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<ocdtrekkie> ill_logic: Check the commit history of my 2048 app
<ill_logic> Oh no
<ill_logic> Oh wait
<ocdtrekkie> I used Deta's client side changes and wrote my own backend for the Sandstorm app.
<ocdtrekkie> Then I added the high scores list, which I am not sure would even be possible in Deta, but definitely required tracking users which their version did not.
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<ill_logic> But even they forked it from something standalone?
<ocdtrekkie> The official 2048 app is just client-side JS.
<ill_logic> I see
<ocdtrekkie> You have to add something to store data anywhere but the browser cache.
<ill_logic> I wonder how much of their stuff is open source.
<ocdtrekkie> I don't believe any of their platform was, just their apps and app SDKs
<ill_logic> Still a bit funny that the apps are. I thought they sold this as a way to monetize. Unless they pay the dev per download or something.
<ocdtrekkie> Not sure apps :have: to be open source. But the business model is definitely that Deta's platform was SaaS only.
<ocdtrekkie> Cloudron at least lets you host your own.
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