Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.07 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2023.10 is scheduled for 02 October 2023 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<lvrp16> i have discovered a phantom in my u-boot. splash_locations get updated automatically with the boot device without me setting splashdevpart. XD, traced it for 6 hours and cannot figure out how or what is changing the .devpart field. I only have 1 location with devpart "0:auto" but it magically changes to "1:auto" depending on the boot device. if I set devpart to "0:abcd", then the phantom disappears. some crazy stuff.
<lvrp16> I'm starting to wonder if it's LTO doing it
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<sfo[m]> Is it possible to store the bootdev detected by bootflow scan -b in the u-boot env, so that it can be referenced from extlinux.conf later?
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<CounterPillow> What are my network boot options in u-boot if PXE's lack of authentication is too insecure for me? Do I have to hand-roll something myself that downloads kernel + initrd from a thing and checks a signature?
<Sout_> tftp boot + imi on the fit image + kernel and initrid should do that?
<CounterPillow> What's imi in this context?
<Sout_> let me triple check, but i thought it was to verify the .fit images
<CounterPillow> If it's something where I can throw a cryptographic key into u-boot's configuration and then check whatever I got over TFTP has a valid signature then that would be perfect
<Sout_> er imi is just crc checks. But yeah from my understanding that is exactly what signatures in fit images do.
<CounterPillow> thanks, I'll have a read of that
<CounterPillow> Hmmm, this assumes that the user *only* wants to boot signed images regardless of where they're from, which is fine for most instances but I basically want to boot whatever locally but only boot signed stuff over the network
<CounterPillow> I think I'll already need a custom bootflow, maybe I can somehow hack this in there
<CounterPillow> Also this only seems to sign the kernel image, not initrd :(
<Sout_> well it sign's the fit image which can be any set of images.
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<CounterPillow> ah, thanks
<Sout_> yeah that is what i do. + throw in a dm-verity in your initramfs. if you want to make sure any other file system is correct.
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