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<freem> hm... I just realized that a lot of space is wasted in the property browser, between icons
<freem> I wonder if there is a way to reduce that? My screens are relatively small (and old) but bigger screens would not fit on my home's desk, and I would *also* avoid wasting more electronics (not to mention to buy screens is not exactly cheap)
<freem> does anyone have any idea where I could put my nose in the code to try to fix this annoyance?
<freem> also I'm thinking I could totally reduce the size of the font used in this
<freem> it is *huge*
<freem> hm... perhaps the font can be adjusted in config. I tend to forget some applications have such... it's so rare in those modern times full of software regressions
<freem> well... as it turns out, it can *not* be done in the config panel. Which, btw, might be a good idea to put in a different window, instead of reusing control panel
<ghane> or just hide it with tab when not used?
<freem> well, I use it a lot
<freem> to cycle between layers, adjust things here and there... I'm not a professional mechanics, so my workflow is probably messy :D
<ghane> of course, but of screen estate is a problem I would think the window itself would be more of a problem than the space there
<freem> <-- this is how things look here, just keep in mind that under solvespace, there is no screen
<freem> my alt screen is a little bit taller (and a 4:3 yes) than the main one (which is one of those very stupid and annoying wide but thin screens people sold for cheap ~15 years ago, I bought it with some money gift from my boss of the time, could only spend it in small amount of shops...i'd have prefered real money)
<freem> as you can see, the text is mostly hiden, but there is also a huge ratio of space wasted between icons
<ghane> ah so you have it tiled like that, i always find it is abit in the way but usually have space under the toolbar so it can be tucked away in that corner overlapping the main window
<freem> I would tend to accuse gtk bullshit for this, but I do not remember how it looked before my last update :D
<freem> yeah, I use a tiling window manager, they're handy for technical works
<freem> I usually spend my time writting code with a text editor and not an IDE, and using lot of terminals
<ghane> still eats a lot of screen estate in that screenshot
<freem> as you can see from the 3 urxvt there
<freem> what takes a lot of *useless* space if the spacing between icons
<freem> I suspect it might be related to having this kind of "title bar" above
<freem> hm... maybe if I hack it away the space will reduce
<ghane> the column titles cant be packed much more without replacing words with icons
<freem> yeah, that is what I am thinking as well
<freem> replacing words with icons, *or* allowing to hide the "itle bar" entirely
<freem> it is not that I dislike it to be around, but it does not really provides me much useful information. I do not remember if those names helped me when I was learning solvespace a while ago, but I do not think so, this is pretty intuitive for me
<freem> let's see what a stupid hack would do
<freem> no change, there is something else to do than removing those Printf calls
* freem was expecting some kind of actual array/table with widths computed depending on those, but nope
<freem> ah, I think I have found the line I need to modify. Need to find the doc for this `Printf` function though (not printf) but I guess I'll manage.
<ghane> which file is it?
<ghane> I realize that I might want to shrink it too even if I think a bit of padding should stay to make it look not too cluttered
<freem> textscreens.cpp, method void TextWindow::ShowListOfGroups
<freem> Printf(false,
<freem> "%Bp%Fd "
<freem> "%Ft%s%Fb%D%f%Ll%s%E "
<freem> "%Fp%D%f%s%Ll%s%E "
<freem> "%Fb%s%D%f%Ll%s%E "
<freem> "%Fp%Ll%D%f%s%E%s",
<freem> this ^ "line" (sorry for spam, but it's the codestyle :p)
<freem> yes, I think padding is useful, but it is way too wide here, I think
<ghane> ouch :D
<freem> yeah, see what I meant about finding doc? :D
<freem> src/textwin.cpp:void TextWindow::Printf(bool halfLine, const char *fmt, ...) {
<freem> here it is (the ui.h header does not have any comment about it, so doc is code)
<ghane> yes, replace shown with an eye just like in gimp and blender, but what should symbolize dof?
<freem> good question. But I do not think "dof" is too wide
<freem> the wide ones are shown and active, "dof" can likely stay, or if ones insist, make an icon with "dof" printed in it :D
<ghane> true, just thinking of consistency
<freem> got it, don't worry
<ghane> but active... does that say anything?
<freem> there are some here but meh
<freem> is not bad but still pretty meh
<freem> active is the layer we're currently editing
<ghane> yeah, either that one or
<freem> so it is "active" as in, you can currently edit it, and it's ok as solvespace can't have more than one active layers at once (yet?)
