ocdtrekkie changed the topic of #sandstorm to: Welcome to #sandstorm: home of all things Sandstorm and Cap'n Proto. Say hi! | Have a question but no one is here? Try asking in the discussion group: https://groups.google.com/group/sandstorm-dev | Channel logs available at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/sandstorm | Note that many community members are on #sandstorm:libera.chat on Matrix, and the bridge is currently disabled.
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<zashi> hey guys. I want to install sandstorm but I don't need the organization feature. is there a way to skip that? Seems like sandstorm is targeted towards easy-to-install productivity suites, but any one of that options is a hassle. For email I need a domain, and I do not want to depend on external services, or run and configure LDAP locally. Is there
<zashi> a way to skip this and assign a simple USER/PASS to admin?
<zashi> thanks
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