Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
k4m1 has joined ##bash-crimes
TheresNoTime has joined ##bash-crimes
<sdomi> o/
<TheresNoTime> meow
<TheresNoTime> I don't do bash crimes but was curious :3c
<k4m1> mrew
<k4m1> I was told I should join here after mentioning im parsing http(&html) with regex in a silly bash script ^^`
<sdomi> ohhhhh
<sdomi> is it something generic, or are you just hacking up an oneliner to scrape something?
<sdomi> i may have a very related topic for 38c3, if it gets accepted XD
<k4m1> sort of both I guess? scraping a bunch of specific things from few http headers & within few html elements
<k4m1> & lovely :D
<sdomi> nice
<TheresNoTime> dorks :3
zip has joined ##bash-crimes
dakkar has joined ##bash-crimes
<zip> for this week's bash crime I worked out how to properly redirect the various fds so that I could pop a bash shell on a tty. like. ttyS0.
<Maja> cursed bash of the day:
<sdomi> zip: i suppose that `getty` doesn't work for your purpose? :p
<sdomi> Maja: :spray:
<zip> it's cute that you think I had a purpose
<zip> true enough a `getty` with autologin would probably do the job
<zip> I guess I was kind of trying to understand ptys and ttys a bit as well
<zip> I also booted freebsd in qemu and attached its virtual serial port to a real serial port and watched it boot from another computer. also silly. very fun.
<zip> the freebsd bootloader did NOT like it
<zip> while I figured out how to do it with bash redirection (it looks a lot like a reverse shell), it's obviously easier with `socat` and the like but there's still stuff you want to do like starting a new session ID and making it the controlling tty, which I assume are implicit if you're faffing with redirection
<zip> and for a real tty it's vital to `stty` the baud correctly
<sdomi> ah, nice ^^
<sdomi> personally, redirections are still one of the things that I need to think harder about to not fsck up
<zip> it's one of the more arcane bits
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