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hey everyone, I've just setup a new sandstorm instance using the sandcats dns and lets encrypt. I got auth and everything working except for after i load a a grain like ethpad and try to use it, there is an error connecting to "ui-f0d701691476e82acb98e1704f4871e3.sitename.sandcats.io." leading me to believe the wildcard dns isn't setup correctly,
however I've double checked the .conf file, added a DNS zone entry, and tested foo.sitename.sandcats.io with dig and it shows the correct ip. any idea what could cause this type of issue? server log is included in paste
Any chance you can share the site name? Would make debugging much easier if you're OK with it.
yea sure its argonauto.sandcats.io
It *does* sound like a wildcard DNS issue from your description.
Well, the wildcard DNS appears to work properly.
so if wildcard dns wasn't working, then would foo.argonauto.sandcats.io still load to the sandstorm error page or would it return a browser error
ok yea i thought so
Yeah, dig +short foo.argonauto.sandcats.io gives the same as without the foo.
And wildcard TLS seems to be working too.
It's routed properly, because when I visit that ui-... subdomain I get an auth error specific to Sandstorm.
yea the only thing not loading is the grains with the subdomain. i checked and the subdomain ui # has a proc associated with it on the server running, all the services, like http-bridge appear up, updated the kernel and all packages. i was reading that even with https set up there are some http interconnections i was wondering if the browser
could be blocking it because its not https or something. also i installed docker and am not sure if that could have messed with something in the settings that i'm unaware of as i don't really use docker
I'm not clear on exactly where the error you're seeing is appearing. If you paste a sharing link I'd be happy to look directly.
thats the share link sorry i misunderstood what you meant
Ugh, why is the browser being so cagey about what's actually wrong...
HTTPS, TLSv1.3, right CN (where's the SAN? but that's not the issue), vaguely correct-looking cert...
OK, *without* the cookie, the URL loads. *With* the cookie, we get "Empty reply from server" from curl.
So the server is hanging up on the client, which makes the TLS handshake fail to complete, and that's being called "Secure Connection Failed".
Error while fetching an original source: unsupported protocol for sourcemap request meteor://%F0%9F%92%BBapp/app/global-imports.js
Source URL: meteor://%F0%9F%92%BBapp/app/global-imports.js i found this error in js debug
does that mean it's failing to load one of the libraries ?
Sourcemap is just a debugging tool, so it's probably a symptom rather than a cause.
oh ok
(browser asks the server "hey, can I get the original version of this Javascript?")
...but then that server log you showed looks like "the browser hung up on us". So the stream is dying and both sides think it's the other's fault? :-/
Do other grain types fail the same way? I would expect so, just... you know, just in case.
they all do
same errors in logs
no data in the grain log though
only the server log
Well, this is definitely unfamiliar. :-/ I guess hang around in the channel and see if one of the other regulars (who know more about the Meteor side of things) has any idea.
There's also a mailing list.
ok i might try a reinstall. i was just trying to check on the grain process to confirm it's running since there is no log
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