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<bvernoux> azonenberg, for information JLCPCB have amazing offer for 2usd 5board 5cmx5cm for 4, 6 & 8 layers with via in pad with POFV option
<bvernoux> Their >=4 Layers have "Impedance Control" (see detail here
<bvernoux> I can say I have validated their 4 layers Impedance Control which is not bad validated with USB3 SS at maximum speed (5Gbit/s) without any error
<bvernoux> The only issue for RF stuff it their material which is in best case Prepreg 3313 with Dielectic constant 4.05
<bvernoux> So OSHPark is clearly better for that
<bvernoux> They have
<bvernoux> PrepReg 1080 but no spec about Dielectric constant so far
<bvernoux> The most amazing with actual promotion is to test their 8 layers for 2usd for 5 PCB (5cmx5cm max)
<bvernoux> with ENIG and FR-4 TG155 by default for 8 layers
<bvernoux> Something interesting they have option like Copper paste Filled & Capped for the Via (which cost extra) which could be very nice to use via as heatsink with very good properties for RF
<bvernoux> They write in specs: The filling has an excellent heat conductivity of 8 W/m·K ideal for via-in-pad and heatsink pads
<bvernoux> I have never see any feature like that with other PCB fab as standard
<d1b2> <Tobi de Boumaa ⛟> any clues whats going wrong here? its the package from the msys2 package manager, I also tried building it from source, but I got No Vulkan glslc found when building despite a successful glslang build
<miek> azonenberg: i just realised, i think the 2x thru is wrong for that board. it shouldn't de-embed all the way to the wider part of the trace, the measurement should include some of the 50ohm trace extending either side
<azonenberg> Well that's a new failure mode
<azonenberg> never seen that before
<azonenberg> miek: hmmm
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<_whitenotifier> [starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier> [starshipraider] azonenberg 88c6ec5 - Added Beatty line sims
<_whitenotifier> [starshipraider] azonenberg 2bc9769 - Updated smpm-test board with stitching vias in SMA side