azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<somlo> Anyone know if it's possible to upgrade the SODIMM on a Xilinx VC707, and what the max capacity is (i.e., in terms of pins actually wired to the FPGA)?
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<Finde> I understood that it was possible but I don't have any numbers to share as a data point
<somlo> Finde: having studied the vc707 manual and ddram connectivity, it *seems* there are enough connected pins to support 4GB (e.g., MT8KTF51264HZ-1G9)
<somlo> but I'm a relative n00b when it comes to this stuff, so clue from someone better prepared would be nice :)
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