<ghane> yes but i mean if the active word needs to be there
<freem> ah, yeah, I don't think it's very useful, too
<freem> I suppose replacing the traditional "one of the list" icons with an arrow would work at least as nicely
<ghane> if you're up for screen saving ux, remove it all togheter and highlight the line instead
<ghane> ;)
<freem> that too
<freem> yuo're right, that would save a lot of space actually
<freem> 1.5cm on my screen!
<ghane> but, hmm you can not select g001-#references
<freem> that is 3.6%
<freem> wuold not be negligible at all
<freem> yeah, right
<freem> I wonder what is the point of it actually
<ghane> haha
<freem> I guess a simple "show root" checkbox would replace it as nicely
<ghane> remove active column and make line highlighted or have a narrow symbol
<freem> one can't even rename it
<freem> yes, I think highlight or narrow symbol for that would work better than the active column
<freem> but I'll need to study gtk that I despise (singe gtk3) to manage to do this
<ghane> do you?
<ghane> isn't GTK only used for opening windows
<ghane> and menubar
<freem> gtk is used for the GUI
<ghane> rest is custom
<ghane> or have that changed
<freem> and interactions as well: remember when the GTK4 changes bringed the ultra stupid inverted scrolling?
<freem> the patch I had to revert to get a local, sane, behavior was a gtk one
<freem> yeah, I think I would go toward qt as well, if such option was around
<freem> but a better idea might be to go toward glfw+imgui. I do not know, and I certainly do not know if I'll do the effort :D
<freem> I guess I would, if things start to smell too much
<freem> that is the forum message I left about the inverted panning issue
<ghane> yes but still only used for windows and input, not actually drawing the ui
<freem> would be nice if there was a bot that would put notices of forum activity here thuogh, I'd have answered :/
<freem> ah, yeah, ofc
<freem> I mean
<ghane> so glfw+imgui is pretty much same as it is today, besides not using those two
<freem> huh? The buttons are not by gtk?
<freem> that explains why they're sanely spaced lol
<ghane> read the first reply in the qt thread
<freem> ok, got it
<freem> then I shuold be able to tinker something
<freem> hm... it would *really* help if I could have some non-code documentation for this TextWindow::Printf function. Any idea?
<ghane> looking at it now
<ghane> is probably just that Printf you need to change yes
<freem> I get it's a variant of printf, but I'm not familiar with the codes used in there, at all (I mean, for this variant. I know `printf` stuff almost by heart, as any C/C++ dev)
<ghane> look at the arguments after, makes it easier
<freem> yeah, it's even formated in a nice way
<ghane> %Bp is backgroundParity
<freem> but the %Bp at start puzzles me
<ghane> even commented
<freem> or rather, %Bp%Fd
<ghane> hmm, yes the argument numbers does not add up immediately
<ghane> there are more % than ,
<freem> there's something weird yes
<freem> I think the %F / %B are for handing columns somehow
<freem> %B is only the 1st of the list, then it's always %F
<freem> the code says that %B and %F lead to the same branch of a switch case, too
<freem> %F just have an extra "fg = cc;" whatever this may mean
<freem> probably ForeGround = ColourCode
<ghane> ref ? "" : (active ? radioTrue : radioFalse),
<freem> I like compact code, but I also dislike 2-3 letters acronyms in code...
<freem> ref ? " " : "",
<freem> seems more interesting to me
<ghane> that is active radio button
<ghane> hah
<freem> assuming monospace font, a space is a fixed size, and this looks like cheap spacing, to me (I'd have used tabulations)
<freem> "ref" is, I suspect, to detect the 1st line, that is "g001-#référence" in my screenshot
<freem> the one we can't select
<ghane> you know what
<ghane> just add more spaces and numbers for each %something
<ghane> then you can more easily see which is what
<freem> true enough
<freem> I think I'll do that tomorrow though
<ghane> :-D
<freem> well, the pod only, that is. And only the key parts, so that I can rework them in blender and animate the stuff after
<ghane> what are you doing?
<ghane> game?
<freem> the idea being, I want to change the mountpoint
<freem> unvanquished is a game, yes, a FPS with some RTS gameplay elements (you can build)
<freem> I am trying to tinker a model for a defensive weapon, but in some way I would have something easier to modify. Also, the old blender files are long lost apparently
<freem> so can't reuse those
<ghane> ah ok
<freem> I have spend more than few hours improving the bots there a while ago (someone else continued on that) but I consider human building to be too boring so I want to add an element
<freem> and since human designs are, well, about tech, I find it easier to do this in solvespace :D
<ghane> Haha, I do the same, model the base in solvespace and then move to blender...
