azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: ngscopeclient, libscopehal, and libscopeprotocols development and testing | | Logs:
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<d1b2> <johnsel> If you haven't already, re-clone the whole repository and start from scratch. Or delete the cmake intermediate files
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<d1b2> <bvernoux> Install all in root of your disk to avoid any issue without space like C:/scopehal
<juh> that’ll need to be fixed before a major release lol
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<azonenberg> juh: so it sounded like her issues were with msys2/mingw not with ngscopeclient per se
<azonenberg> if msys2 doesnt like spaces that's not something we can do anything about
<azonenberg> afaik once you have working scopehal binaries they can be installed wherever
<azonenberg> none of *my* code should care about spaces in paths, if it does report bugs as necessary
<azonenberg> but the issue tetrikitty was reporting was in building *glslang* i.e. a vulkan sdk component
<azonenberg> it never even got to the point of trying to build scopehal yet
<anuejn> hey while we are at packaging issues: I also have one :)
<anuejn> I am trying to use ngscopeclient on macOS and am getting the "ERROR: glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions failed"
<anuejn> --debug gives me this:
<anuejn> I already tried to reinstall the VulkanSDK system wide (as described here: but it didnt help for me
<anuejn> do you have any ideas?
<azonenberg> anuejn: what does vulkaninfo give? is it showing MoltenVK?
<anuejn> ah good point that also does not work
<anuejn> then I will have to fix my system myself :D
<anuejn> thanks for the pointer works now
<anuejn> (after actually sourcing the in the sdk *self facepalm*
<anuejn> thanks :)
<azonenberg> We should start collecting a FAQ for common screwups people make