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<ghane> freem: did you make any progress with the ui adjustments for your setup?
<freem> ah, sorry, no, I did not even tried, forgot about it entirely :S
<freem> busy trying to get unvanquished working anew on my vps, right now
<ghane> :)
<freem> or rather my mod
<freem> those quake-derived engines all have ultra shitty error-logging and documentation (missing would be more accurate) sadly
<freem> and codebase is far from being clean... I wonder why people tend to consider Carmack & IdSoftware as geniuses or something, really
<freem> but I guess it's easy to say with 25+ years delta
<ghane> guess its more about the performance he got out of the hardware back then than the documentation and readable code ;)
<freem> probably yeah
<freem> and it's probably more about quake1 than quake3, too
<freem> I recently stumbled on documents from a game named "tribes" or something. Documenting network stuff, and this stuff all seems a lot better. It was from 1 year before quake3 apparently.
<ghane> and also, if there ever was documentation, guess that would have been exclusively for those paying for the licensen to use the engine anyway
<freem> very likely
<oldlaptop> I don't think commercial game developers are noted for their fastidious documentation and code style policies, especially when they have no reason to think the code will ever be seen again after release day
<oldlaptop> id was (and really still is) very unusual in releasing engine source code
<freem> there have been several other cases since then
<freem> O3DE comes to my mind
<freem> as for documentation, I do not know, there is a surprisingly good amount of documentation on the DGC website (
<oldlaptop> not "unique", "very unusual" :P
<freem> there are not that many game engines around
<freem> I think?
<freem> it's not exactly my work area, have to say :D
<oldlaptop> Certainly these days when engines themselves are basically business-to-business commercial products
<oldlaptop> (which probably doesn't encourage the dev houses to consider open-sourcing them)
<freem> clearly
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