let me paste a couple of respnses from the main Buildroot channel
I'm using agetty on my desktop PC, FWIW
<peterm6881> Any idea why getty is respawning with 2023.02, but fine up to and including 2022.11?
<peterm6881> Welcome to Speedsaver
<peterm6881> speedsaver login: root
<peterm6881> Last login: Tue Dec 20 18:16:53 UTC 2022 on ttyS1
<peterm6881> Password:
<peterm6881> Last login: Tue Dec 20 18:17:12 on ttyS1
<peterm6881> Welcome to Speedsaver
<peterm6881> speedsaver login:
<peterm6881> Same problem for both Lichee Zero and Orange Pi Zero LTS
<peterm6881> And MangoPi-R3c
<y_morin> peterm6881: Are you using bash?
<y_morin> If so, try to backport 2dff6e93ca2a675cebe5cfb6d864ff5da78a4ef4
Xogium commented as follows:
<Xogium> Yann meant to backport a commit from master to the 2023.02 buildroot
<Xogium> as in, you take this commit and pick it and put it on the 2023.02 buildroot. Thing is you're not using git for buildroot itself. Zoltan might need to give you this commit as a patch to apply
so you logged in, and then it gave you the last login message, and then it seemingly "restarted"?
yeah I could do that
correct, it behaves exactly as pasted
started with 2023.02, which is still the currecnt LTS version
2022.11 is fine, never seen that problem before. I just didnt understand the response
or as I said, alternatively, for now, create /etc/locale.conf with the content "LANG=C"
that's a way to work around yeah
it should work with LANG being en_US.UTF-8 as well
but don't forget to to run locale-gen
so is this modifying an existing conf file or creating one from scratch?
I think the locale-gen utility isn't included in the generated system, since the locales are added and built during the system compilation
or wait, I suppose you don't need to, in this case
okay I see
that's why there's the localisation options in the menuconfig
I think you could use "en_US.UTF-8" instead of "C"
I even forget what mine are set to
I have never checked that out yet, only the defconfig files
whe you guys figure out exactly what I should change let me know hehe
when *
if you run "locale", it should give you everything you need
ah, en_US.UTF-8 for whitelist and en_US for generation
menuconfig is the best way to configure buildroot btw, because it changes every setting you need to use one thing or another instead of you having to possibly add them manually
it handles depends/selects for you
peterm6881: add those two lines to the config and re-build buildroot, or whatever you want it to be, I've not yet ran menuconfig, so no clue what else you can modify with regarding to this, but it has to be identical to what you set the locale to
yeah I've written one by now, and I can imagine how it looks like based on the files
but for those two it should be ok
just never needed it personally
not yet
Xogium, can we adapt our side of things to make this change?
what do you mean ?
since its affecting every repo
it's just 2 lines added in the defconfig
yes but can we do it in menuconfig or amke a patch?
make *
you either edit the defconfig manually or do it in menuconfig. The patch is to fix the bug itself. You don't need this if you're working around the bug
I dunno what repo uses the BR 2023.x, but you can literally just add those two lines to the config file, and push
no point editing a file if we have to do it every time till Buildroot decide to make a patch
you don't ?
* Xogium
scratches head
the defconfig is a one time edit...
is that the better way?
or would you go down the menuconfig route
> package/readline: add upstream patch to fix crash with invalid locale specification
you just have to have the valid LANG and L_CTYPE set
I mean either would work. It should make you work around the bug, then the bug in question will get fixed and you'll just never notice it because you already worked around it
which is done through the config file
you don't need to worry about Buildroot making a patch of any sort
16:41:56 < Xogium> the defconfig is a one time edit... <- yup
this commit isn't yet in 2023.02, but by the time it will be, you'll already have worked around the problem
yeah, the issue is the patch not being in BR, peterm6881
that's what Yann when he said, backport
inserting those two lines into the config file solves it
it's already there, just not for your current version, yet
im trying to understand if theres a change we can make to our repos that makes this problem go away permanently, rather than tweaking something on my local machine, if its not a think we need to wait on Buildroot for
but there's another workaround possible which is to use those lines in the defconfig
thing * ofc
peterm6881: yes
I told you
add those two lines to the config file, and push the changes to whichever repo
it will make the problem go away permanently, whether BR has the fix or not
I will definitely make a mess of that, would you mind doing the needful
with todays date, because im done pushing anything, ever
what's History.md?
no idea, git did that to me
because its a fuck imho
I mean, I'd have to change the defconfigs too in those repos I suppose, and along with that I could create a tag that would point to that commit
its ok, something bad alsways has to happen after a win, its yin and yang
history is the list of stuff that changed since the last release
so, i guess
you can do "git add History.md"
peter@asus:~/buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi$ git status
Changes to be committed:
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'.
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
On branch main
new file: History.md
and then 'git commit -m "Add History.md"' or something, or "git commit" and it will open your text editor for the commit message, then git push
"or something" is worrying
no, it's fine, but I think you should do "git commit" instead