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<abliss[m]> Is there a separate chatroom for zenhack's tempest? kinda curious whether it achieved escape velocity or not. is there a good explainer of the technical diffs from sandstorm? is the best/only place for existing docs on the ideas?
<abliss[m]> especially curious if kentonv has opined on it
<ocdtrekkie> Currently there's no other notes elsewhere on it. I believe it runs apps pretty well, and I think grain sharing has been implemented, but things like the powerbox and such are not.
<ocdtrekkie> Most of the intentional compatibility changes are dropping legacy compatibility shims. It uses both server and client side sandboxing configurations which are available but not default on Sandstorm.
<ocdtrekkie> I ran into some issues trying to get the Vagrantfile going yesterday. I think it's because the capnpc-go plugin I get from the install command lags behind the repo a bit, and Tempest has changes to support just-merged changes in go-capnp.
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