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Good morning! I have noticed mesa and cairo being built as part of my core-image-minimal. How do I figure out why? I don't want or need graphics in my build!
Actually, I'll rephrase... I want glibc-locale but not the rest of glibc. How can I have this?
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I like to use variables and flags in Bitbake, all works from python function ( d.getVarFlags('USERS_VALUES_%s' % val) ) but I don't understand how to read variable flagged from bash code... Any tips ?
For the story I would like to create new users from list ( I have 50 users to set) so I would like to loop over the flags :)
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Good morning guys
yo dudX
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Poppy: the standard expansion ${FANCY_VARIABLE_NAME} doesn't work?
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good morning
LetoThe2nd for the username list yes, but I don't understand how to use this var as flag. Maybe I'm wrong in something but the goal is to do something like that:
Moin! where does python3-codecs come from in ./recipes-devtools/python/python3-can_4.0.0.bb? Also, I added a dependency on that but it did not install a bunch of Asian codecs
I mean, I can't find python3-codecs for some reason
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anybody have a short pointer for me on how to exclude -native things from an INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE = "GPL-3.0*" catchall?
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or a specific -native thing.
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INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE_EXCEPTIONS seems to not be able to understand "make-native:GPL-3.0-only"
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[rburton] I build a new SDK with TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK:append = " nativesdk-gmp", now I can install the sdk again, but I get the same problem regarding a missing gmp.h when I'm executing the 'make scripts' command. I've added the target and host manifest files of the sdk to my pastebin https://pastebin.com/0Biz4CN8https://pastebin.com/N8UAW78c
by the way, the "building without GPL3"-note here https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/images.html#images seems to be incorrect, the build falls over with Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-minimal', 'meta-environment-extsdk-qemux86-64', 'zlib', 'make']
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LetoThe2nd: the build may fail if you have gplv3 source code to be compiled in, so maybe something in the depednency chain?
michaelo: ^
qschulz: yeah thats true. but a) the documentation states it is supported, and b) i'm pretty sure that core-image-minimal does not ship make. so something is wrong here.
LetoThe2nd: what about INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE:class-native = "" ?
qschulz: nopes.
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which brings up the interesting question, how to set up the non-gplv3 build configuration as this definitely is not the image by default.
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LetoThe2nd: It's usually better to use INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE in your image recipe.
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d-s-e: good point.
While specifying "package-management" as one of the `EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES`, poky installs `dnf` and `rpm` for installing rpm packages(the selected package class). But it doesn't seem to install `mock`, 'drpm`, `createrepo` etc. to be able to set up repository.
Any solutions to this other than creating custom recipes and layers?
Entei[m]: why should those be installed on the target?
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<LetoThe2nd> "Entei: why should those be..." <- Coz setting up repo is requiring me to create a repmd.xml file, which can be done with createrepo utility, which has dependencies on drpm
Entei[m]: but you don't run the repo on the target, you run it on some development host.
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Hi. I'm looking at a sysroot of a 'inherit deploy' recipe that doesn't do any compilation. I see it is populated with headers and such. What should I inherit to make it minimal? `allarch` seems reasonable, ...but headers are still here. Headers do not break anything by being there, it is more of a "I like minimality" matter.
dacav: check if you have something in DEPENDS variable, but otherwise I wouldn't care too much tbh
I do. It is a native binary that I need, but perhaps the recipe that provides it is broken in some way
Thanks qschulz
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dacav: if you have a DEPENDS in there, then the sysroot of the DEPENDS and **all** its recursive DEPENDS sysroot are brought in
Entei[m]: what LetoThe2nd the said. mock is a tool for building RPMs, createrepo is for managing repos that you're hosting. none of those are needed on the target, you just need dnf/rpm, which you'll get with package-management.
(in the native sysroot though, for native recipes)
Thanks qschulz, that might explain it.
