Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.01 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.04 is scheduled for 02 April 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<njha> is there a way to get a u-boot.bin that contains an EFI payload in it
<njha> i don't have a disk attached to my chip, but there is 16GB RAM that I can write to over a debug interface
<njha> so my boot process is opensbi payload -> u-boot -> linux, but im not sure where to put the linux image except also in memory
<marex> njha: cant you concatenate the payload at the end of the blob ?
<njha> marex: like literally "cat u-boot.bin Image > u-boot-concat.bin"? that seems simple enough
<marex> njha: yeah, well if your loader can deal with that, might be the simplest
<marex> (why not just load the payload in u-boot shell anyway?)
<njha> marex: well i need to get the payload into memory somehow
<marex> njha: => help load
<njha> but there are no filesystems
<njha> this chip/board combo only has memory :p
<njha> well the chip has a spi interface but it's connected to an FPGA right now that emulates 30 MB of SPI flash in BRAM
<marex> sf read
<marex> or whatever technology you use
<marex> if its BRAM, then why not just 'cp.b' or directly execute from that BRAM ?
<njha> the chip doesn't directly have access to the BRAM
<njha> like the chip is taped out on silicon and pretty much all of its pins are connected to an FPGA
<njha> so I'm saying in theory I can do something over the FPGA but realistically I should just do everything from memory
<njha> this is a custom chip we taped out in class and are trying to boot linux on :p
<njha> anyway i have appended linux to u-boot and will try to copy it to memory and then boot from it... i think that should work
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<njha> so we were able to get linux up via jumping to it directly from opensbi
<njha> the issue with u-boot is if we stick the kernel at the end and then try to bootefi, it copies things on top of itself and ends up corrupting linux
<njha> is there a way i can *safely* embed a 20M binary into u-boot so that I can bootefi from it?
<njha> u-boot also tries to copy itself around which is a little annoying... it starts out in ram so it doesn't need to do this
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<Tartarus> OK, is anyone here working on sending me a PR for -rc1 right now?
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<cambrian_invader> Tartarus: I will send something tonight (due to procrastination)
<Tartarus> ok
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<rfs613> Tartarus: i sent a patch a while back but forgot to CC you. Doesn't seem to have gotten any replies on the list. https://lore.kernel.org/u-boot/20240119213216.3811402-1-ralph.siemsen@linaro.org/T/#u
<Tartarus> ok, i'll see about picking it up soon'ish
<Tartarus> Was that some sort of regression or just seemingly always a problem?
<rfs613> the latter... there are two code paths for environment, and the behaviour of the non-redundant differs slightly from the redudant, with regards to what happens if malloc() fails. THe patch makes them both the same.
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<Tartarus> OK
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