<freem> tech models and CAD softwares just go well together. If only I could apply textures on solvespace's layers, that be even greater
<freem> I still need to tame blender... I learned the ropes long ago, in the 2.6x versions, but since then they changed everything
<freem> I'd be interested to know more about your workflow btw
<freem> are you working on some games or something along as well?
<freem> and I defy you to do this in solvespace :D
<freem> challenge*
<ghane> yes you have to re-learn blender every now and then
<freem> tbh I don't consider blender to be a good tool
<freem> I just don't know a better one, but that does not makes it good
<ghane> I'm only using solvespace for mechanical stuff for 3d printing
<freem> you can't version what you produce with it, and it even, *by default* saves the user's layout in the model file, that sucks
<freem> so why use blender afterward? For 3D printing of mechanical stuff, solvespace was always just great for me
<ghane> iirc there was a trick in blender where you could add for example -000 in the filename and then increase it by hitting + in save as or something if i remember correctly
<freem> as a matter of fact, if I did not liked solvespace, I would not complain about it's problems, I'd just skip to another one :D
<ghane> A few times I have used blender to render with textures as concept before printing
<freem> ah, makes sense yes
<ghane> or, to overcome some limitations for counded corners/edges actually
<freem> that is what I am thinking to do: using some armature to round the corners of the various parts in that turret image I posted
<ghane> and no, i do not want to model that one in blender or solvespace :D
<freem> I remember blender had this neat armature or modifier mechanism that allows to transform the models without actually modifying them
<freem> awww
<freem> (me neither :D)
<freem> but might be nice to 3D print though. Not with filaments, the other tech with liquid
<ghane> I stay a long way away from that stuff
<ghane> filament printers are good enough for most stuff, and less toxic
<freem> one of the reasons I bought a prusa is because it complies with my DIY mindset
<freem> unlike the liquid things, that you can't really improve if you feel the need for
<freem> I do not know about toxicity. For filaments, it depends on the material you use, after all
<ghane> unfortunately they are now starting to throw out the prusas I got for work and replacing them with bambu labs :(
<freem> PLA and PET are no-problem, but IIRC ABS is better encased becaused of that
<freem> oh, you work in the field? nice
<ghane> Using a Prusa myself, have an old Ultimaker too
<ghane> no I work with software, but we have all disciplines in one office
<freem> still nice, no paper software, but actual industry one
<ghane> so i am not actually working with the printers, just helped the designers with them
<freem> that is still nice enough
<ghane> yes, mostly embedded stuff
<freem> the reason why I initially enjoy programming is: I like building tools to help others
<ghane> fun fact is that the prusas seems to have better tolerances in their prints than most other stuff
<freem> and the reason why I will not write code for money anymore is: I dislike writting crappy code that is only about bringing money and not caring of users
<freem> do they?
<ghane> still I prefer ABS than having the liquid cancer printers, it is "only" the fumes that is problematic for ABS, not the sticky residue
<freem> resin is cancerous?
<ghane> you want to have the printer encased with ABS anyway
<ghane> well, nobody knows what is in the resins tbh
<freem> I want to have my printer encased even of PLA/PET someday, if only just to reduce energy wastes and be free to open windows when I print something
<ghane> but UV curing resins has been known to be hazardous in other areas before...
<freem> yeah, that makes sense
<freem> UVs are not exactly nice in general
<ghane> encasing it for PLA might be problematic, heatbreak might get too hot so it clogs in the transition zone
<ghane> there was a report on reddit for a few years ago about someone spilling resin on his leg
<freem> when I say encasing, I mean a case which is smart enough to control temperature and keep it under control
<ghane> resulted in severe chemical burns that was discovered the day after
<ghane> had to transplant the skin
<freem> ouch
<freem> well, resin may look nice, in any case, but it lacks several features anyway
<ghane> then there are the tadpoles in bowls printed by different printers, also gets "interesting" results for resin prints
<freem> filaments allow for multi materials, for example (I have that, and produced a domino game for the daughter of my brother)
<freem> you can also have more freedom about the filling method, so different mechanic properties for the model
<freem> I doubt you can do that much with resin
<ghane> regarding writing tools to help / crappy code: fully agree
<ghane> nice
<ghane> yes
<ghane> I have not mounted my multimaterial thing
<ghane> actually had a plan for many years to add two filament printing on my old ultimaker
<freem> I have to say, prusa's MK3 MMU, or rather it's MK2 backport, is not exactly reliable, but when you get the thing launched, you're more or less fine still
<freem> it goes up to 5 filaments
<freem> but using MMU also generate quite the waste, since there is still only one extruder on the prusa
<ghane> I have the MMU2s, not mounted yet
<freem> yes, I think that's the one I bought
<ghane> I also have Prusa i3 MK2(.5s bear half frame upgrade)
<freem> althought I mistakenly thought some plastic stuff they delivered was only to keep things packed and not actually useful
<freem> so I gave them away to father who needed them for dunno what, and now lack the filament supports, but it's not important
<ghane> ah
<freem> from what I've read over the net, the mechanics sucks anyway, and from experience, a simple suspension system is more compact and perfectly fine
<ghane> which mechanics? mmu?
