LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<luca020400> :: wireplumber and pipewire-media-session are in conflict
<luca020400> uh
<luca020400> :: removing pipewire-media-session breaks dependency 'pipewire-media-session' required by pipewire-alsa
<luca020400> good
<luca020400> anyways it's bugged as hell
<luca020400> my headset doesn't change volume
<luca020400> xD
sagematt has joined #titandev
<luca020400> chr
<LuK1337> this ain't python console
<luca020400> hmm
<luca020400> weechat decided not to render fonts properly
<luca020400> ???
<luca020400> why
<RKSX> sup guys. hope all is well.
<LuK1337> press alt l twice
<luca020400> nono
<luca020400> I copyd this char
<luca020400> and it does this weird thing
<luca020400> automatically makes it ???
<luca020400> on terminal it's fine
<luca020400> wtf
<luca020400> ok now I'm not sure
<luca020400> same thing happens in vim
<luca020400> xD
<luca020400> nope still broken
<luca020400> oh I see, locale issues