[scopehal-apps] azonenberg fb470dc - Fixed bug where FlushConfigCache() did not also trigger a re-render, leading to waveforms being displayed at incorrect scale/offset until a redraw was triggered for some other reason
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 1cc1d39 - Can now create groups from the context menu. No way to rename them and they don't do anything special WRT ports yet. See #639.
<azonenberg> Initial work on filter graph grouping
You can create groups from the context menu in the graph editor by right clicking and doing "new group"
Groups are automatically named, you cannot yet change the default name
You can drag the edges to resize them
When a group is dragged, any nodes contained inside move with the group
if you drag a node, you can move it into or out of the group
Physics for nodes pushign each other around when dragging are improved a bunch as well, but there is an issue where if a group is pushed by another group, it doesn't move its child nodes with it
so if you nudge one group with another, the child nodes can get pushed out
Edges between nodes are currently not affected by grouping, but long term I want to make hierarchical ports where nodes within a group have placeholder anchors on the perimeter of the group at a fixed point
which i think will make complex filter graphs much easier to navigate and understand
also, there's no serialization support yet so groups will vanish when the session is saved and reopened
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 7f95aba - Groups will now correctly push other groups out of the way when dragging, including child nodes within them. See #639.