Another question, if I can :) I've got a recipe r1 which is supposed to provide multiple packages. One of them is -native only. Is it correct to use 'PACKAGECONFIG ??= "foo"' and 'PACKAGECONFIG:native ??= "foo bar"? I also have PROVIDES = "foo bar", but I'm not sure about it
In the recipe r2 that needs bar-native, I wrote DEPENDS = "bar-native"
<LetoThe2nd> "Entei: but you don't run the..." <- Well true that...
PACKAGECONFIG:native will not work for starters
class-native will though
but PACKAGECONFIG is not for defining packages
Mh, maybe I'm doing that wrong yes. I believe I'm thinking of subpackages in RPM
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dacav: IIRC, native recipes do not have a specific knowledge of packages
target recipes do though
RDEPENDS in other recipes use target packages and DEPENDS use recipes
Weird... I always pictured them as a symmetric concept. But then is it feasible to have a single recipe that produces a number of sub-packages?
dacav: yes, use PACKAGES
Thanks, I'll have a look there :)
dacav: it's actually the default, we create plenty of packages already (-dev, -dbg, -src, etc...)
dacav: PACKAGECONFIG is for configuring your software (so maybe it shouldn't actually be called PACKAGECONFIG but RECIPECONFIG?)
Yes, as I understand it it is for propagating stuff like `--with-xxx` in autotools. In my case, cmake, I use -DFOO=ON etc
The reason why I thought of using PACKAGECONFIG is that the "bar" package above is native-only. It will not compile for the target at all
dacav: I don't think native has a notion of packages
dacav: what you could do though is separate your recipe in two
one for target and one for native
and specify PACKAGECONFIG varflags in it
e.g. PACKAGECONFIG[bar] will only exist in the target recipe
so that even if you select it for the native recipe, it won't do anything
the limitation is that you cannot override varflags depending on the machine/recipe type AFAIR
so you have to use something else instead
I don't know what varflags is (yet), but it sounds good
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Any recommended way to avoid the duplication of the recipe?
I mean, of the file content
Somewhat similar to a class, but not as complex
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But qschulz, maybe I'm overthinking: what if I just allow the build of 'bar' even for the target, even knowing it will fail? I don't expect anyone to DEPEND on bar, they should only DEPEND on bar-native. If they do, the build will just fail.
dacav: bar in PACKAGECONFIG[bar] is a varflag
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dacav: you can use .inc files that you require
see what u-boot is doing for example
and then you only need do define what is different in each recipe
so you would have a common.inc, target.bb and native.bb
(obviously not named like that :) )
Ah, nice! I forgot about .inc! Sorry, too many things to think :D I'm not that pro yet
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dacav: that's also a possibility indeed, up to you
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I aim at being pro. It seems to be a really good career investment
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I get the following error at 99% during compilation. Since I compile the kernel separately, I don't want to compile it with yocto. I don't know how to compile the latest version with yocto to our device anyway. Here is the error:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
linux-dummy-dev : Depends: linux-dummy (= 1.0-r1) but it is not installable
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Anyone else having problems with grub reading ext4 images created using the latest e2fsprogs v1.47.0 ?
(using master-as-of-today recipes of grub and e2fsprogs)
ArgaKhan: maybe you've got dev-pkgs enabled and nobody tested that path with the dummy kernels. try adding ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN} = "1" to linux-dummy.bb
can I use RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-..." in my kernel recipe? I have two kernel versions. One needs external kernel-module-x0, another needs internal kernel-module-x1. Depends on kernel version one or another should be installed into the image
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but when I add RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-x0" into my kernel_v0.bbappend it doesn't work
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rburton: Unfortunately I added this but nothing changed. I am still getting the same error.
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qschulz: I had a good lunch and split the recipe direclty into foo.bb and bar-native.bb, both including foobar.inc. Looks perfect, thanks!
