cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, CD/floppy disk theory of operation, and the 68k CPU are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> leaded solder — Today at 8:04 PM
<andlabs> Who wants to learn kicad the anime way
<NiGHTS> 【データ版】やさしいKiCad7.0ではじめる基板の創りかた - 湊屋 - BOOTH (at
Degi has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
Degi has joined ##yamahasynths
<cr1901> I mean, DX-MON is a vtuber, and over the course of a month last year, she taught me Kicad. Does that count?
<indexphp> cr1901: Awesome
<indexphp> cr1901: I decided to get in under the wire for 2023 and break my electronics jinx, I would power up my vector graphics generator pcb that was designed in KiCAD. cc antifachad doppler
<indexphp> Also late entrant in shambolic and unsafe workspaces competition 2023
<cr1901> Good stuff... I remember TD-Linux doing similar a while back
<indexphp> it got finished last year but i haven't had a chance to do any electronics in 2023
<indexphp> hence the jinx
<andlabs> cr1901: do you mean there's a vtuber kicad series or do you mean you just learned from them in private
<andlabs> indexphp: neat
<cr1901> andlabs: In private
<indexphp> andlabs: ty