DOMKDIR}" ]; then [ -d \"${d}\" ] || mkdir -p -m 2770 \"${d}\"; fi; echo \"${d}\"`"
<SiFuh_> Hahahaha stenur :-P show off!
<stenur> But that is really terrible :) Must be one line really
<SiFuh_> Which reminds me, I didn't revdep yet
<stenur> Just to fastly add PKGMK_TMP_DIR="`: ${TMPDIR:=/tmp}; d=\"${TMPDIR}\"/.pkgmk/\"\`basename ${PWD}\`\"; if [ -n "${DOMKDIR}" ]; then [ -d \"${d}\" ] || mkdir -p -m 2770 \"${d}\"; fi; echo \"${d}\"`"
<stenur> Then i am out for cooking; ciao!
<SiFuh_> Hahaha
<SiFuh_> jeremyc: Also revdep is your best friend
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<SiFuh_> When you rebuild a dependency the port that depends on it may break. So using revdep you can see what broke and rebuild it to the new dependency
<SiFuh_> One of my favorites is prt-get fsearch <filename> I get friends ask me to fsearch something so they can figure out which package they are missing on a non-CRUX system :-P
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<SiFuh_> bountyht: Scarlet fever
<SiFuh_> Thought it was only for children but he said it can affect anyone.
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<SiFuh_> affect hmm, probably better to say infect
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<Belgacem1958> So, about ports -u : my connection with firefox (under openbox) is ok. Still can't reach crux.nu with firefox + ports -u fails to sync?
<Belgacem1958> I used a linux-5. 14.9 with Slackware config
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<joacim> drag and drop of pictures from firefox to the file manager changed functionality for me. it leaves a link where i drop the file, instead of saving the file to that location.
<joacim> is this new behavior in caja/mate, or is it firefox?
<joacim> guessing firefox
<SiFuh_> Yuck
<SiFuh_> Bet it is firefox, since they always do shit no one likes
<joacim> instead of making yet another chromium reskin, they'll just convince people to move to chrome
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<groovy2shoes> SiFuh_, i'm thinking about removing webkitgtk support from my emacs port. any opinion on that?
<SiFuh_> Yep
<SiFuh_> Good
<groovy2shoes> alrighty
<SiFuh_> When you done, let me know. I want to compare ports
<SiFuh_> Mine is pretty stripped down already
<SiFuh_> i've kept GTK because I use it as a normal GUI text editor
<groovy2shoes> i thought having webkit support sounded convenient in principle, but i'm not aware that there's a whole lot that takes advantage of it, and it's broken half the time anyway. every webkitgtk update makes it need a recompile, and now finally it's updated so much that emacs won't even build. i'm thinking it's more hassle than it's worth.
<groovy2shoes> but i'm not normally an emacs user, so i don't really have any notion of what stuff is considered essential these days ¬_¬
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<braewoods> groovy2shoes: why do you have emacs?
<braewoods> and why does it need a web engine? o.O
<braewoods> i guess the jokes about emacs are true
<braewoods> though these days they should be like
<groovy2shoes> i have emacs cuz i like to mess around with it from time to time
<braewoods> "chrome is a great os. too bad it lacks a good browser."
<braewoods> :P
<groovy2shoes> i don't think it *needs* a web engine, per se. and tbh i'm not really sure what all it's used for. maybe people who read their email in emacs?
<braewoods> i suspect it could be for reading documentation.
<braewoods> web engines, the only real use i can think of for non-browsers is viewing offline html documents
<groovy2shoes> the jokes about emacs are indeed true, but it's a shame i don't ever hear the jokes about shit like Atom or VS Code, which, running on electron, solve that "problem" from the other direction, by building wonky text editors on top of web browsers lol