<freem> the support for the filaments
<ghane> ah
<ghane> no idea
<freem> I mean, put an iron wire on top of the printer, put the filaments on it, and call it a day
<ghane> oh I think I never replied to you regarding tolerances/precision
<freem> much cheaper, DIY style *and* takes less space
<ghane> we have i3 MK3s and some Bambu X1/A1 at the office
<freem> well, we have a rather chaotic discussion here :)
<ghane> the A1 printers have all the fancy lidar stuff I think, but... they are only compensating for a less than flat build surface
<freem> also if you guys waste the prusas, I could use some spare parts :p
<ghane> no idea whats happening with them
<freem> prusa MK3... well, even MK2... had some lidar detection as well?
<ghane> I would not mind upgrading my MK2 to an MK3
<freem> I highly doubt the mechanics in your company won't take the parts :D
<ghane> no, not lidar, inductive probing
<freem> hm
<freem> for MK2 then
<ghane> both mk2 and mk3 has similar probes
<freem> the sensor for MK2.5s is different
<freem> it have a LED for sure, dunno if it is lidar
<freem> nope, MK2 and MK3 have different probes
<ghane> same tech, different probes
<freem> the MK2.5 is a backport hack of several MK3 stuff
<ghane> one is temperature compensated
<freem> oh ok
<ghane> then it seems like fitting things in holes are also somewhat better for prusas
<freem> tbh it works well enough for me, but then I have never had the luck to toy with other printers
<freem> "fitting things in holes" wdym?
<ghane> if you make two parts that should fit together
<freem> ah
<freem> I never had any problem doing that
<ghane> how much tolerance you need to make it fit
<ghane> no, since you have a prusa ;)
<freem> just added a 0.1mm tolerance usually?
<ghane> Actually I got press-fit with 0.0mm last time I tried
<ghane> last weekend after upgrading the hotend to a E3D Revo
<freem> I remember printing cranks for the "Established vice" of my father (not sure of the word, hence the `"`)
<ghane> prints better than ever now, but needs to bump the temp a few degrees
<ghane> With my Ultimaker Original I could never get stuff to fit
<freem> 0.0mm precision is something I have not tried yet, but my models are likely too small and thin to handle the case
<ghane> My coworker has an Ultimaker 3, he also had problems with fitting
<freem> you mean you use 0.0mm with a prusa?
<ghane> in this case it was pegs for a round hole
<ghane> and the ones from thingiverse model was too small
<ghane> so I ended up just measuring with calipers and printing measured size, measured size -0.1, and -0.2
<ghane> turned out the just measured size was the good fit
<ghane> snug press fit but not too tight
<ghane> I was surprised
<freem> heh
<freem> I guess it was a good idea to not go cheap and buy a prusa when I had the money then :D
<freem> what surprises you seems almost normal to me :D
<ghane> seen some nested spiral prints on some youtube channel too
<ghane> prusa print slides as it should, print in place two solids
<ghane> the bambu one is: stuck
<ghane> haha yes, and you have a good reliable and repairable printer
<freem> totally
<freem> open hardware was a key requirement for me
<ghane> not the best one for surface quality today, but still not bad
<freem> I decided to put money is a prusa because I had money and wanted to encourage an open hardware company
<ghane> I have mine swapped to Igus bearings and Gates belts
<ghane> would like to upgrade to the new MK4 cooling fan
<freem> I basically put money into my ideals :)
<ghane> I agree
<ghane> I am curious about the Prusa Core One
<ghane> wonder if it is time to support prusa a bit again, even if it is less open
<freem> I read that their last printer is not yet open hardware
<freem> but that they plan to open it
<freem> I can understand their stance, they do the R&D which is not cheap, and chinese copies come around to steal the market
<ghane> I do not have a problem if they do like Ultimaker did
<freem> it's an old problem, centhuries old
<freem> that is?
