<azonenberg> No idea if there's a direct lineage from that codebase to modern libscopehal but this was i think my first T&M project
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<fredzo_72653> Yeah ! Is that Java/Swing ? Looks like it anyway !
<fredzo_72653> I developed my fist Java/Swing app back in 2000 !... Yep that tells something about my age... Well guess what, I turned 49 today! 🥳
<azonenberg> No that's GTK
<azonenberg> On windows... vista probably at that point
<azonenberg> This was the GUI for a PIC32 based logic analyzer i made for a software design and documentation class as an undergrad (basically senior design project)
<azonenberg> our team was called the "Illogical Analysts"
<fredzo_72653> 🙂
<fredzo_72653> Oh Microship's PICs! That's a nice memory too ! I made some projects with PIC16F back in the days 😉 MPLab was quite a revolution at that time !...
<azonenberg> yeah this was pic32mx. ironically, it's the chip i blame for getting me into FPGAs
<azonenberg> the 340f only had i think 32 kB of RAM, and none of the MX's had a MMU or decent external memory bus
<azonenberg> i was writing a little rtos and wanted more space
<azonenberg> couldn't find any mips's for sale that had an external memory bus so i bought a spartan-3a and made one that did what i wanted