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Good morning guys!
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Hello, i need help. I get the following error at 99% during bitbake compilation. Since I compile the kernel separately, I don't want to compile it with yocto. I don't know how to compile the latest version with yocto to our device anyway. Here is the error: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: linux-dummy-dev : Depends: linux-dummy (= 1.0-r1) but it is not installable"
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good morning
is it expected that kernel gets recompiled for any changes which trigger recompilation of initramfs? I bitbake-diffsigs shows that something in do_configure changes but it doesn't show the details. I find it odd that my custom init shell script changes trigger full kernel recompile every time
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the initramfs is not bundled with the kernel but the initramfs does include some kernel module packages
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hmm could this be due to DATETIME use in IMAGE_NAME and IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX and thus also in INITRAMFS_NAME, KERNEL_ARTIFACT_NAME etc
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yo dudX
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mischief, if I do RDEPENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-x0" inside kernel_x.bbappend it doesn't work - no module is installed into the image
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DvorkinDmitry: do you have a recipe nanaging kernel-module-x0 ?
mckoan_, no. it is build as module together with kernel.
IOW you cannot build dunfell with kas-container
because nobody send the backport?
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rburton: okay, i thought this appens more or less automatically for known bug fixes :-)
only if steve notices
Does anybody use the SDK generated by the kirkstone branch?
rburton: is he here on irc?
not right now, his nick is sakoman
i'm rebuilding now with a recent yocto-kernel-tools on dunfell, let's see
I need to install the kernel module into the image IF I'm using kernel version X.Y. How to do that?
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Hello, i need help. I get the following error at 99% during bitbake compilation. Since I compile the kernel separately, I don't want to compile it with yocto. I don't know how to compile the latest version with yocto to our device anyway. Here is the error: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: linux-dummy-dev : Depends: linux-dummy (= 1.0-r1) but it is not installable"
DvorkinDmitry: create a recipe for your module and specify it in the recipe for your kernel X.Y. as a RDEPENDS
ArgaKhan: did you add an ALLOW_EMPTY for linux-dummy to the recipe?
because then it will be installable.
rburton: yes, but it didn't work unfortunately
ArgaKhan: then something else broke and its hard to debug with just one line from your logs
mckoan_, I was thinking about this. but how to write the dependency for specific kernel version?
rburton: Shall I share the logs? Is there a site I can share because it has 5842 lines in total.
DvorkinDmitry: it is intrinsic in the kernel recipe
mckoan_, didn't get you, sorry. How to write RDEPENDS:virtual/kernel += "{if KERNEL_PV==5.4}kernel-module-xx{/if}"
DvorkinDmitry: create a linux-X.Y.bbappend specific for your kernel
mckoan_, I did....
mckoan_, I've created linux-my_5.4.bbappend, with RDEPENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-bcmdhd" inside. But module is not installed into the image!
DvorkinDmitry: how is the Makefile for your module ?
I mean the recipe
mckoan_, the module is build by kernel (it is added as =M) and packed into kernel-module-bcmdhd...rpm at deploy-rpms/myarch/
rburton: I tried a few sites but they didn't accept because the size was high. Finally I was able to post it to this site:
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ArgaKhan: do you have the dev-pkgs image feature enabled on purpose?
also i believe your attempt at setting ALLOW_EMPTY failed
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rburton: yes, I want to use desktop version and install dev packages too so I enabled it.
rburton: I added ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN} = "1" as you said to poky/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ and saved it. then I ran bitbake. is there something else I should do?
Yocto requirements: "50 Gbytes of free disk space"
I gave my ubuntu VM 60 Gbytes, and it ran out while building the quick build sample...
ArgaKhan: what release are you using?
dodo22: depends what you build... the requirement is "as much as needed". INHERIT += "rm_work" will make it use less space.
I simply build the example...
dodo22: give or take some, we honestly don't check the number every time. Two approaches - add rm_work as rburton mentioned, and/or just extend the disk to 100G or such. :-)
Yeah, just the latter is good enough.
But i just wanted to let you know that 50Gigs might not be enough to run the example...
rm_work is good if space is an issue
sakoman: i'd never send an unstested patch
how to I interpret bitbake-diffsigs output here All the hashes match? Is the ordering significant, or just the missing multiconf part?
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mcfrisk: the do_configure hashes don't?
in fact none of the hashes match?
RP: the hashes do match? or is the mc:trs-qemuarm64 bit so important? local.conf has default machine trs-qemuarm64, so both should be equal.
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mcfrisk: Dependency on task linux/ was added with hash 5148d7d3e29e84156283d17fba0b6e58b4410507e8051fab47fae21c5e4b3f1d
Dependency on task linux/ was removed with hash 3848046d9be890a8e2e03eb9f88b8b428739968eeb36e41d92006c397abefaa7
those do not match
ah, sorry I read that completely wrong. but actually on code level nothing did change. only thing which changed is the initramfs content in one package there. I don't see any link to linux-yocto tasks...
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mcfrisk: something changed the taskhashes
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previous dodo here:
Why is there >94GB of files in the build/tmp directory? The vdisk was only 60Gb large... :')
3280744 files to be deleted... '=D
LetoThe2nd: this explains my low patch count :-P
testing is hard
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it is very difficult to understand the kernel bbclasses, they do a lot of odd magic
I build an initramfs, but it is not bundled with the kernel. Yet any rebuild of the initramfs results in rebuild of the kernel. I can't see any difference in bitbake-diffsigs. Now I'll try setting INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE = "0" which is not the default
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mcfrisk: And you do not have a fit image. Then there is a little extra taste of magic.
I'm using krikstone to build my external kernel module (which was previously build on rocko), I'm getting errors in the include file arch/arm/include/asm/domain.h, isn't this file compatible with the gcc version used in kirkstone?
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rburton: kirkstone
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Spinola: from rocko to kirkstone is a big jump
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mischief: interesting bug, I don't have INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE set at all, it's in default "" value
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Hello, is it possible that "bitbake -c cleansstate u-boot && bitbake core-image-minimal" still does not pick up my changes I have done on .config file? The source git directory still has the old files in it. Do I need to drop the patch stage somehow?