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<TimMc> I tried to demo Tiny Tiny RSS to someone, but I couldn't get it to subscribe to a feed. Is it busted?
<isd> Not to my knowledge; can you describe the failure mode a bit more?
<ocdtrekkie> I've very rarely seen feeds TTRSS dislikes but I add feeds often and it should be working well.
<fr33domlover> TimMc: the NLNet people are great and really want to support FLO free-internet related projects :) it's been really great for me
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<TimMc> isd: ...oh wow, it's because I was trying to use it via a sharing link in anonymous mode, which I guess prevents powerbox requests.
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<ocdtrekkie> I rarely think about anonymous mode much but that makes logical sense.
<isd> Huh, I have never tried that before. Did not realize you needed to be logged in for that to work.
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<TimMc> Here's the sharing link I was using, if anyone wants to see it in (in)action:
<ocdtrekkie> I do think it would be logically silly for anonymous users to grant access to outside resources from a accountability standpoint.
<isd> It does seem odd, though (once implemented) it should at least be tracable to the specific sharing link.
<isd> Do you just have to be logged in, or do you also need the user role?