azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<d1b2> <esden> should be back @azonenberg
<azonenberg> Thanks
<d1b2> <azonenberg> do you have a highlight on "irc bridge" or something? lol
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<d1b2> <johnsel> I'll see if I can do that at some point then, though I want to make CI functional again first
<d1b2> <azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> i mean we need a lot of things longer term. Things like a proper website
<azonenberg> ideally a proper name ("ngscopeclient" is not the best but it seems to have stuck lol)
<azonenberg> I currently own as well as a few names reserved for a potential future nonprofit I hope to set up to oversee the project, but there's nothing on any of them yet
<azonenberg> Mostly because i'm not a web designer or close to one
<juh> I dunno if I’m comfortable with “committing” myself to anything, but I do have web experience and am happy to implement/advise on that kind of stuff. but as for knowing what actually needs to be on the site, I’m obviously not the one to ask
<azonenberg> Anything is better than nothing. A basic "what is the project" blurb, link to the github, some screenshots, link to the irc/discord, link to the pdf manual would be a good start. placeholder for link to release downloads once we have a formal release package
<azonenberg> I'd like to make it fully static if possible, just html+css. i can't think of any reason we'd need js
<azonenberg> or server side scripting even. static templating engine we compile to a bunch of HTML would be ideal
<azonenberg> keep it simple, keep it dumb, make it look pretty
<azonenberg> I can write all the text copy for the site and draw up an outline for what pages we want and such
<azonenberg> And do all of the hosting, DNS, deployment type stuff
<azonenberg> A pi4 on my home rack should be plenty given that this will be purely an informational site and the code and big binary downloads will live on github using their bandwidth
<azonenberg> juh: thoughts?
<juh> sounds like a great plan to me, i'll work up a layout and super-basic stack when I find some time
<azonenberg> Awesome. I'll make a new github project under the glscopeclient org (which should also be renamed at some point, once glscopeclient deprecation is complete) and start throwing some plain text or markdown copy in there
<azonenberg> my plan is for the entire site to be open source since there will be no secrets or private sections
<azonenberg> then we'll just clone the repo onto the web server, run the compile script to generate templated html from whatever the source data format is, and point nginx at it
<juh> is there any existing branding material i should be aware of?
<azonenberg> No. We reached out to a graphic designer some time ago in an effort to create branding collateral but the effort stalled
<azonenberg> in part because we were focusing on branding for a nonprofit entity for the project and the more we looked into it the messier it got wrt also selling probes and stuff like that
<azonenberg> so we are still figuring out the long term legal structure we want to have established to ensure that the project remains open but we can also accept donations, sell hardware, etc
<azonenberg> most likely there will need to be a nonprofit focused on R&D and a for-profit entity that makes physical products based on those designs and contributes some or all of its net profit to the nonprofit
<azonenberg> but figuring that out in a way that makes the IRS happy will take time
<azonenberg> either way we also need branding for the software but nothing of the sort currently exists or is being worked on
<juh> copy that o7
<d1b2> <svenpeter42> fwiw, for asahi linux we just host the static website on github pages and that's been working quite well so far
<juh> oh, yeah, this looks dead simple. probably the best move
<juh> templated themes support markdown out of the box, and we can still pretty easily adapt it to something custom later on if we need
<juh> still happy to help manage and tweak it if we go that route, if you want
<azonenberg> @svenpeter42 does this allow custom domain names?
<d1b2> <svenpeter42> yes
<azonenberg> Sounds like it might be a good option then. I'll work on throwing some content together and see what i can do with it
<d1b2> <svenpeter42> that’s the repo, iirc it uses Hugo with some github ci to automatically build the website
<azonenberg> How bare bones are the supported templates? i really like making sites that are as js-free as possible so they will work out of the box with noscript
<juh> i actually don't see any js at
<azonenberg> Great
<d1b2> <svenpeter42> yeah, you can use any Hug(or whatever static side generator you prefer) template afaik
<d1b2> <svenpeter42> *hugo
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<d1b2> <johnsel> juh: let me know if you need help with the CI. (or the html/css, in a previous life I ran a company that built saas crap)
<d1b2> <johnsel> crap meaning I don't like saas, we (tried to) build quality products
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<d1b2> <jwise0> yes, the solution to this is to use GitHub Pages if you need a web page, rather than putting stuff on your Pi. Hugo etc does work, we use it for (hosted on GH Pages, currently using Netlify to build instead of GitHub CI but GitHub CI would be the way to do it if I were to do it in 2023)
<d1b2> <jwise0> !!Con's site is JS-free I think
<azonenberg> I mean i already have other domains served off the pi but gh pages has the static site generator preconfigured which is convenient
<d1b2> <jwise0> ah, !!Con West uses hugo. !!Con uses jekyll.
<d1b2> <jwise0> is an example of doing this with Hugo to create a JS-free page (result is )