cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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Foone: FWIW, that IRC convo floppy disk image is now my new test image for floppy disk writing/reading
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Maybe I can find some more non-copyrighted Foone goodness to put onto the disk
Now I have a file called PhysicsKeyboard.JPG on it
(I guess this floppy disk supports VFAT/255 chars)
err, wait, that's not a property of floppy disk formatting, but the FS driver
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I am officially on break
no coding projects until February 7th
kode54: did you have to tie your hands behind your back to achieve that?
I probably will have to do that
wait what's physics keyboard
where you put the keycaps on an airtable and flick them into sensors on the other side of the table
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high-touch typing
andlabs: nah. though that's a good idea
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I designed a keyboard layout using physics. I simulated all the keys falling randomly into a container, bouncing and rotating around as they hit each other and a bunch of balls to prevent too much close alignment
foone sur Twitter : "Check out my new keyboard! It's just got 7 switches and a button. You know binary, yeh? Just enter the binary value of the character you want to type, and then push the button. Nothing could be simpler!…"
foone sur Twitter : "A little while ago I threatened to make a keyboard based on a knob that you turn to select the letter, and a button to enter that letter. And now I have built it!…"
what about eye tracking
not yet!
Foone: LOL okay you're invincible
is there a unicode binary keyboard yet?
nope. and it's not possible.
why not
not in USB HID
you could always use a serial connection and write some client side software to emulate it
but USB HID was designed by fools who think it's still 1981 and keyboards have about 100 keys and it's up to the computer's OS to decide what those scancodes mean
so keyboards have no ability to type unicode letters. or ascii letters, for that matter. they send scancodes, and the OS contains a translation table
and that translation table is extremely limited so it's impossible to hack around it to get full unicode, either
this is a major limitation in the USB HID standard and I am quite angry about it
it seems that may sort of be on the way to changing
although there is a possible workaround I need to look into: there's some support in the wacom-style drawing-pad USB class for sending arbitrary unicode
I don't know if that's supported out of box on any OS
but it may be a workaround. pretend to be a "pointing device" and then say the user just drew a letter
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but that will probably have some fun side effects. like, some laptops disable the internal trackpad/mouseclit if a USB mouse is attached
universal serial bacon
2-wire bacon, streaky bacon, and back bacon, the four genders
didn't realize hid kbd was that bad
it's basically "let's stuff PS/2 into USB" and made no attempt to improve it.
and PS/2 was just "let's stuff AT into PS/2"
less stupid actually
ps/2 time, there wasn't i18n like there is now. But usb time, urgh
even with i18n support, the assumption is that computers have only one keyboard which has to be configured for one language, and that language will have ~100 keys
which you'd think they'd fix because, you know, chinese/japanese? but no. those are solved with IMEs
tell me you only watch anime with dubs by not telling me you only watch anime with dubs.
also a terrible joke
I figured. I don't get it though. some pun on -hime?
oh, no, just that it takes a special kind of non-native perspective to come up with IMEs instead of a better input protocol.
but I guess they're everywhere now so there's that too...