i recommend trying to execute brainfuck in bash in whatever way, and trying to run the famous mandelbrot.b
you'll learn soooo much
for instance did you know that bash re-parses every math expression every time? so removing spaces and using shorter variable names makes a significant impact in (( ))
also mandelbrot.b requires a lot of memory cells and you'll definitely hate how bash does arrays work
_catircservices has joined ##bash-crimes
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ok, this is now bridged to #bash-crimes:catircservices.org
on matrix
whitequark[cis]: thx
spiderella: fun fact: if you have multiple (( )) in a row, it's much more performance to do (( a=b, c=d, e=f )) instead
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@meithecatte:badat.dev has admin rights to the matrix room, i can drop mine so i don't need them anymore, or i can keep them for the purpose of unfucking the room if it gets fucked somehow
As a result, certain C features are not supported, this includes:
• goto and switch case fall-through: The shell doesn’t have a direct way to implement this kind of control flow, and supporting it would require transformations that would diminish its readability.
• The address of (&) operator on local variables. Supporting this would prevent the direct mapping of C local variables to shell variables.
• Floating point numbers: Floating point numbers are not supported natively by the shell and would require a large amount of code to implement fully (recall that making use of external programs such as the Unix bc is forbidden by our design constraints).
that's a lot
like & really
> switch case fall-through: The shell doesn’t have a direct way to implement this kind of control flow
end your case with ;& to fallthrough
foo() { case "$1" in a) echo a ;& b) echo b ;; c) echo c ;; esac }
do they support Duff's device?
<- this bitch read the Bash reference manual
;& and ;;& are really neat.
I always have to look up which is which though.
single ; is like a separator between commands. so it'll go straight to the commands of the next case
double ;; is a separator between cases, so it'll go back to matching other options
Hmm, not bad, let's see if I can remember this until next time I need it. :-)