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<ocdtrekkie> Hahaha, that grain responded really poorly to anonymous visitors.
<ocdtrekkie> 2000 null table rows.
<isd> Hah
<isd> I noticed the UI was also a little sluggish
<ocdtrekkie> Everything assumes you have a sandstorm_user_id presently. Anonymous users don't.
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<ocdtrekkie> It syncs game state between devices and sessions now, and properly supports anonymous players.
<ocdtrekkie> Anonymous players playing simultaneously may experience weird issues though because I'm treating Anonymous like a user. I might retain anonymous high score, but try to break game state sync for them at some point, we'll see.
<ocdtrekkie> I think a high scores list is one of the key perks to putting it on Sandstorm, so going to implement that probably and then it'll be market ready.