[stm32-cpp] azonenberg dbe93af - Initial STM32H735 RTC support
<vipqualitypost> is there a way to graphically adjust threshold mask?
What do you mean "threshold mask"
do you mean the level for the threshold filter?
to draw a line on the plot or something?
<vipqualitypost> i "know" that typing in the thresholds is "right" as your logic levels are well defined by whatever chips blah blah you're using, but I am finding it hard to fight the want to drag the threshold filter lines
<vipqualitypost> yes
that's not a bad idea, file a ticket
it may take some thinking to figure out e.g. how to disambiguate if you have multiple channels and thresholds in one plot
<vipqualitypost> yeah, maybe not trivial - was just wondering if there was anything i was missing
But at a high level the concept of draggable threshold levels is good
<vipqualitypost> i'll open a ticket! thanks
yeah you're not missing anything
but this is the exact kind of user feedback i like
this is, incidentally, also a feature i dont recall having seen anywhere else
(i.e. we're actually pushing new frontiers in UX for T&M, not just cloning what other tools/scopes have)