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is there any reasonable way to view a schematic for your yosys output, similar to what Vivado produces?
guessing not, but curious
show runs for...a very long time, something like 9 hours now
show is the only thing we have, for anything that's not tiny you need to use the selection argument to select a smaller part of the design for it to be useful though
the limitation here is what graphviz (which show uses) can layout in practice
there's also which uses the eclipse layout kernel instead of graphviz, that seems to produce a more schematic like layout than graphviz, but I have never used it and have no idea if it scales better or worse
thanks for the answer, I guess I can either select or just look at another way to troubleshoot my design
somewhat cursed alternative: export the design as structural verilog (write_verilog -noexpr) and load it into vivado (no idea if that would actually give you a usable schematic view)
Yeah, I think there's gotta be a better way to do what I'm doing. This was just a potential debugging method
often I end up using running `show foo/bar %ci2; show foo/bar %ci4; show foo/bar %ci6; ...` to see the input cone of a signal bar in module foo with an increasing depth limit
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hey... thanks for the great tooling!
It is helping me prove my design
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