<ghane> yes
<freem> open things after a while?
<ghane> They basically did not release their drawings until after a year or so
<freem> yes, that is very fine
<ghane> or if it was when the next model came out
<ghane> dont remember
<freem> and mind you, that is the *original mechanics* of intellectual property
<ghane> now they are probably more closed with the merger with makerbot
<ghane> think ultimaker was "non commercial" license for their files
<freem> you protect the R&D doers for a short while, and *then* their blueprints go in public domain
<ghane> yes
<freem> and that is good for science and engineering
<freem> unlike the current crap of "we protect for years, and then you don't even get blueprints, stupid consumers!"
<ghane> yes
<ghane> and the situation with patents
<freem> I only know one word for this: corruption.
<freem> the IP system was benevolent and benefic ,but it was corrupted
<ghane> patent a mechanical solution (which I guess is what it was from the beginning) for a reasonable time is perfectly fine
<freem> yes
<freem> I agree
<ghane> but patenting the idea of a problem that can be implemented in software is... nuts
<freem> I'm not one of those fanatics of open source who think open source is all white and nice
<freem> in the US, people can even patent ideas they have no idea how to implement
<freem> good thing I'm not a US citizen
<ghane> I prefer not using software that I do not have the source for
<freem> same
<freem> but sometimes there's no real choice
<ghane> yeah, there the patent situation is horrible
<freem> or the choice of open source is poor
<freem> i.e. web browsing
<ghane> firefox and chromium are both open?
<freem> I use vivaldi, which is closed source, but then, there is *no* decent alternative. The only one I know would be otter browser, but it is slow
<freem> well, I consider firefox and chromium to be very cheap and poor softwares
<freem> trying to stay polite, even
<ghane> but hm... I wonder where we will end up in the EU with the Cyber Resilliance Act
<ghane> I tried Vivaldi for a week, did not like it
<freem> vivaldi is not great neither, mind you, it still relies on the many chromium bugs (notably, no overcommit -> crash every 2 hours) but at least they put efforts in the actual UX
<ghane> used Opera once back in the days
<freem> same
<freem> otter and vivaldi are the 2 only options for old opera users, none are up to old opera though
<freem> otter is open source
<ghane> otherwise, been using netscape/seamonkey/firefox since forever, with e few years of exception when you had to use IE
<ghane> did not know of otter
<freem> mouse gestures are a need for me, since opera
<ghane> oh
<freem> I simply can NOT use a browser without those anymore, without feeling pain
<ghane> haha nice one
<ghane> browser tabs on the side as well
<freem> yes
<freem> but firefox *finally* managed to implement that last year it seems
<freem> or so I have read. They "only" are 20 years late
<ghane> really?
<freem> but I guess, one must choose: give all the google money to asshole directors, *or* use it to create innovation
<ghane> did not know
<ghane> I'm having hopes for Ladybird
<freem> (or at least try to reduce the technical backlog compared to other choices...)
<freem> hm... pretty sure I've read that they finally got that without plugins... maybe I'm wrong
<freem> but I can't find easily how to enable that on my FF version (128
<freem> .3.1 esr)
<freem> I just use firefox so that I can watch animes in way vivaldi can't know anyway
<ghane> to be honest i do not know if i want it anymore now... not having widescreen laptop anymore D
<ghane> :)
<freem> it's just about isolating uses lol
<freem> oh?
<freem> a non-widescreen laptop?
<freem> where?
<freem> ohhh
<ghane> 3:2
<freem> I have an IRC acquaintance who is quite fond of it
<freem> what kind of GPU does it have?
<ghane> After using thinkpads for 30 years there are of course some annoyances
<ghane> but I love it
<ghane> I have the AMD version
<ghane> so the one that is in the ryzen soc
<freem> I mean, does it relies on integrated GPU or have a dedicated one?
