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<sagematt> Hey LuK1337
<LuK1337> hi
<sagematt> Thinking of upgrading to a new phone next month, I'm split between OnePlus 8T and Poco F3 (both are under or at 499)
<sagematt> What do you think?
<LuK1337> i like 8t
<LuK1337> tho idk if poco is any better
<sagematt> They are almost identical in features and hardware.
<sagematt> Right now I'm using a Mi 9T Pro, with ROM, because it still has call recording turned on.
<LuK1337> uhh poco has usb 2.0?
<LuK1337> cringe
<sagematt> yeah that's ultra cringe
<sagematt> I do not usually mind because I don't use USB transfer that much, but when I do it's extremely annoying
<sagematt> I don't know if you're able to check if OnePlus' native dialer offers call recording for my country (Colombia)
<LuK1337> hmm
<LuK1337> oneplus has call recording at all?
<sagematt> I think it's supposed to check the country via whatever the mobile carrier sends
<sagematt> Oh, I wouldn't know.
<LuK1337> well, i wouldn't either
<LuK1337> but if it does
<LuK1337> then i can take a look
<sagematt> Or actually, would you know where do check this on the LineageOS source if I were to use LOS?
<sagematt> Because that's also an alternative
<sagematt> *where to
<LuK1337> lineage is hackable
<LuK1337> i could always give you overlay apk to force enable it
<sagematt> Hmm, not a bad proposition.
<sagematt> Oh what do you know, I could find it myself
<sagematt> I don't see Colombia (iso="co") listed tho
<sagematt> <LuK1337> i could always give you overlay apk to force enable it <-- this is a good proposition, since I would rather not resort to root to set it myself, don't want to mess with banking apps as well
<sagematt> And compiling source myself would do, but doing it every time I want to upgrade would be annoying.
<LuK1337> uh, you'd still need some hacks to make banking apps work anyway, wouldn't you?
<LuK1337> idk how cool your bank is
<LuK1337> but mine barely gives a shit
<sagematt> <LuK1337> uh, you'd still need some hacks to make banking apps work anyway, wouldn't you? <-- If I use root, yes. Which is why I do not want to use root.
<sagematt> <LuK1337> idk how cool your bank is <-- It's asking for Phone permissions now.
<sagematt> Used not to.
<LuK1337> imei/serialno?
<sagematt> Yes.
<sagematt> I used to deny the prompt, but then it started requiring the permission for the app to work. Not cool.
<LuK1337> whatever that means
<LuK1337> maybe they have call recording now
<LuK1337> Q:How does Google recognize whether the current device supports Call Recording or not?
<LuK1337> A: Google determines the availability based on call-recording test coverage.
<LuK1337> whatever that means
<sagematt> Oh that's just Google's Dialer app
<sagematt> I just installed it and didn't get the call recording option.
<sagematt> So I assume I won't be able to do call recording unless I hack it.
<sagematt> Hmm.
<sagematt> Oh well I'll have to consider all of this to make a decision.
<sagematt> MIUI certainly hasn't been perfect but it has had enough features I've liked to keep using it.
<sagematt> The thing is, Xiaomi still hasn't fixed full screen gestures with third party launchers on Android 11 so I am seriously considering switching.
<sagematt> Hell it's the only reason why I'm still on 10, haha.
<LuK1337> hm i wonder if google dialer hides call recording here because of my phone or my country...
<sagematt> "This a reminder that Call Recording is unavailable on the downloaded version of Google Phone app.
<sagematt> "
<sagematt> wtf?
<LuK1337> why is that an image
<LuK1337> instead of html table?
<LuK1337> also yeah, my country ain't there
<LuK1337> so that explains it
<LuK1337> so well
<sagematt> still pl?
<LuK1337> ye
<LuK1337> you should technically get call recording out of box on stock...
<sagematt> have had several coworkers migrate there
<sagematt> to krakow
<LuK1337> tho you may want to ask someone who actually has 8t in columbia
<LuK1337> to confirm
<sagematt> I think I know where to ask
<sagematt> I will try
<LuK1337> 8T uses google dialer on stock
<LuK1337> <8T uses oneplus dialer
<LuK1337> so technically that google list /should/ be correct