LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<luca020400> why
<luca020400> I was checking it yesterday's night and poof gone
<LuK1337> luca020400: someone called you out on reddit
<luca020400> ?
<luca020400> ah
<luca020400> I hope it's just a quick change to avoid useless code
<luca020400> and not some modems/sims ding on 8+ pins
<luca020400> xD
ragnarokio has joined #titandev
* LuK1337 waves at ragnarokio
<luca020400> hi
<luca020400> I wanna kill rashed
<luca020400> Someday, sometime
<luca020400> I even had the possibility once
<luca020400> Oh well