<ghane> integrated
<freem> aw
<ghane> but it is quite good stuff
<freem> well, those years iGPUs are not bad
<ghane> I do not know how much you need
<freem> my current desktop have a cheap intel CPU, and the iGPU is enough to run blender, solvespace, and even games comfortably enough
<freem> for amateurs like me, at least
<ghane> I have been using intel iGPUs for a long time, even preferred it due to Xorg driver support
<freem> and when it comes to programming... well, a good CPU is *not* needed, we mostly do incremental builds anyway
<freem> link time can be an issue, but I'd call that a bug in build system or source, really
<ghane> this one is: Device: AMD Radeon 780M (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 19.1.4, DRM 3.59, 6.12.3-amd64) (0x15bf)
<ghane> Depends on what you build ;)
<freem> I'm such a newbie in hardware, that I mostly look at the openGL standard it supports and ram amount, I have to say
<freem> yes, ofc
<ghane> I mean, for work I build buildroot and android systems
<freem> but in any case, for linking, you need a fast *single* core
<ghane> compiling a full AOSP system takes forever
<freem> and modern CPUs are mostly about adding more cores, that you can fix in a corp by deploying some distributed tooling
<ghane> ~100 gig of code
<freem> yes, but a full one
<freem> do you often build it from scratch?
<freem> out of CI/CD
<ghane> not that often
<ghane> but... when you need to do it it...
<freem> well, yes, ofc
<freem> I still think it's more important to optimise incremental builds than full builds
<ghane> but yes, for most cases incremental builds can be done
<freem> and even in CI/CD I'd say only bad setups do full builds all the time (such as... all github ones)
<ghane> problem is that for example android, I have not built it on this computer yet, but it took like 5 minutes for an incremental build iirc
<freem> understand that I am talking about the process of writting or improvin a software
<freem> not installing from source
<freem> ouch, 5min for incremental build is, indeed, quite slow
<freem> what takes the most time? I'm curious. I thought java was relatively fast to compile (I'm a C++ coder)
<freem> the kernel, perhaps? But in incremental builds, it should not be needed too often
<ghane> I have no idea
<freem> for a buildroot, I guess everything is linked in a single binary, thuogh, that does not helps
<ghane> think there is some linking for the java framework stuff
<freem> I wish I would have had an occasion to do true embedded dev, but it never happened
<ghane> requires 32 gigs of ram not to swap
<freem> well, that's java :)
<freem> sorry, was too easy
<freem> yes, linking takes a lot of resources
<ghane> haha no need to be sorry
<ghane> I hate it
<ghane> :D
<freem> this step is hard to split in multiple parallel tasks
<ghane> then it generates system images and stuff so even if compile is incremental it still needs to build the filesystem images
<freem> but building a filesystem image does not have to be slow
<ghane> for buildroot, no you usually run individual packages
<ghane> base system is usually busybox, one binary for all the basic system shell tools, but that builds quite fast
<freem> I mean, it takes few seconds here
<freem> I know and love busybox
<ghane> just made an incremental build for one of my buildroot projects
<freem> I actually prefer busybox's console client to access modems
<ghane> real0m55,140s
<ghane> user7m41,580s
<ghane> sys0m52,285s
<ghane> but that was most likely rebuilding most of the kernel since I had changes
<freem> and my VPS ( uses only busybox for many things, including text edition
<ghane> a clean rebuild takes 7 seconds
<freem> because I consider one should NOT edit text on a server to start with, but it's nice to have a tool when needed
<ghane> which console client do you mean?
<freem> "busybox --help | less" this "--help | less" idiom really amuses me
<freem> microcom
<ghane> ah
<freem> to talk the AT lang with those annoying modems :p
<ghane> :D
<freem> minicom is worst lol
<ghane> haha yes i have not used it for many years
<ghane> right now I'm using tio
<freem> at least with microcom, you don't need to worry about a over-complicated interface, you just put text and read answer
<ghane> but not really modems, but embedded stuff with uart
<freem> I used it when I worked on a mano842 mobo, it had a radio modem for connection
<freem> pluged like a wifi card and the likes
<freem> so yeah, direct access to it, just the modem had their own OS, as every radio thing I guess
<freem> I enjoyed working on that project, but it was the last of my dev carreer
<freem> can't say I would not think a lot if I got an offer, but it's unlikely to happen
<freem> I like real engineering
<freem> the kind of stuff which is not marketing-driven but prefers bug free and efficient code
<ghane> I do not seem to have the sidebar tabs in ff133 btw
<freem> well, it's probably well hiden, as every firefox "option"
<freem> or maybe it was removed since then because devs at mofo just can't do anything sane, who knows?
<freem> you know my favorite joke?
<freem> it is when people say that Rust is memory safe.
