Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
sdomi has joined ##bash-crimes
domi has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
engler has joined ##bash-crimes
fossdd has joined ##bash-crimes
panekj- has joined ##bash-crimes
<engler> o/
<panekj-> na pałę czytam 8120 bytes xD
<panekj-> o/
<sdomi> there's some spicy metadata in there, but we know the length
<sdomi> a bit cursed. actually, very cursed
<panekj-> sdomi: very nice talk :3
handlerug has joined ##bash-crimes
TadeusTaD has joined ##bash-crimes
tastytea has joined ##bash-crimes
xLXGHTNXNGx has joined ##bash-crimes
<xLXGHTNXNGx> hellö
* tastytea waves
* xLXGHTNXNGx fires tastytea into the sun
<xLXGHTNXNGx> i was referred here by (?)sdomi
<tastytea> WTF?
<xLXGHTNXNGx> i'm sorry i'm made of violence i guess?
xLXGHTNXNGx has left ##bash-crimes [WeeChat 3.2.1]
<panekj-> nice
<sdomi> lol
<sdomi> please keep it civil :3 no unconsensual firing-tastytea-into-the-sun allowed
famfo has joined ##bash-crimes
sdomi is now known as domi
irth has joined ##bash-crimes
<irth> meow
* panekj- wavings at irth
* irth wavings at panekj-
<panekj-> :>
* fossdd meows
<tastytea> meow :3
BluRaf has joined ##bash-crimes