Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
<irth> it'd be cool to also have a bash runtime in WASM
<irth> there is some prior art with busybox compiled to wasm
<irth> with processes implemented as webworkers
<irth> but they're very outdated
<irth> then could have a frontend counterpart
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<cve> there is in fact much cool software that has WASM targets :^)
<irth> I generally meant to use it not as a shell in-browser, but to script DOM on webistes :D
<Maja> jn: hm, that could be slow... unless you JIT it
<Maja> I wonder if enable -f <(printf "%b" "$jit_so") would work :P
<Maja> ngl this is making me have the normalest of thoughts
<Maja> ("we should build reusable compiler infrastructure (think LLVM, cranelift, etc) in bash")
<Maja> I should finally write a readme for cursedcc and release it into the world
<Maja> not that it'll be any useful for the wasm idea, the codegen part of that is absolutely dogshit
<Maja> all the effort went into implementing C semantics because that was my preferred form of masochism at the time