LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
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Guest22 is now known as myzb
<myzb> yes | no
<myzb> I must say that watching reviews on lineage on youtube is as enjoyable as 5 years ago
<myzb> it's the same kind of people doing those
myzb has quit [Quit: Client closed]
<sagematt> Alright so.
<sagematt> <sagematt> installing Duo on the rooted phone invalidated my TOTP seed for all phones where I was using that seed
<sagematt> This might be the culprit.
<sagematt> Duo was working just fine on my Xiaomi phone with a rom build from last year.
<sagematt> Before formatting and as a precaution, installed it on a backup phone. Said backup phone was rooted, and it wasn't using any root detection countermeasures.
<sagematt> When I installed the latest stable channel ROM, Duo started complaining about safetynet despite my phone passing safetyney.
<sagematt> Anyway eventually I ended up deleting the TOTP seed and uninstalling Duo from both phones.
<sagematt> Reinstalled it on the rooted one (this time using the latest root detection countermeasures)
<sagematt> Duo was working properly again and not complaining about a single thing.
<sagematt> Went back to my current phone, using the latest ROM once more (which it complained about at the very beginning of this story).
<sagematt> Made sure snet was still being passed (it was).
<sagematt> Tried using Duo again, it restored my TOTP properly once more.
<sagematt> And it worked.
<sagematt> So I can only assume the culprit is Duo invalidated a TOTP seed if it was ever used on a rooted phone.
<sagematt> *invalidating
<sagematt> Blah blah blah thanks for coming to my TED talk.
<LuK1337> i had funny "root detection" experience recently too
<LuK1337> my bank app added their own mobile payments
<LuK1337> so i wanted to use it instead of pay
<LuK1337> gpay
<LuK1337> but it was failing to activate with no reason specified
<LuK1337> i called them
<LuK1337> they told me they had no clue why it's not working
<LuK1337> so i looked into apk source code
<LuK1337> and noticed that they check ro.debuggable
<LuK1337> so i spoofed it to 0
<LuK1337> and it activated right away
<LuK1337> lmao
<sagematt> heh
<sagematt> I had a similar situation with my banking app earlier this year.
<sagematt> They pushed an update which made it stop working on my phone.
<LuK1337> oh they did similar thing except they failed twice
<LuK1337> they pushed update that disabled biometrics on custom phones
<LuK1337> but then i could just go to settings and reactivate it
<LuK1337> without changing anything about my device
<sagematt> And like I said before I'm using a custom rom but I'm not rooting or anything.
<sagematt> And these roms have sane build.prop settings
<sagematt> But anyway app kept dying when I ran it.
<sagematt> And what was crashing was some child process with a garbled name.
<sagematt> I assume it was some tamper detection that was implemented.
<LuK1337> it's really sad when app just closes on non-kosher phones
<sagematt> Maybe checking for unlocked bootloader or some shit.
<LuK1337> at least show a dialog with "ur phone custom go fuck yourself"
<sagematt> Correct.
<sagematt> Anyway I called my bank to complain.
<sagematt> Wait no I didn't call.
<LuK1337> also it's weird that whoever i talked with
<sagematt> I complained via Twitter.
<LuK1337> couldn't tell me that my device was flagged in some way
<sagematt> I remember now because there were lots of people complaining about the update.
<sagematt> Anyhow like a week later they pushed another update which stopped the issue from happening.
<sagematt> I assume they either configured the detection to be less strict or they removed it altogether.
<sagematt> At least I assume they made it less strict because I recall not being able to use the app years ago when I was rooted.
<LuK1337> imagine if android 13 disabled getprop for apps
<LuK1337> btw there are apps that refuse to work if you have dev options enabled
<sagematt> I forgot how apps are checking for root/magisk at the moment.
<LuK1337> getprop/installed apps/process list i think?\
<LuK1337> plus snet ofc
<sagematt> I mean, other than the usual methods (and some methods have been rendered obsolete precisely due to Android sandboxing apps even more iirc.
<sagematt> *).
<sagematt> <LuK1337> getprop/installed apps/process list i think? <-- yeah these are among the ones I remember
<sagematt> But oh man
<LuK1337> also crap like mounts
<sagematt> now that I moved to A11
<sagematt> I can't access Android/data via the filesystem apparently
<sagematt> only via the Storage API
<sagematt> And apparently even API access is disabled in A12?
<sagematt> I read a developer complaining about it
<sagematt> He made an app that translates a game from JP to EN
<LuK1337> it kinda makes sense to disallow access to it
<sagematt> and it does it by accessing the apps' folder in Android/data
<sagematt> yeah but it complicates my backing up stuff lul
<sagematt> You said I could still access that via ADB didn't you?
<LuK1337> yeah
<sagematt> yeah that's good to know
<LuK1337> they messed another thing with storage on 11 too
<LuK1337> you can't create files with non-fat compliant names
<sagematt> so far I've been doing tar cf backup.tar /sdcard/Android/data/
<LuK1337> lmao
<sagematt> but doing adb pull would be acceptable
<sagematt> <LuK1337> you can't create files with non-fat compliant names <-- lol
<sagematt> why
<LuK1337> no clue
<sagematt> now that I think about it
<LuK1337> $ adb shell touch /sdcard/:
<LuK1337> touch: '/sdcard/:': Operation not permitted
<sagematt> doesn't sdcard access have some sort of FAT abstraction layer or something?
<sagematt> I forget
<sagematt> or is it the other way around
<LuK1337> fuse/sdcardfs
<sagematt> yeah but
<LuK1337> that's why 'fuse'
<LuK1337> fuse is replacing sdcardfs
<sagematt> > Additionally, it provided a layer of case insensitivity
<sagematt> yeah I remember this
<LuK1337> and sdcardfs replaced fuse
<LuK1337> XD
<sagematt> Manx
<sagematt> Man
<sagematt> I wish I could rclone mount without root
<LuK1337> adb root
<LuK1337> (and adb unroot when you're done)
<sagematt> but that won't survive a reboot, right?
<LuK1337> do you need it constantly running?
<sagematt> nah, only sometimes
<LuK1337> then just write a script to set it up
<LuK1337> and run it when you need it
<sagematt> It's just to access my video/music library
<sagematt> Which granted I don't do that often
<sagematt> <LuK1337> adb root <-- does this need su binary? I don't use adb that often.
<LuK1337> no
<sagematt> Generally just to adb push stuff after I wipe data, lul
<LuK1337> it just needs a custom rom that allows it
<sagematt> <LuK1337> no <-- Oh, excellent.
<LuK1337> e.g. lineae
<LuK1337> lineage
<sagematt> Let me try right away if I can do it
<sagematt> oh right, haven't authorized the fingerprint
<sagematt> C:\Users\sage>adb root
<sagematt> adb: unable to connect for root: no devices/emulators found
<LuK1337> try again
<sagematt> <LuK1337> no
<sagematt> oops
<LuK1337> adb devices shows it?
<sagematt> C:\Users\ingma>adb root
<sagematt> adbd cannot run as root in production builds
<sagematt> there
<LuK1337> on lineage?
<sagematt> nah not lineage, I just wanted to check if I could on this one, lul
<LuK1337> yeah, you can only do it on userdebug builds
<sagematt> well, one more reason to move to lineageos again
<sagematt> well, I'll probably do it at some point after my OP8T arrives
<sagematt> for now I'm using a RPi to serve my stuff via DLNA
<sagematt> But that only works if I bring the RPi with me
<sagematt> or if I'm at home