mckoan: Yeah I have a fragment but I want to know if its actually been applied because when I look at the kernel .config in the kernel build directory it doesnt look like it
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I created it using -c diffconfig, the fragment looks ok (things like F2FS are =y) but when I check .config F2FS is not mentioned
Hi, is there a way to limit the parallelism of just one specific task?
mckoan: Looking at the logs it is finding armbian.cfg
i anyone has used yocto in a bitbucket CI pipeline it would be awesome to ping me, i'm struggling with deciding on the best integration and how to overcome the storage, memory and runtime constraints in the pipeline
and sadly can't change to gitlab or github
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yo dudX
hey LetoThe2nd
PhoenixMage: likely depends on yocto-kernel-cache usage
mckoan: Should .config show the built config?
PhoenixMage: .config is the result of the whole config process made by bitbake
hmmm, so it should have the output of the fragment in it :/
PhoenixMage: you should study what yocto-kernel-cache is doing in there
Thanks, I think I copied that recipe from git master and added the fragment, i will look at the yocto-kernel-cache
Or pull it out and try
Is there a command similar to kernel_configme that will create the final .config without compiling?
PhoenixMage: menuconfig generats a .config in tmp
mckoan: Including fragments?
What is the difference between SRC_URI:<machine> and SRC_URI_<machine> ?
In short, I want a .bbappend that does only apply to one machine, but it applies for all
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sa7mfo: :-syntax is dunfell and later (e.g. current), _-syntax is before dunfell
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Thank you
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PhoenixMage: no
PhoenixMage: or better, it includes fragments if fragments are applied. That is not your case though
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m4ho: PARALLEL_MAKE:task-<task> in a bbappend
sa7mfo: LetoThe2nd: to be pedantic, not all dunfell releases support the -syntax
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but since it's highly recommended to run the latest dot version of any release, I guess we can say it's supported on dunfell :)
qschulz: thank you very much!
qschulz: yeah, as its been in there for a year now I've started to skip the note.
qschulz: gatesgarth and hardknott are usually much worse when it comes to the syntax change in my experience.
mckoan: Yeah was just thicking of a quick way to test if they are applied without having to compile another kernel
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If I load an external config file in menuconfig do I need to then save the config manually as .config?
Hi there. I have two recipes (from meta-iotedge) which write into /var/lib/aziot. Now I want to move this directory to a separate partition by replacing /var/lib/aziot/ by a symlink. With a .bbappend file on one service this causes a conflict in the other service because it cannot write to the symlinked dir. What is the correct approach for that? Use overlayfs instead?
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khem: have you seen qemuarm64/clang break in pixman?
huh, RRECOMMENDS are by default installed. my bad.
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xcm_: BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS/NO_RECOMMENDATIONS in your image recipe/distro conf file
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qschulz: thanks, ended up finding it :)
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hmmm, is it only qemu that has no password for root? Have booted my board and trying to log in as root hangs and then ctrl-c drops me back to the login prompt
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This is on serial
see debug-tweaks IMAGE_FEATURE
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hello. anyone know what this message that appears when i boot my raspberry pi cm3 module is: Error: smsc95xx_eth address not set?
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Hi, diving back into Yocto after a long break. I'm noticing the nodejs package takes very long to compile, mostly because that compilation is done in QEMU on a single core. Reading qemu.bbclass, it seems QEMU_EXTRAOPTIONS can be leveraged to pass some args, such as "-smp N" to increase QEMU core allocation. Does this sound like the right approach?
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meego: does that work for user-mode emulation?
also, terrifying that nodejs needs qemu to build
rburton: yeah that must be rather new.
april 2021
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rburton: tf-a contribution question, hope you don't mind
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afaiu, you need to create a ticket on phabricator and then assign the issue to yoruself and then find a way to push a patch somewhere
is there only a github login possible for phabricator or am I missing something?
rburton: that qualifies as new to me.
qschulz: apparently so
rburton: couldnt agree more on nodejs needing qemu. AH, you're right to point to user-mode. I was assuming qemu was running in system emulation mode, and did not know about qemu's user mode. CPU params don't seem relevant in this case. Thanks for the helpful pointer. I'll look elsewhere.
meego: looks like the proper fix would be to convince nodejs developers to care about the cross case. we can't build native binaries as use them as the bit width may be different, so we need to run the target tools in a qemu
qschulz: personally, that's dumb, but so is using gerrit :)
if a package provides a simple shell script (depending on net-tools), should PACKAGE_ARCH be "all"?
vvn: yes. inherit allarch
you can just set PACKAGE_ARCH=all but that class does some further magic to be sure you can't sneakily use a compiler :)
rburton: yeah, at least it's only for identification purposes, which isn't too bad
rburton: I hate Gerrit
tbf, I hate each and every system I've used so far, GitLab, GitHub, Gerrit and ML all have their pitfalls
now I need to figure out what to do after opening a bug ticket...
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rburton: I can remove INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS = "1" then if the class handles that already
rburton: im no expert but i would guess V8 is the component to blame (e.g. https://v8.dev/docs/build)
meego: yeah most likely.
qschulz, rburton : For what it's worth, I love Gerrit. Though I would like to see it combined with GitHub Actions (the only useful part of GItHub).
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rburton: can't scp the commit-msg hook neither via SSH nor via HTTP /me shrugs
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qschulz: iirc its the standard gerrit hook
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meego: isn't it only small part of nodejs build which runs under qemu?
JaMa: yes, you're right. I noticed too minutes after posting.
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in webOS OSE we've moved mksnapshot from v8 to separate mksnapshot-cross recipe, that resolves the need for qemu
JaMa: you should sent that patch to meta-oe :)
rburton: unfortunately it's still far from ideal
hm yeah that's not ideal
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tlwoerner: I think you'll like some changes I've made for Rockchip TF-A+U-Boot in their respective next versions. Should allow to remove the append for tf-a recipe :)
moto-timo: you mean, like a multiconfig chain? nostamp it should be AFAIK.
LetoThe2nd: that was my first guess... let me try and see if it is sufficient
* moto-timo
has not been skipping sstate so far... but knows better
* moto-timo
un-proprietary-izes the code
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RP: 6.1 has a hard hang with mips64, and a rolling splat. Can I get out the shutgun ?
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zeddii: we should ask cisco for help
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X.org is broken on riscv in master
Can I get out the shotgun? ;)
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Well I can now force a cli using single user mode after removing console=tty1 from my bootargs but still cant get a normal boot and login with root
Its like its waiting for ttyS2 to be free...