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<topiairy> hey everyone, I've just setup a new sandstorm instance using the sandcats dns and lets encrypt. I got auth and everything working except for after i load a a grain like ethpad and try to use it, there is an error connecting to "ui-f0d701691476e82acb98e1704f4871e3.sitename.sandcats.io." leading me to believe the wildcard dns isn't setup correctly,
<topiairy> however I've double checked the .conf file, added a DNS zone entry, and tested foo.sitename.sandcats.io with dig and it shows the correct ip. any idea what could cause this type of issue? server log is included in paste
<TimMc> topiairy: hmm, let me take a look...
<topiairy> ok thank you
<TimMc> Any chance you can share the site name? Would make debugging much easier if you're OK with it.
<topiairy> yea sure its argonauto.sandcats.io
<TimMc> It *does* sound like a wildcard DNS issue from your description.
<TimMc> Well, the wildcard DNS appears to work properly.
<topiairy> so if wildcard dns wasn't working, then would foo.argonauto.sandcats.io still load to the sandstorm error page or would it return a browser error
<topiairy> ok yea i thought so
<TimMc> Yeah, dig +short foo.argonauto.sandcats.io gives the same as without the foo.
<TimMc> And wildcard TLS seems to be working too.
<TimMc> It's routed properly, because when I visit that ui-... subdomain I get an auth error specific to Sandstorm.
<topiairy> yea  the only thing not loading is the grains with the subdomain. i checked and the subdomain ui # has a proc associated with it on the server running, all the services, like http-bridge appear up, updated the kernel and all packages. i was reading that even with https set up there are some http interconnections i was wondering if the browser
<topiairy> could be blocking it because its not https or something. also i installed docker and am not sure if that could have messed with something in the settings that i'm unaware of as i don't really use docker
<TimMc> I'm not clear on exactly where the error you're seeing is appearing. If you paste a sharing link I'd be happy to look directly.
<topiairy> ui-f0d701691476e82acb98e1704f4871e3.argonauto.sandcats.io
<topiairy> it's the frame that loads the app ui
<TimMc> OK yeah, is that iframe loading with http:// ? (Right click on it, view frame in new tab.)
<topiairy> no it appears to be https
<topiairy> thats the share link sorry i misunderstood what you meant
<TimMc> Ugh, why is the browser being so cagey about what's actually wrong...
<TimMc> HTTPS, TLSv1.3, right CN (where's the SAN? but that's not the issue), vaguely correct-looking cert...
<TimMc> OK, *without* the cookie, the URL loads. *With* the cookie, we get "Empty reply from server" from curl.
<TimMc> So the server is hanging up on the client, which makes the TLS handshake fail to complete, and that's being called "Secure Connection Failed".
<topiairy> Error while fetching an original source: unsupported protocol for sourcemap request meteor://%F0%9F%92%BBapp/app/global-imports.js
<topiairy> Source URL: meteor://%F0%9F%92%BBapp/app/global-imports.js i found this error in js debug
<topiairy> does that mean it's failing to load one of the libraries ?
<TimMc> Sourcemap is just a debugging tool, so it's probably a symptom rather than a cause.
<topiairy> oh ok
<TimMc> (browser asks the server "hey, can I get the original version of this Javascript?")
<TimMc> ...but then that server log you showed looks like "the browser hung up on us". So the stream is dying and both sides think it's the other's fault? :-/
<TimMc> Do other grain types fail the same way? I would expect so, just... you know, just in case.
<topiairy> they all do
<topiairy> same errors in logs
<topiairy> no data in the grain log though
<topiairy> only the server log
<TimMc> Well, this is definitely unfamiliar. :-/ I guess hang around in the channel and see if one of the other regulars (who know more about the Meteor side of things) has any idea.
<TimMc> There's also a mailing list.
<topiairy> ok i might try a reinstall. i was just trying to check on the grain process to confirm it's running since there is no log
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<topiairy> # ps aux | grep sandstorm-grain
<topiairy> root        3522  0.0  0.1   7080  2048 pts/0    S+   21:52   0:00 grep --color=auto sandstorm-grain
<topiairy> root@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01:/etc/bind/zones# cat /proc/3522/status
<topiairy> cat: /proc/3522/status: No such file or directory
<topiairy> it's weird it shows up but it's not there
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