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mkfs.ext4 from e2fsprogs v1.47.0 has a new feature enabled by default, "metadata_csum_seed". Unless I remove it, grub 2.06 is unable to read the ext4 filesystem
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I'm trying to update FILES:${PN} from anonymous python function ( with d.appendVar('FILES:${PN}', "foo bar") ) but i got some warning about override variables (WARNING: Variable key FILES:${PN} ( foo bar ) replaces original key FILES: (${bindir}/* ${sbindir}/* ${libexecdir}/* ${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBS} .....)) there is a best way to update FILES from
python function ?
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how reproducible are master branch initramfs images? are the file timestamps handled reproducibly? I'm having problems getting TPM checksums of the initramfs reproducible. local and CI builds come with different values..
mcfrisk: a initramfs shouldn't be any different from any other image, so should be reproducible
rburton: thanks for confirmation, I will diff the binaries.. something makes them build differently
I've got a old recipe here, whose do_install() creates a tempdir (via mktemp -d) to place some temporary files. Wouldn't it be just ok to use ${WORKDIR}?
mktemp -d would put the files in /tmp by default, so if they're large you're potentially introducing cross-device copies too
The recipe adds a 'trap' to remove it. And it adds a subshell in order to avoid yocto to mess with the trap
rburton: I tried what you said but it didn't work. My question was a bit above, but if you don't remember, I can share it again. Any other ideas?
Hi! On the future Bugzilla 5 : One option that is really weird when using it for the first time is the one that advance to the "next" bug when submitting changes. Is it possible to have the "After changing a bug" option set to "Show the updated bug" by default?
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how do i configure ufw to be active on startup with a bbappend?
can I use RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-..." in my kernel recipe? I have two kernel versions. One needs external kernel-module-x0, another needs internal kernel-module-x1. Depends on kernel version one or another should be installed into the image. but when I add RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-x0" into my kernel_v0.bbappend it doesn't work - module is not included into the image
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does anyone know why setting INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE causes the whole kernel to be rebuilt single-threaded? it seems like in the shell function in the kernel class, PARALLEL_MAKE isn't passed. i think that's fine, but the worse problem is that the whole kernel gets rebuilt just to bundle initramfs..
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mischief: sounds like you should file a bug with reproducers
qschulz: thanks for notifying me about this documentation issue
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any idea why ufw would tell me "Extension limit revision 0 not supported" when trying to do ufw enable ?
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tepperson: you might want to speak to the ufw people about that
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rburton: nice :)
RP: actually surprised :)
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abelloni_: I see you dropped the opensbi and vte patches from master-next from your tree, did you see anything problematic with them ?
17.58s without docs and whatever else you've enabled there
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rburton: who do i contact regarding problems with ufw?
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Hey, can I create a new task and give it access to `base_do_compile`? When I look at `run.do_compile` I see `base_do_compile` defined, but with a new task no such luck. I'd like to run some static analysis that essentially runs as a wrapper to the build command, and the easiest way to do that is to just call the existing `base_do_compile`
function. I see that `do_compile` is autogenerated so I'm guessing this is difficult
can I use RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-..." in my kernel recipe? I have two kernel versions. One needs external kernel-module-x0, another needs internal kernel-module-x1. Depends on kernel version one or another should be installed into the image. but when I add RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-x0" into my kernel_v0.bbappend it doesn't work - module is not included into the image
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zeddii: turns out you can't build a big-endian kernel
zeddii: eg ERROR: linux-yocto-6.1.9+gitAUTOINC+d7393c5752_ccd3b20fb5-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: Endiannes did not match (1, expected 0) in /lib/modules/6.1.9-yocto-standard/kernel/fs/nls/nls_cp869.ko [arch] after setting a big-endian tune on qemuarm
hm should have expected 0x02, surely
but 0x01 is little-endian
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where do i find documentation for "kernel config fragments" ?
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rburton, yah. we've never tested that. I recall musing about doing a feature that switches in a differnt config frag, or a completely different qemu machine. but we never did complete it.
tepperson: the kernel section of the docs
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