azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: ngscopeclient, libscopehal, and libscopeprotocols development and testing | | Logs:
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<_whitenotifier-1> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-1> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 19bc636 - Updated to latest upstream NFD with fix for -Wshadow warning. Removed -Wno-error=shadow which had been added as a workaround.
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<lethalbit> Oh this might have been asked before, but are there plan for a backend for something like a spectrum analyzer?
<lethalbit> s/plan/plans/g
<azonenberg> lethalbit: yes. we actually have some support for the specan mode on the tek mso series (but not raw i/q you can only grab the amplitude-vs-freq plot)
<azonenberg> we have apis and gui for setting freq and span, you can query RBW but i cant remember if you can set it or not
<azonenberg> its just a matter of somebody actually writing the driver
<azonenberg> when i finally get the cash for the signalhound i'm drooling over i'll definitely implement that
<d1b2> <aki-nyan> Ah okay, I was wondering as I've got a RIgol DSA 815 and was wondering, I might look into poking a driver or something for that if I have the spoons
<lethalbit> Ooops responded on discord because of the ping :V
<azonenberg> Lol i actually pinged you on IRC and i guess the bridge translated the name for me
<lethalbit> anyway, yeah, I might try to bap a driver then if I have some spare cycles
<azonenberg> Essentially a specan is really just a scope where the x axis units are Hz and the Y are dBm
<azonenberg> with a few different apis for timebase since you have freq/span
<lethalbit> ye
<lethalbit> Was just curous
<azonenberg> (note that sub Hz resolution is not currently possible)
<azonenberg> i'm planning a big overhaul of the units framework to enable better usage of dynamic range
<azonenberg> but its a ways out
<azonenberg> i have lots of other fish to fry too
<lethalbit> yeah, such is life
<lethalbit> I get ya
<lethalbit> thanks for the answer,
<azonenberg> new filters, big gui reworks
<azonenberg> developer documentation
<azonenberg> On that note: 1) I've been insanely busy at work lately going into the office almost every day for the past two weeks and it won't wrap up for another week. But early October I want to set up a developer zoom to sync up on stuff
<azonenberg> in particular,filing tickets for and appropriately tagging issues for a v0.1 release
<azonenberg> we need to get that out the door before the full thunderscope launch
<lethalbit> yee, exciting
<lethalbit> much to do
<azonenberg> and 2) if anybody is interested i want to get moving on developer documentation
<azonenberg> This is going to be two parts. first, build scripts and tooling to make our existing doxygen comments actually generate browsable html we can stick on the website
<azonenberg> and second, writing additional documentation at a higher level that talks about things like how to create a filter or driver
<azonenberg> the latter might wait until after v0.1 because soonish there is a bunch of refactoring coming that will change some of that
<azonenberg> but we can at least get started
<azonenberg> lethalbit: is #2 something you're interested in helping out with btw?
<azonenberg> first milestone would be testing CMake integration in the top level to build doxygen on all platforms
<azonenberg> we theoretically have a BUILD_DOCS directive but i think that's currently just compiling the latex end user manual
<azonenberg> That's been on the wishlist for a long time and i've been far too busy to do it myself
<lethalbit> I might /might/ be able to, but not any time soon sadly, i've got a bunch of stuff going on myself and very little free time for other thigns sadly
<azonenberg> Ok so you're in the same boat as me then lol
<azonenberg> well, for anybody else this is a relatively high priority todo
<lethalbit> running up against deadlines for two big projects, and a million other things,
<lethalbit> yeah