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<Guest64> is there any sample projects for bbone rev a5?
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<set_> Yes.
<zmatt> already left
<set_> yes?
<set_> I only want to answer yes for now.
<set_> Sorry @zmatt.
<set_> @zmatt: I have been racking my brain on this one.
<set_> So, does a PRU on the BBBlue handle incoming commuincation w/ pruecapin_pu?
<set_> Oh and the pruecapin_pu is the muxing.
<zmatt> I mean, that's not a hardware question, that's a matter of whatever software gets loaded onto pru
<set_> I just am trying to rewrite history here and it seems the RISC processor on the SiP, PRU, ...oh.
<set_> Okay.
<set_> Okay. Here is my plight. Some person, historical references here, wrote up some PRU source to handle communication from the output of a receiver (RX) to the input of the pru on the BBBlue.
<set_> My current, self-contracted here, ideas are to fix the issue at hand.
<set_> The receiver gets powered but the PRU is not processing the data coming in on it (I think).
<set_> is the source I think I can alter so far.
<set_> In the /pru/ dir, there are many files w/ different ideas. I have pasm and clpru onboard the bbblue as of now and I am trying new ideas constantly...
<set_> Do you have any advice?
<set_> I also see that the am335x-boneblue.dtb is not ready for 4.19.x.
<set_> It has a 4.18.x kernel on its last update on rcn's github for dtb-rebuilder.
<set_> If that is on purpose, okay. But, if it is a slight "I am way to busy to handle this right now" idea, that is okay too.
<zmatt> I have no idea what you mean by that, what have you actually observed that makes you think there's a problem with its dtb on 4.19 ?
<zmatt> also dtb-rebuilder has been replaced by
<set_> See the update in the remarks.
<set_> Oh.
<set_> Yikes.
<set_> Okay.
<set_> Okay.../BeagleBoard-DeviceTrees.
<set_> Okay.
<set_> Aw. May 14th w/ 4.19.x. Nice.
<set_> I will try this updated versioning.
<zmatt> you should not concern yourself about any of this and just use the dtb that's included with the kernel package like normal people
<set_> Oh.
<set_> Okay. I will test that too!
<set_> So, there is a .dtb in the /lib/firmware/ dir. that is for am335x-boneblue.dtb?
<set_> I will check.
<zmatt> dtbs do not live in /lib/firmware
<set_> Do not fret.
<set_> Oh. Ouch.
<set_> Hmm. Where are the .dtb files then?
<set_> dtbs in the /boot dir?
<zmatt> why does it even matter to you?
<set_> Everything matters to me! Well, I will tell you to be honest.
<set_> The ArduPilot stuff came and went. I tried and tried. Not only did they say it worked, I only got so far but it took a long time.
<set_> This long time out of my life has not come to fruition.
<set_> So, I figured I would try w/out their help and see where it takes me.
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<set_> So far, so terrible. But! I should give in just b/c of a couple of faulty years.
<set_> So, that is why it matters. I want to see this flying blue in action w/ ArduPilot. But their devs. moved on and left a few wanderers.
<set_> I mean hell, it is not a dream to fly a BBBlue to me. I just know it is possible and want to keep it up. Also, I do not want to jump into the librobotconrol just yet.
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<aswin> Does IIO devices require configfs for functioning?
<zmatt> I don't recall IIO using configfs in any way
<zmatt> but I haven't done much with IIO
<aswin> I thought it uses sysfs for communicating by default
<mru> sysfs != configfs
<aswin> I understand that.
<zmatt> and also no, iio uses a chardev
<zmatt> though I think maybe sysfs is also used for some setup?
<zmatt> not sure
<zmatt> it might just be for debugging
<mru> you can get simple readings just with sysfs
<mru> easier than messing with the chardev
<aswin> I read linux/Documentation/iio/iio_configfs.rst so confusion. I never used configfs before
<zmatt> okay, so apparently iio optoinally supports configfs ?
<mru> it's not required for most normal things
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<zmatt> you even need to manually modprobe the modules for it it seems
<zmatt> the weird thing is, you use configfs just to create the trigger instance but configure its only parameter (sampling_frequency) via sysfs rather than configfs:
<aswin> zmatt: I was also reading about the same!
<aswin> zmatt: is uEnv.txt a standard way of passing configuration to u-boot ?
<zmatt> I have no idea
<aswin> any overlay passed to the u-boot will be passed to the kernel right?
<zmatt> overlays are applied to the dtb before it is passed to the kernel. the kernel knows nothing about overlays
<zmatt> the specifics of which overlays are loaded (and the associated config vars) are
<aswin> Ah okay! Why there is a limitation on the number of overlays possible in BBB?
<zmatt> yeah no idea why it doesn't just have a variable for an arbitrary list of overlays to load
<zmatt> though fortunately it's easy to combine multiple overlays into one (if you have their source code) so it's not a major limitation
<aswin> zmatt: Got it!
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