<freem> Boot your favorite linux distro, disable overcommit, use firefox for few hours. If you do NOT experience a oom-kill I will be surprised a lot
<freem> and firefox is litterally the software for which rust was invented :D
<freem> but I guess it's the Way of Web
<ghane> Not much is not marketing driven these days unfortunately
<freem> chromium and it's derivates are not better
<freem> yeah I know
<freem> this year I'll start trying to build a fruit wine enterprise with my father
<ghane> lol, but running out of memory is not "unsafe"
<freem> out of memory, and... segfaults
<ghane> lol
<freem> it's a random proportion
<freem> actually it's only segfaults
<freem> because malloc's return is not checked
<ghane> making own fruit wine stuff?
<freem> yep
<ghane> nice
<freem> father no longer need to work (what is that called in english already...) so got bored and started to brew some as hobby few years ago
<ghane> read something that there were problems in wine farming since ppl drink less red wine nowdays
<freem> and since I basically quitted my job and have not searched for more since... more than a year? we're going to start that and see
<freem> we're talking about fruit wines, here, not grape wines
<freem> grapes are technically fruits, ofc
<ghane> retired is the word?
<freem> yes, retired
<freem> so a retired father and a jobless, IT-sick, son :D
<ghane> :)
<ghane> it sucks
<freem> it's amusing, because it means I'm going to go toward the roots/agriculture, as many devs do
<freem> why does it sucks?
<freem> IT sucks, to me
<ghane> but non-grape-fruit-wine then :-)
<ghane> haha grape-fruit
<freem> :D
<freem> fruits and flowers, actually
<ghane> IT sucks I meant
<freem> oh, yeah it does
<freem> and it's going worst every year
<freem> ever tried dandelion wine?
<freem> that stuff rocks
<ghane> I have a local guy here in sweden stat started doing some nice alcohol free drinks some years ago...
<ghane> s/stat/that/
<ghane> think his stuff was served at the Nobel Prize cermony last year
<freem> de-alcoholised stuff seems to be hard to produce with good quality though? I don't know much about this stuff, I'll learn.
<freem> well, a person who picks the coder job knows they'll have to learn all their life, so learning new stuff ain't a big deal to me
<ghane> yes seems to be the secret sauce, dealcoholization
<freem> wow
<ghane> no, not tried dandelion wine
<freem> the quick readings I got on it seems to imply that you need quite high quality alcohols to produce decent de-alcoolised equivalent drinks
<freem> if you have the chance someday, try
<freem> we will likely not produce those for selling them, it is too costly to get the dandelion, and too much work
<freem> but my father does some still, and it tastes really good
<ghane> i have lots of dandelions in my garden, should put them to use :D
<freem> haha yeah, who would have known this stuff that grows litterally everywhere and is invasive, can also be put at use
<freem> I remember oldies used those for soups and the likes, as well
<freem> at least I heard about that
<freem> salads, I think?
<ghane> yeah
<ghane> but only young leafes?
<freem> I think so yes
<ghane> i never used the nettles either
<ghane> can be used for so much
<freem> for the wine, my father takes the flowers when they are young and fully deployed, as well
<ghane> ok
<freem> ah, yeah, nettles are also a very well known ancient thing
<freem> used for medicine, as well
<ghane> i have no idea how to use them for anything (dandelions)
<freem> antiseptics properties I believe?
<freem> the wine is done by using the petals only
<freem> which explains why I don't imagine us selling that, or if is done, won't be cheap or in big volumes
<freem> hard to do hectolitres of that, after all
<freem> hectolitters? Well, I think you got it
<freem> 100L batches
<ghane> :)
<ghane> yes
<freem> the nice thing is, I smell opportunities to do DIY tech in that small company (no employees) idea :)
<ghane> yeah, much fun
<freem> we'll see
<ghane> combined electronics and some software
<freem> I don't have much to loose anyway
<freem> exactly
<ghane> and a product that you have some passion for
<freem> both me and my father are engineers after all
<freem> I'm more skilled with IT obviously, but for mechanics and analogic, he beats me by far
<freem> which is not hard, granted
<ghane> but it sounds like you will have a great time learning from eachother too
<freem> oh, we will
<freem> and since we'll be the bosses, there won't be any bullshitter to annoy us
<freem> I mean...
<freem> we will set the priorities, and it's not about being rich, just to live decently and have something we have fun producing
<freem> wine production is about sleeping most of the time :p
<ghane> :-D
<freem> ok, let me rephrase, doing R&D
<ghane> and not drinking it all by yourself
<freem> that, too
<freem> that might be the harder part of the job haha
<freem> just need to scale though :p
<freem> I also look forward for the few selling events we might do, that is, going to medieval or artisanal events
<freem> I used to go on medieval reproductions and the likes a lot, 10 years ago, and I miss it
<freem> just roaming around half-drunk roleplaying in a costume was very fun. Ofc I'll need to skip the half-drunk part, but the roleplaying of a seller can be fun as well
<freem> I did some roleplay with sellers back then, and I'm certain it was fun for both of us
<freem> and it helps the sells, as well
<freem> apparently, fruit wines (excluding grapes) were mostly developped in the 18th centhury in france, before grape winers started to whine
<freem> so they greased the good doors and got a law to more or less forbid (or strongly discourage) fruit wineries
<ghane> ah nice
<freem> well... code, mechanics, and roleplay. I guess chemistry do lacks to my skillset :D
<freem> oh, I already have electronics as well
<ghane> :-)
<freem> for mechanics and electronics, I only have rought basics, ofc
<freem> rough*
<freem> but that is totally the kind of stuff I enjoy
<ghane> understandable
<freem> code is rather high level... so going toward mechanics, electronics and chemistry is just a rather natural direction for a nerd
<ghane> i should go do some coding before it is too late perhaps
<ghane> yes
<freem> it's never too late to code
<freem> or do engineering conceptions
<ghane> true
<ghane> unless you get too tired
<freem> but that can happen early :p
<ghane> or need to start early the dat after
<freem> yep
<freem> I won't annoy you longer :) it was a fun chat
<ghane> haha you are not anoying me :)
<freem> I know
<ghane> fun to chat indeed
<freem> I meant, just go code :)
<freem> I'll try to find a solution to reduce wasted space tomorrow
<freem> when I'll have a patch, I'll share it (not on github, I deleted my account after they forced 2FA bullshit)
<ghane> ah yes, lets chat tomorrow :)
<freem> I'll probably share the link to a repo on where I have an account. No 2FA crap there, and it's open source
<ghane> not sure if here are any devs active that might want to pull it
<freem> lack of bullshit and open-source, community driven, might be related.
<freem> I know it does not helps
<freem> we'll see about active devs
<freem> I have never really seen solvespace as a very active project tbh
<freem> but it is so simple to use, and so bugfree... I only had 2 occasions to complain
<freem> 1) for a performance problem I provided a patch for (rejected, eigen was used instead) and one for the gtk thing
<freem> (that's the 2))
<freem> hard to improve neat softwares
<ghane> but is 2fa mandatory on github?
<freem> it is
<freem> you can not connect without 2FA
<freem> so you have to go check your fucking mails if you want to just see some comments or do a peer review
<ghane> Releses are not made often, but there is activity in the repo
<freem> while source code edition would merit 2FA indeed (as opt-out still!) peer review and the likes definitely are stupid
<freem> well, at least when I whined on the forum I got listened to
<freem> so I suspect if I give a link toward another repo containing a specific patch, I may be as well
<ghane> :)
<freem> worst case it's not merged, and I'll just rebase it from time to time
<freem> in all cases, I have the benefits of a better software
<freem> nothing to loose
<ghane> true
<freem> and I kind of doubt such patch would not be merged, perhaps refactored or rewritten, if it stays optional
<freem> solvespace's interface seems driven by minimalism and simplicity to me, and such a patch would go toward this direction
<freem> in any case, it will be our benevolent (possibly hermit) dictactor who'll decide, and I won't have any grudge whatever the ending
<ghane> true, in worst case you have your own fork
<freem> yes, and a single commit is trivial to maintain
<freem> things start to be complicated when you have 100, but under that number it's simple
<ghane> and I guess it wont be especially complex either
<freem> yeah
<freem> solvespace's codebase is relatively clean and documented
<ghane> true
<ghane> oh, i forgot my laundry too, bbl
<freem> oh damn
<freem> I need to do some as well
<ghane> Think I should afk now as well
<freem> :)
<freem> have a good night
<ghane> talk to you later and good night :)
<freem> for sure
<freem> I remember we discussed here already more than once
<freem> I rarely forgot interesting discussions
<freem> forget* (me and english...)
<ghane> true :)
<freem> I think this is how communities should be. People chatting nicely together, trying to do their best to help newcommers, and when they can, provide patches to improve the situation of the community
<freem> but it became rarer and rarer over interweb
<freem> sorry for sorrow
<freem> solvespace is still a software I enjoy, and this place is a nice one, I can try to help, and am never judged badly when I'm wrong in my attempts
<freem> there is no power or influence or proudness fights
lastrodamo has quit [Quit: Leaving]